The two suspects who had been kicked and fell to the ground were looking at Su Xun with horror. They felt that they were not able to breathe or breathe.

It's so strong to step on the horse. Is it still human?

The guy who was rewarded with a mouthful of saliva by Su Xun wanted to stretch out his hand to wipe it, but he found that his hand could not be lifted up, and his whole body hurt when he moved.

Su Xun's eyes fell on the two animals who were holding the little girl.

As soon as their faces changed, the two animals roared in panic: "don't come here. If we go further, we will kill people."

They didn't dare to let Su Xun get close to them because of the experience of their companions.


Suddenly, the man with the kitchen knife felt a pain in the back of his head and glared at his companion: "what are you doing to beat me on the horse? Are you crazy? When are you kidding?"

"I didn't!" The companion's face was muddled and forced, Wei qubaba said.

The next second, he screamed and yelled at the kitchen knife: "I don't have a horse, why do you beat me?"

"When did I hit you when I stepped on the horse? I don't admit that you just hit me!" I feel wronged when I take the kitchen knife. I feel angry in my heart.

The companion was not angry and scolded: "mad, just the two of us, not who you beat, but also the ghost!"

Su Xun gave a cool smile. Congratulations on your correct answer. It's really a ghost.

"Forget it. I'll leave you alone." The man with the kitchen knife still suppressed his anger. Looking at Su Xun, he said, "hands up Ah

Before he finished, he felt another pain coming from the back of his brain.

This moment angry, red eyes staring at his companion: "Grass Mud Horse, you have to die with me today! I can't tell when I'm joking! "

"I'm a grass mud horse! Try another curse! " His companions are also on fire. They are fighting each other.


The man with the knife directly took a big mouth and said, "I hit you, what a drop!"

"Bang!" Feeling the hot pain on his face, his companion raised his foot and kicked him: "dog said, finally admit it, you just hit me!"

"I'll kill you, son of a bitch!"

"Grass Mud Horse, I will die with you!"

Two people so you come and I go to fight, by the way with kind words to greet each other's family women.

In the fight, the kitchen knives all fell to the ground. Susian held the little girl to his side.

Before that, the two people who were kicked by Su Xun were all confused. There were police outside, but they didn't expect to fight inside.

"What are you two doing? Don't step on the horse. If you want to die, go out and turn yourself in!"

One of them yelled with red eyes.

The two men who were fighting awoke instantly when they heard this, stopped their moves and released each other.

"Go on, why don't you go on playing? I'm watching it brilliantly."

At this time, a clear female voice came into their ears.

They subconsciously turned back and saw a pale but delicate face close at hand.

"Ah! What a ghost

"Ghosts! There is a ghost

There were four pig calls in the room, and the four people got up and scurried.

"It's up to you."

Su Xun said something to Qin Zhu, then he took the little girl out of the room and closed the door.

Just Qin Zhu didn't let the little girl see her, so the girl was not frightened by her sudden appearance.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

A moment later, four heartbreaking screams rang through the whole building.

Su Xun took Qin Zhu, who was invisible again, and walked out of the tube building with the little girl in his arms.

"Chen Ju, fortunately, I succeeded in persuading him to surrender and rescued the hostages."

Su Xun put down the little girl in his arms, looked at Chen Yu with a smile, and said calmly.

"Pa pa pa..."

Chen Yu took the lead in clapping, followed by thunderous applause.

At the same time, the arrest team that had been prepared for a long time rushed directly into the tube building.

"Girl! My daughter

A middle-aged couple rushed over and hugged the eight or nine-year-old girl tightly. The little girl also cried.

A moment later, the middle-aged couple let go of the little girl and knelt down to Su Xun with gratitude: "thank you, little brother. You are the great benefactor of our family. Our husband and wife will knock one for you."

"Come on, girl, you'll give me a knock."

"Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it." Su Xun quickly helped the three members of the family up. He tried his best to stop them kowtowing and persuade them to leave.

A few minutes later, the leader of the arrest team came out of the tube building, and looked at Su Xun with a little fear."What's the situation inside, did the suspect control?" Chen Yu asked.

Then the group leader responded, pursed his lips and said, "I'm in control, but the situation Well, Chen Ju, you'd better go and have a look for yourself. "

"What's the matter?" Chen Yu frowned, but at his feet he walked to the tube building.

A few minutes later, Chen Yu came out with a pale face and looked at Su Xun with a little fear.

, boy, four suspects have been cut off all their hands and feet. The key is that the eggs are broken.

Four people didn't pass out. Instead, they kept mumbling "ghost" to themselves. Obviously, their spirits were a little abnormal.

Chen Yu never dreamed that Su Xun's so-called success in persuading people to surrender was such a success.

What they didn't know was that they were all masterpieces of Qin Zhu, which had nothing to do with Su Xun.

Su Xun was a simple and kind man. He would be sad even if he stepped on an ant. How could he have the heart to beat a man like this? (◔◡◔)

"Chen Ju, what's the matter?"

Su Xun asked Chen Yu with a smile.

Chen Yu shook his head: "it's OK, Su Dong. You're good at it."

"Practice martial arts to strengthen your body." Su Xun smiles. He looks like a sunny boy.

but when he thought of the four suspects on the floor, he felt that his smile was a little cold behind him.

Chen Yu took a deep breath, calmed down some of his unstable mood, and said to Su Xun, "Su Dong, this time from solving the case to arresting is really thanks to you. I'm here to thank you."

"Chen Ju, you're here again. It's very polite, but it seems like you're a student." With a gentle smile on his face, Su Xun said: "next time you encounter a difficult case, please come to me and help me promote it. I'm willing to help other Bureau cases."

In half a month, he has to help the police solve the case more than three times, but there are still two times to go, so Su Xun seems a little hungry for the case now.

"Ghost detective or ghost detective, full of sense of justice!" Chen Yu praised.

After all, as Su Xun is now willing to spend time to help the police solve the case. This is not out of a sense of justice, but out of what else?

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