"What are you talking about?"

Feng Qingxue stares at Su Xun.

"I don't know. People in the Jianghu don't care about trifles. Who can think that women's feet can't be touched."

Su Xun said innocently.

"You son of a bitch, I think you did it on purpose. OK, lust and prodigal son!" Feng Qingxue was so angry that she scratched and scratched Su Xun.

Su Xun grabbed her hand and said in a deep voice, "Qingxue, otherwise, I don't agree. Can she force me?"

"You bastard!" Feng Qingxue was angry with this guy again: "do you want to be irresponsible? If you leave, believe it or not, she will commit suicide. "

In recent years, there are countless women who have been cheated by slag men, abandoned and committed suicide after losing their virginity.

"What shall I do?" Su Xun was very happy in his heart, but he had a helpless expression on his face.

Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes and said angrily, "what else can I do? I'm not a jealous woman."

If a woman does not let her husband take concubines, she is jealous of her husband. It is said that she will be condemned.

Su Xun said that ancient times are so good. What a beautiful tradition! Modern times have all been lost.

Ah, the world is changing with each passing day.

In the evening, everyone gathered at Fang's house for dinner.

"Lan Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Ouyang Shaogong always feels that Fang Lanqin is not right. He always looks shyly at Su Xun from time to time.

Fang Lansheng said, "I announce this. From now on, my elder sister will be brother Su's concubine."

"What Baili Tu Su and Ouyang Shaogong were both wide eyed and shocked.

Ouyang Shaogong suddenly looks at Fang Lanqin.

"Tonight's meal is for you to witness." Su Xun held Fang Lanqin in his arms.

Fang Lanqin gently leaned on his shoulder.

Ouyang Shaogong's eyes turned red in an instant, and he felt like he was wearing a green hat face to face.

He doesn't accept Fang Lanqin, but he can't bear to see Fang Lanqin leaning in other people's arms.

This kind of person is cheap.

The one who thinks he is preferred has no fear. As a result, people suddenly don't want him.

But he finally held back. Now is not the time to attack. Tonight, he wants Su Xun to leave Fang Lanqin!

"I'll go to sun's house and guard the flower picker."

Baili Tu Su noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere and left in a hurry.

"I've had it, too."

Ouyang Shaogong also left later.

"Take your time."

Su Xun was the third one to leave.

When he returned to his room, he saw a ghost face man in it, and his face changed: "who are you and what are you going to do?"

His face changed, of course, because he already knew that this guy was Ouyang Shaogong.

"Don't be so nervous, Mr. Su. I just want to have a chat with you." Ouyang Shaogong is hoarse.

Su Xun sneered: "ghost face man, it's you who stole the sword. What can I talk to you about?"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that Su Changlao was also a man of cultivation. Tianyong city just lost its burning silence. You said if I could reveal this to Tianyong city..." Ouyang Shaogong thinks that he has already eaten Sushen.

Su Xun treated each other coldly: "what do you want?"

"I will help you cover it up, but you have to listen to me in the future. The first thing is to leave Qinchuan now." Ouyang Shaogong didn't say that he didn't allow Fang Lanqin to be his concubine, so he might be angry with himself.

Su Xun said casually, "that's not good. I just decided to take the eldest lady of Fang family as my concubine. I'm going to marry her tonight. How can I go?"

"I don't care about you so much, you have only one choice, listen to me!" Ouyang Shaogong let out a low roar.

"I hear you spicy next door!"

Su Xun slapped him directly.

"You want to kill me? Ridiculous

Ouyang Shaogong gave a sneer. He thought his strength was equal to Su Xun's.

Otherwise, he won't come tonight. After all, the threat of unequal strength is very dangerous.

And then the next second

"Ah! Puff -- "

Ouyang Shaogong spat out blood and was directly hit by a palm from the window.

"How can it be!"

But for a long time, Ou Shaogong did not dare to run away.

After waiting for a while, Su Xun went after Ouyang Shaogong.

At this time, Ouyang Shaogong had already changed his clothes and was pretending to be sitting in the yard playing the piano.

"Brother Su, what's the matter with your late night visit?"

Seeing Su Xun, Ouyang Shaogong was surprised.

"Someone attacked me just now. Did Shaogong ever see it?" Su Xun looked at Ouyang Shaogong and asked.

Ouyang Shaogong's face changed: "actually, I'll help brother Su find it.""Forget it, just run away. I'm too lazy to waste time on these cats and dogs in Lanqin's bridal chamber tonight. I'm afraid Lanqin will be in a hurry."

Su Xun said, then turned around and left with a smile.

I just came here to let you know that I'm going to do it. I'm your childhood sweetheart.

You have to kill people.

Ouyang Shaogong's eyes were congested, his fists clenched, and he looked up at the sky and screamed: "no! no No

BGM: the north wind is blowing, the snowflakes are floating ~

"Shaogong, what's the matter with you?"

Fang Lansheng didn't know when he arrived at the door.

"It's too hard for me to play! I can't play Ouyang Shaogong looks up to the sky and roars. His eyes are full of tears. He can only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

As soon as he thought of Fang Lanqin's moving posture with a smile and a twinkle, he felt that his heart was dripping with blood.

But he had nothing to do.

Fang Lansheng expressed his admiration: "Shaogong is really good at playing the piano. By the way, tonight is a happy event for my elder sister and elder brother su. My elder sister doesn't agree to do it. Why don't you play a song to help them have fun?"

Ouyang Shaogong

He suspected that Fang Lansheng was disgusting him on purpose. Can he say this kind of words, or is it a person?

Su Xun and I have been friends for more than ten years. Do you want me to play the piano for them?

"I'm not in good shape tonight. Next time." Ouyang Shaogong forced a smile, waved his hand and said.

Fang Lansheng sighed: "that's a pity. You can have a rest early. I'll go first."

Then he turned and left.

Ouyang Shaogong holds Qin and falls to the ground. He staggers to the house.

"Shaogong, look at the hat I made for you and see if you like it or not."

At this time, his servant aunt Tong came out with a brand new hat.

The hat is very nice, but the big green gem in the middle is dazzling.

Ouyang Shaogong

He felt that fangfu tonight was full of malice against him, and everyone was aiming at him.

"Puff -"

I can't help it. The injury that was just forced down recurred, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He's bleeding. His childhood friend Fang Lanqin is bleeding tonight.


Fang Lanqin's boudoir.

Although she didn't want to do a lot of things, she dressed her room as a new one.

Everywhere pastes the happy word, she wears a red wedding dress to sit on the bed, is very nervous.

"Lanqin, I've wronged you." Su Xun lifted her cover and gently held her in his arms.

Fang LAN Qin's delicate body trembled and closed her eyes with a red face: "no grievance, please pity me."

"Xianggong, blow the candle."

"No, I'm going to look at Lanqin like this."

"Oh, but What a shame ~ "

in the room, the candlelight swayed, the bed swayed, and the scattered women's wedding clothes were bright red and festive.

In ancient times, women married simply for the purpose of getting married. There was little saying that they were in love with each other.

First bridal chamber, then cultivate feelings.

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