On the way.

The car of Su Xun that Chen Yu sits in.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Su, it's the first time for me to take such a million dollar luxury car. Good guy, one car will arrive at a suite of my house."

In the car, Chen Yu looked at the interior of Maybach, looking frank and unassuming.

Su Xun said with a smile, "money is something that you can't bring to life or death. If you can make your life better, you should spend more. You can't hurt yourself."

"Only you entrepreneurs with good money can say that. We ordinary people don't have such a life." Chen Yu shook his head and said something with emotion.

Su Xun noticed that the watch on his wrist was still an old-fashioned Tisuo. It can be seen that Chen Yuping was frugal in his daily life.

Su Xun always admired Chen Yu for his practical work. It was with such a person that social order became more and more stable.

"Su Dong..."

"Ding Ding..."

When Chen Yugang wanted to speak, his mobile phone rang: "Hello, I'm Chen Yu, what?! What do you eat for! Do not act reckless, and when I arrive at the scene, we must stabilize the suspect's mood.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows. What's the accident? After

hung up the phone, Chen sighed and said, "the police in the county are being discovered. The suspect hijacked a girl who was holding the hostage with the police."

With that, he called out again: "everyone speed up, there is an emergency."

Chen county.

Located less than 20 miles outside Liming Village, a small county with a population of less than 300000.

As the police car roared into the county, the quiet town became noisy.

The cordon has been opened at the bottom of an old-fashioned tube building. Local police in Chen County surrounded the tube building.

The police car from Jiangnan City stopped outside the cordon. As soon as the car was stable, Chen Yu rushed down, followed by Su Xun.

"Hello, Chen Bureau. I'm Zhao Guangming, head of Chen County police station."

A middle-aged man in police uniform came quickly to salute Chen Yu.

"Hello, Comrade Zhao Guangming. What's the situation now?" Chen Yu asked quickly as he walked in.

Zhao Guangming replied, "the suspect is holding hostages in the 301 room on the left side of the third floor. The hostage safety is not at risk."

"What conditions do they have?" Chen Yu frowned and asked, a good capture action became like this, he was holding a fire in his heart.

But now is not the time to investigate the responsibility. We have to deal with the immediate affairs first. In any case, we have to ensure the safety of the hostages.

Zhao Guangming said: "they want us to send another policeman to be bound as hostages and prepare a car to take them away."

"Bullshit Chen Yu did not hesitate to reply, really think that this is not a movie?

Su Xun said, "Chen Ju, let me try to negotiate. If I can persuade you to surrender, it's best."

Well, he took Qin Zhu, who was invisible, to persuade him to surrender. Physically persuading him to surrender would break his arm or leg, or even his life, with a 100% success rate.

"No way!" Chen Yu's voice raised a few points: "absolutely not, Su Dong. If anything happens to you, I guess I'll be stripped of this skin."

Su Xun is the chairman of Qingyun international. Chen Yu can't afford the risk of letting him negotiate.

"Chen Ju, this is..." Zhao Guangming looks at Su Xun suspiciously.

Chen Yu gave a brief introduction: "chairman of Qingyun international, Su Dong."

"Hello, Mr. Su." As soon as Zhao Guangming's face changed, the four words "Qingyun international" were known to everyone in Jiangzhou province.

Su Xun said firmly, "Chen Ju, let me go. I'm sure it will be all right."

"You are an entrepreneur and a detective, but you are not the invincible God of war. You can't go." Chen Yu once again rejected Su Xun's proposal.

Su Xun looked around and saw some bricks beside him. He took one of them.

Everyone is at a loss what he is going to do.

Then he saw Su Xun with a brick in one hand and a palm knife in the other.


Su Xun lightly patted the dust on his hands, looked at Chen Yu and said, "Chen Ju, now I can go, even if I can't persuade him to surrender, at least I can keep myself safe."

Is he really the king of killers? If you don't have the ability, how can you be the king of killers.

As his voice fell, all the people in the muddle came over and took a cool breath at the same time.

Wokuo, entrepreneurs are so powerful these days. What kind of bodyguard do you want!

Chen Yu is even more shocked by his cooking skills, fortune telling, business, investigation, and now he has horse racing skills. You can hang up!"Su Dong, you must pay attention to safety. On behalf of all the police officers, I would like to thank you." Chen Yu saluted Su Xun.

All the other police officers followed and saluted at attention.

With a smile, Su Xun took Qin Zhu into the silo and went straight to the third floor.

When he came to Room 301 on the third floor, Su Xun didn't bother to knock on the door. He asked Qin Zhu to go through the wall and open the door for him. Then he went in aboveboard. In the

room in an ostentatious manner, four suspects were looking at the big picture. Su Su was directly ignorant.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

Did you just forget to lock the door?

"Four, I'm Su Xun when I meet you for the first time. Please take care of me."

Su Xun looked at the four people with a smile, but the smile seemed inexplicable and cruel.

One of them quickly took a kitchen knife and aimed at the seven or eight year old girl. The other three were also staring at Su Xun with all kinds of guys.

"Boy, what do you want to do! One more step and we'll kill the little girl! "

Su Xun said faintly, "I don't want to do anything. I just don't want to see you completely captured by the police."

Four people:

They're a little confused.

"Grass Mud Horse, no matter what you want to do, immediately hold your head in both hands and squat on the ground!"

A bald head pointed to Su Xun and yelled. The hostages sent to the door, don't be in vain.

Su Xun sneered and approached step by step.

"Mad, die!"

Four on one, they felt stable. Two of them yelled at each other and rushed to susian.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Su Xun swept out with a whip leg. Before they got close to each other, they flew upside down and hit the ground, spitting blood.

left two suspects directly watching the dumb. If they do not know the situation, they suspect whether the two are actors.

"A bunch of rubbish! You can bully unarmed ordinary people. "

"Today I'll give you a taste of being bullied."

Su Xun scolded, and a mouthful of precious saliva was given to one of them.

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