"Sister, sister, look who's here."

As soon as he entered the backyard of Fang's house, Fang Lansheng opened his throat and yelled.

"What are you doing all day in a hurry?"

Fang Lanqin, who was in the room, rushed out of the room. After seeing Su Xun, he was in a daze for a moment. After a while, he responded: "Mr. Su."

"Miss Fang, long time no see. This is my younger martial Sister Feng Qingxue." Su Xun said with a smile.

It's a little difficult to introduce the relationship between women and their girlfriends.

You can't directly say that this is my wife. You should be strict in life. How can you call a wife before you get married?

"Good sister LAN Qin." Feng Qingxue said hello.

Fang Lanqin said with a gentle smile, "Miss Feng, you don't have to be so polite. Mr. Su saved all the people in Qinchuan that day. Just take this place as your home."

Soon, Fang Lanqin took them to see the room. First, he chose Feng Qingxue's advice and asked her to have a rest. Then he took Su Xun to see his room.

"Mr. Su, are you satisfied with it? I'll let my servant buy what I need."

In the room, Fang Lanqin stood beside Su Xun, his hands on his waist, elegant and dignified.

Outside the door, Fang Lansheng takes out his own blue jade Sinan Pei, and according to the method Tu Su gave him to surpass the aura contained in the blue jade Sinan Pei.


Fang Lansheng drinks lightly, and a aura shoots at Fang Lanqin's feet from the blue jade Nanpei.


Fang Lanqin suddenly let out a pain, sprained at his feet, and fell forward uncontrollably.

Su Xun hugged her: "Miss Fang, what's the matter with you? Are you ok?"

He has long been aware of Fang Lansheng's furtive, tut Tut, good brother-in-law.

"I I'm fine. Thank you, Mr. Su. Let me go first. " Fang Lanqin felt the temperature on Su Xun's body, and a blush appeared on his face.

Su Xun slowly released Fang Lanqin. Fang Lanqin was just ready to move, and he called out "ah!"

Su Xun hugged her again, frowned and said, "maybe it's sprain. Let me help Miss Fang to have a look."

"Ah! No, I can't Fang Lanqin was surprised and refused with a red face.

At this time, a woman's feet are the most private part of her body. Her chest can be seen, but her feet can't.

Only husband can see it.

Ancient people, the old foot control ah.

But Su Xun couldn't help but put her on the bed and took off her embroidered shoes: "if the sprain is too serious, it's very troublesome. Miss Fang, you don't have to be so polite."

How can he live up to his brother-in-law's wishes? We must seize the opportunity.

"You You are... " Looking at his little feet exposed in the air, Fang Lanqin is shy and angry. Am I polite? It was a firm refusal!

Feeling that his feet were held by him in one hand, Fang Lanqin blushed and could bleed. He clenched his lips and turned his head away.

Su Xun held her delicate and white feet and touched her ankle: "is that here?"

"Well." Fang LAN Qin micro should not be heard, toes are taut straight, delicate body shudder.

In any case, he saw his heart is not a good comfort.

Looking at his carelessness, maybe he doesn't understand what women's feet stand for.

Su Xun gently twisted her little foot and said, "Miss Fang, I'm going to start."

"Mr. Su, hurry up." Fang Lanqin's voice was full of crying, aggrieved and shy.

Su Xun directly applied a magic to cure her, and then gently pinched the ankle sprain position: "Miss Fang, it doesn't hurt now."

"Well." Fang Lanqin nodded and did not dare to look at Su Xun's eyes. His ears were all red.

"Good! Elder sister, brother Su, you... "

Fang Lansheng burst in. He was surprised and angry when he saw the scene. His expression was very pompous.

This acting skill needs to be improved.


Fang Lanqin screamed and quickly took his feet back from Su Xun's hands and covered them with his skirt.

"Lansheng, it's not what you see."

"Sister! Don't explain! " Fang Lansheng's unprecedented toughness: "brother Su, you've even played with my sister's feet. You won't deny it."

"Lansheng, you misunderstood..." Su Xun almost died of laughter in his heart, but his face was helpless and wry.

Fang Lansheng widened his eyes: "elder brother Su, my elder sister has been unfaithful. If you don't want her, who else can she marry? Do you have to force her to die? "

This little smart ghost blocked Fang Lanqin's mouth directly. No matter how Fang Lanqin explained, she was not faithful and clean.

It would be shameless to argue again.

And Fang Lanqin is obviously a person with a big face.

Sure enough, Fang Lanqin's face was stiff when he heard this. His eyes darkened and he looked at Su Xun: "if you don't want to give up, Mr. Su...""This How does this make it possible? I don't want to be a miss of the other party. What's more, I've already decided with my younger martial sister Qingxue for life... " Su Xun was full of embarrassment.

Fang Lanqin's eyes were more dim. Compared with marrying Su Xun, Su Xun didn't want her and hurt people more.

Fang Lansheng once again sent an assist: "brother Su, what's the matter? Ordinary men have three wives and four concubines. What's more, you are such an immortal?"

"I'm afraid I've wronged Miss Fang." Su Xun looked at Fang Lanqin and said.

Fang Lansheng's eyes suddenly brightened: "no grievance, no grievance, elder sister, speak quickly!"

"The daughter of a businessman in Lanqin often appears in public. If the young master Su does not give up, Lanqin is willing to serve him as a thin willow." Fang Lanqin was biting her red lips. When she said this, her mind was dizzy.

Su dog sighed: "just, anyway, I broke Miss Fang's chastity, that's all."

"I'm sorry to have married Lanqin." Fang Lanqin youyou said that there was a big gap between their identities. In Fang Lanqin's opinion, this was really a grievance to Su Xun.

If it wasn't for today's blunder, she would not be qualified to marry Su Xun as a concubine?

Although she was reluctant to admit it, in fact, she took advantage of Su Xun.

Fang Lansheng praised himself: "brother-in-law, it's better to hurry up and do things these two days."

"No, the young master has lost his status by taking me as a concubine, the daughter of a merchant. No matter how big the business is, won't it make people laugh?" Fang Lanqin said in a hurry.

She has already begun to think about Sue. At this time, women are really married.

Fang Lansheng blurted out: "it's better to bump into the sun than to choose the day. I'll go directly into the bridal chamber tonight."

"Get out of here!" Fang Lanqin blushes with shame and shouts angrily.

Su Xun said, "what LAN Qin, talk to your brothers and sisters first. I'll go to Qingxue. "

"Well." Fang Lanqin nodded. If you want to take a concubine, you must let the palace know.

Watching Su Xun leave, Fang Lansheng closed the door and said, "elder sister, it's a blessing for you to marry brother su. You should put Ou Yang Shaogong down earlier."

"Need you to teach me?" Fang Lanqin rolled his eyes and said, "Shaogong is just a thought he once had. I treated him as a childhood playmate. I was a wife and concubine, and since then I have to abide by women's principles."

Since then, Ou Shaogong has been aware of the nature of her attitude towards her.

Su Qiyang's horse is about to collapse.

"Well, how can I sprain all of a sudden?" Fang Lanqin frowned and said.

Fang Lansheng's face changed slightly and said, "elder sister, what does this mean? It means that this is fate."

"It's fate." Fang Lanqin believed it. After all, she is also a person who often worships Buddhism.

Fang Lansheng said in secret that man-made predestination is also predestination. You can't discriminate against people. There's nothing wrong with it.

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