More than an hour passed.

At this moment, Li Fan was on the last ship.

After deducing all the ships, he found nothing.

In the images he deduced, he could not find the existence of the suspected system intruder every time an accident occurred.

He analyzed the recorded images again, but still did not see any problems.

It was as if the system intruder was not on these ships at all.

This result was unexpected to him, but it was not too surprising.

If it was really as he thought before, he could solve the case successfully by visiting all the ships, it would make him feel uneasy.

Li Fan, who could not find the intruder, closed his eyes and thought for a while.

"Is it because the system intruder didn't come today?"

Li Fan suddenly thought of something, that is, everyone in the country knows that the detectives are here to investigate today. After all, this is the content of their detective competition.

Intruders in the ship system are not that stupid. Well, now that he knows that the detective is coming to investigate, he should hide and not be in this place.

Hiding is the best option for the intruder. But Li Fan also discovered something was wrong.

Are they not fools? Couldn't they have thought of this?

After thinking about it, Li Fan realized that the detective alliance may have known a fact for a long time: the intruders would not be scared to hide because there were detectives coming to investigate today, because they had done so before. Well-known detectives and hackers will encounter accidents every time they come to investigate.

This shows that the intruders are not afraid of you investigators at all. People know that you have no way to catch them.

The intruders may be thinking, even if you are. So what if you come to investigate? I'm here. If you can, come and arrest me?

"Sure enough, it's what I thought before, and we can't think about it with the answers we think."

Li Fan calmed himself down and continued to think about the matter carefully.

Although there is a deduction system, it does not mean that he does not need to think at all. His own thinking is also very important.

After thinking for a few minutes, Li Fan This case made a bold guess

"Perhaps the system intruder wasn't even on board."

One thing is certain, that is, system intruders will only exist on this Toyo route, because only here can they access the intranet of the Toyo route, and only by accessing the intranet can they invade the ship's system.

It is for this reason, So people think that the intruder is on the boat in this area.

But what if it is not on the boat?

Indeed, this is incredible.

Professor Zhang also told them at the time. Some people thought of this.

However, after reconnaissance, they found no submarines in the sea, and no place where the prisoners could hide.

This also ruled out the suspicion of intruders committing crimes in the sea.

"Don’t think about it in terms of what people think the answer is."

Li Fan used this sentence to remind himself, and then thought about it.

After thinking about it, Li Fan once again made a bold guess.

"It is also possible that the perpetrator is on the boat and the tools are in the sea? Does the perpetrator only need to control the crime tools in the sea from the boat?"

Li Fan feels that this answer is not impossible, and this method can easily allow the perpetrator to hide his suspicion.

Perhaps the perpetrator only needs to press a computer button to directly control the crime tools in Haili.

In order to verify his guess, Li Fan decided to search in the sea first. If he could find the tools to commit the crime, it would be easier to find the person.

If he couldn't find it, he would continue to analyze and think about it.

Then, Li Fan got off the ship and returned to his exclusive ship..

The dedicated crew member looked at Li Fan and asked:"You have visited all the ships... No, have you finished investigating them? Do you have an idea? Li Fan shook his head:"There is no gain, so now I ask you to drive the boat and shuttle back and forth in this sea area.""

He plans to investigate the bottom of the sea while the exclusive ship shuttles back and forth.

Anyway, he has the ability to deduce perspective, so seeing through the sea is not a problem.

In addition, the system also comes with a dark mode. Although it is very dark under the sea, in the dark mode With help, everything can be seen clearly.

After hearing Li Fan's request, the dedicated crew member was speechless again.

Good guy, you had a great time walking around the ship, right?

Now you want me to take you on the sea trip?

You haven’t had enough fun, have you?

The exclusive crew members want to scold Li Fan. What kind of detective is he? He’s not here to solve crimes, he’s just here to have fun on the sea!

"Well, Mr. Li Fan, if you can't solve the case, you can actually abstain."

The dedicated crew member's tone was tactful, trying to persuade Li Fan to give up.

Li Fan had been thinking about the case and didn't know what the dedicated crew member was thinking, so he said directly:"Don't give up, hurry up and take me across the sea."

"All right……"

The dedicated crew sighed helplessly and had no choice but to take Li Fan through the sea.

While traveling on the sea, Li Fan started his deduction, and at the same time he also started his deduction skills to see through the sea.

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