How about the demon house.

Unlike young people, he talks about martial arts!

The biggest wish in my life is to finish the battle with Feipeng that was not divided a thousand years ago.

And as the Lord of the demon world, he is a very proud existence. At the beginning, the demon world invaded the human world one after another, and only the demon world he ruled disdained it.

Demon Zun was an honest man. He fell in love with Zixuan, the descendant of Nu Wa. As a result, Zixuan stole his heart.

It's two meanings that steal the heart!

He is greedy for Zixuan, but Zixuan is greedy for his heart in order to keep her appearance unchanged.

If Su Xun meets her, she must have a stick education to let her know that stealing is wrong.

Later Zixuan gave her heart back to Chonglou.

Then he was hanged by the evil sword fairy as his father beat his son.

On the whole, the magic tower is a desolate role in the play of fairy sword three.

But now, Sue is here.

There is hope for the devil of the devil's house!

Like a merciful Savior, his life is doomed to be miserable.

Take him and be a little brother!

Mozunchonglou: Thank you. It's not necessary.

"Chonglou, how about a fight with us? If you lose, you will be driven by us from now on."

Su Xun stood up and looked at the tower.

For this kind of person, you don't need too many excuses and reasons ~

just do it.

With absolute strength, he would naturally be convinced if he was forced to lie down.

This is absolutely serious!

Chonglou didn't say a word. He was warlike, but he was able to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves.

Otherwise, he would not have fought with Feipeng at the beginning. In order to seek a defeat, he was much more powerful than Feipeng in the three realms. He could kill him in seconds.

The reason why he looked for Feipeng was that Feipeng was 55 times as good as him?

When he saw Su Xun's first face, he was full of fighting spirit, but at the same time he knew that he was by no means an opponent.

Otherwise, he would have gone straight up.

"I won't play such a boring game with you." Chonglou said coldly.

He's pretending, but he's not stupid.

Knowing that he will lose, he has to obey the other party's orders. He doesn't want to be a dog.

Su Xun said slowly, "I've heard that the demon tower is proud of people. Now it seems that it's just like this. It's just a generation who is afraid of fighting."

"Why, are you afraid?"

"Shut up! What are you afraid of? " Chonglou roared, and the reaction was very fierce.

Because it's really the first time he's avoiding war.

As the Lord of the demon world, no one will provoke him.

Those bigwigs who are more powerful than him don't have the heart to embarrass him at all.

But who would have thought of meeting Su Xun?

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and the classic sneered: "Tut, is it painful to be stepped on? You look like a grinning dog, pretending to be fierce. "

"Don't look at me like that. I'll apologize to you if you come across the corner of my coat. It's my ignorance and I underestimate you. How about that?"

For this kind of person, it is necessary to use provocation. He can summon up the courage to refuse the first time, but he will never refuse the second time, because this kind of person wants too much face.

Life has proved that when you don't have that strength, you will suffer in the end.

What's the saying? I want to live and lose face.

This kind of iron head baby, the best pit.

"Good! I'll fight you! "

The two machetes pointed at Su Xun with blood in his eyes. His figure disappeared from the original place and appeared in front of him in a flash.

The two knives crossed and hanged Su Xun's neck.

It's not that he can't avoid the stimulation of his opponent.

He tried his best and didn't want to win, but he wanted to try how far he could push Su Xun.

Chonglou's attack speed was very fast. Unfortunately, in Su Xun's eyes, it was as slow as the reader's vote.

As soon as he raised his hand, the double-edged sword was restrained and stopped abruptly in front of Su Xun.


With the roar of the tower, the mana burst out, the vertical lines on the forehead became more obvious, and the magic flame was monstrous.

Su Xun just looked at him quietly, as if he was watching an angry Kindergarten friends.

"Come on, don't try so hard. You have proved your strength. You are qualified for this seat." Su Xun said casually.

Chonglou wants to vomit blood. I work so hard to prove to you that I am qualified to be a dog?

I want to kill you!

Su Xun raised his hand slowly.


In the meantime, the Chonglou was blown out directly without any resistance."You Who is it? "

Chonglou stares at Su Xun. He feels powerless when he is angry. He looks like an insignificant mole ant in front of him.

As the Lord of the demon world, this kind of fate is not in their own control of the feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Master of the Tang Dynasty, jiuxiao."

Su Xun stood up with his hands in his hands. He was hunting in black robes. A wave of awe swept through the heaven and earth, as if the heaven and earth would be covered in an instant, and the demons in the mountains were shivering.

"Master of the Tang Dynasty!"

The face of demon Zun Chonglou is full of disbelief. He has heard of jiuxiao Zhenjun, but he never thought that a mortal national teacher could be so strong.

All over the world, it is said that the national master jiuxiao bewitched and controlled the emperor, and monopolized the imperial power, in order to intercept the Dragon Qi of the Tang Dynasty and improve his own cultivation.

Chonglou sneers at this. How can it match the power of its own cultivation?

But now it seems that he is wrong.

Is the dragon spirit of the Tang Dynasty, the power of the imperial power in the world, so terrible?

"I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat. From now on, I have a destiny. You'll come face to face. I don't think you'll turn back with your reputation."

Su Xun said in a calm voice that the devil Zun tower was an honest man. Su Xun was not afraid that he would change his mind.

As long as you don't meet Zixuan, after meeting Zixuan, this guy only has Zixuan in his eyes.

Honest: you really want to bully Chonglou, don't you!!!

But in order to keep his pride for many years, he just gave a cold hum.

"Well, now you can step back. You'll still be useful for a while. Don't say that I treat you so harshly and I can't do anything for you."

With that, Su Xun lost a big flat peach he had collected in his journey to the West.

"Heaven flat peach?"

Feeling the abundant immortal power in the flat peach, Chonglou is surprised that this person has a way to get the heaven flat peach, which is the unique immortal fruit of the queen mother.

The gate of heaven was closed all the year round, but Su Xun could get flat peaches. Combined with this unfathomable cultivation, it was enough to show that he was not simple.

From a flat peach, Chonglou has begun to automatically fill the background for Su Xun's brain.

He suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable for him to become a worker from the chairman of a wholly-owned company.

At least the boss is very good at fighting, has a deep background and is very generous.

This flat peach is so fragrant ~

it's delicious

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