Li Fan knew that the villagers simply did not have that much money to build such a large house.

So the quality of the houses built was extremely poor.

Each house has only one floor and covers a huge area.

Li Fan speculated that the purpose of building these houses by the villagers was indeed not to live in, but to cover up the large ancient tombs they discovered!

At this moment, Li Fan could no longer hold back.

Anyway, we have almost found all the clues we can find, and it is futile to continue searching.

Therefore, Li Fan called up the time-free charm from the system background and commanded the system:

"Deduce this place for me, deduce the time...the past ten thousand years!"

Li Fan not only wanted to investigate how the villagers discovered the ancient tomb, but out of curiosity, he also wanted to see the origin of the ancient tomb, how the ancient tomb was built by the ancients, and what the ancients looked like.

"A good host is deducing it for you……"

No matter how long the actual time of the deduction is, the deduction is almost completed in an instant in the system.

"The deduction is complete, and the scenes in the past 10,000 years have been deduced for you!"

The scene from ten thousand years ago appeared in Li Fan's sight.

Li Fan was extremely emotional. The past ten thousand years were like a movie that could be jumped and read at will.

Ten thousand years ago, this place was a The river is full of water, and there is no flat land.

Five thousand years ago, this place was a forest with mountains and overgrown weeds.

Four thousand years ago, there were humans here, and those people were holding spears. Fighting bravely with wild beasts.

Two thousand years ago, people came here frequently, and people included this land in their survival range.

More than a thousand years ago, a group of people wearing armor came here to inspect, and said:" It is a treasured land of Feng Shui, and King Sun’s grave should be located here."

Half a year later, King Sun was buried here.

In this parallel world, King Sun was the king who ruled half of the country at that time, and he was also a well-known figure in the ancient history of the Dragon Kingdom.

King Sun's tomb has not yet been visited. People discovered it, but unexpectedly it fell into the hands of a group of villagers.

Li Fan continued to look down.

More than five hundred years ago,...

More than a hundred years ago,...

Gradually, Li Fan jumped back in time to the present. Thirteen years ago.

That day, a villager who knew well drilling technology came here and discovered something was wrong. At that time , they didn't pay attention to it and planned to dig a well in another place.

It was not suitable for digging a well, and there was no water at all. It was very strange. A villager with a lot of knowledge suddenly pointed out that there might be a tomb underneath.

Experts analyzed it and wanted to know what was going on.

After some investigation, the experts determined that this was the cemetery of the ancient King Sun. The experts told the villagers that the value of this cemetery was at least 500 million!

Suddenly, it meant that they could make a fortune.

But they were told by experts that cultural relics could not be mined privately. The villagers were very angry about this.

Suddenly , someone came up with the idea of taking it for themselves.

As soon as this idea was proposed, many villagers agreed.

Seeing this, the experts were not happy and prepared to call the Cultural Relics Bureau to report the matter.

How could the villagers, who had been deceived by money and have been poor for several lifetimes, let it happen? Is the money gone? This is almost the only chance for them to prosper in life!

The villagers kidnapped the expert on the spot and blocked the expert's contact with the outside world.

In that era, communication and transportation were not developed, and there were many people from the outside world.

It's hard to know where the expert went, and the investigation team couldn't find out.

Under coercion and inducement, the expert finally gave up and agreed to help the villagers dig up the ancient tomb.

After the excavation was successful, they shared the loot together.

Then, the villagers arrested some knowledgeable people from outside.

People came in, and those who were deceived were kidnapped and coerced by the villagers.

They finally compromised with the villagers and decided to help them dig the ancient tombs.

Due to the backwardness of the times, those who were deceived into excavating the ancient tombs were not.

The investigation team found him and stayed in the village for more than ten years.

Of course, under those conditions, the group of people were still brainwashed by the villagers and tried to dig up the ancient tomb and share the loot together in order to prevent others from discovering this big thing.

Under the careful guidance of several experts, this matter has been done for more than ten years!

Every step has been done very carefully, and the outside world has never realized that someone is secretly doing illegal things here.

However, the villagers also had their own ideas.

They knew that if they did something illegal, they would not be able to live freely here.

Therefore, the villagers were under the influence of some slightly educated people.

After some advice, I decided to sneak away with the ancient cultural relics.

In the South, where the laws are not perfect, you can still live freely.

Over the years, the villagers have been very good at pretending, and the evidence has been suppressed.

The concealment was very deep.

Finally, the villagers obtained most of the cultural relics, and then spent several years covering up the ancient tomb.

After all the evidence was destroyed, the villagers began a plan to smuggle in and set a date.

Why should they care about experts and others? Let’s share the spoils together? If you think it's beautiful, just kill it.

Since they have committed a crime, they will choose to go to the end.

A small number of villagers who fled in the face of the battle and suddenly did not want to sneak across were also brutally persecuted, and their bodies were cremated and thrown into the river.

Everything was done very well, and the outside world didn't notice it at all.

On a rainy night that had long been analyzed and judged to be suitable for stowaways, the people fled collectively.

The escape process was also done perfectly and no one was discovered.

Finally, there was the so-called"case of collective disappearance of villagers"



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