After taking the flat peach, the devil Zun tower obediently retreats to one side, holding people with soft hands and eating people with short mouths.

What's more, he can't fight.

When Su Xun came to the top of the lock demon tower, he saw a mass of purple around the top of the tower.

This is the evil sword fairy, a group of evil thoughts.

Now he has formed his own consciousness and can speak.

However, his strength is still relatively weak. Although he has taken shape, he is still a group of evil ideas, which can not be turned into a human body. He is not as powerful as the late Xianjian.

However, this is not a problem. Su Xun left the important building just to help the evil sword immortal improve his strength.

The evil sword fairy can absorb all the evil breath and evil thoughts in the world to strengthen itself.

And the magic world controlled by the magic tower is not the best cafeteria of the evil sword fairy?

The demon world is full of evil. After all, it is the base of demons.

Standing above the lock demon tower, Su Xun pressed down on the top of the tower with one hand. Soon, a silver white sword broke the top of the tower, flew out and fell into Su Xun's hands.

Chonglou's face changed slightly, because he came here for the sword this time. Unexpectedly, susian and he had the same purpose.

He can take out Tianjie flat peach to show that it has something to do with Tianjie. Did he know Feipeng a thousand years ago?

After taking the sword, Su Xun released the evil dog, the evil sword fairy.

"Ha ha ha, this seat has finally come out, Qingwei. I'm afraid you haven't dreamed of it, ha..."

After breaking away from the shackles of the lock demon tower, the evil sword fairy floats in the air and laughs wildly.

The evil sword immortal is a name he has long given himself. In the play, he said:

evil thoughts are like swords, which lead to immortality.

It's about his own evil sword fairy.

"Have you finished laughing? After laughing, just follow me. Qingwei should be on the way here. "

Su Xun said softly.

"Presumptuous! Are you teaching me how to do things? "

The evil sword fairy roared and floated around in the air. He said with a grim smile, "you are also a meritorious Minister for your sake of saving us. Now I will dedicate your body to us and make good use of it. When we become our real body and dominate the world, we will bury you."

Chonglou looked at him from a distance, just like watching a silly beep, and suddenly felt that he might not be lonely.

When the evil sword fairy's voice fell, he flew to Su Xun, trying to seize the control of Su Xun's body.


Su Xun slapped him.

The evil sword fairy who just came out of the society was badly hit.

The evil sword immortal was a kind of illusory evil thought cultivation. His appearance was like a purple cloud with black air, which was directly reduced by Su Xun's slap.

"Ah! My body

The evil sword fairy screamed. His voice was full of pain and panic. The strength of the other side was beyond his imagination.

"Evil sword fairy, if I can let you out, I can lock you in again." Su Xun's eyes were as cold as ice.

Evil sword fairy second counsels, shivers: "small know wrong, small know wrong, small dare not again."

"I don't know what's called. It's flattering for you to be my dog." Su Xun grabbed him, looked at the tower and said, "lead the way to the demon world."

Demon Zun tower fly in front of the road without saying a word, this is his last stubborn.

Su Xun took the evil sword fairy and the magic sword to follow behind the tower, and left the lock demon tower.

Soon, five white lights fell from the horizon. They were the four elders of Qingwei and Shushan.

"No, that evil idea is gone!"

Looking at the broken lock demon tower on the top of the tower, the five people of Qingwei were shocked, just like five thunderbolts.

The evil thoughts grow up day by day. Sooner or later, they will break away from the shackles of the demon tower and become the devil of the world.

So Qingwei is ready to send it to Tianchi for purification.

But recently, I was busy with the affairs of the demon removal meeting, so I neglected it.

Now, the evil group has broken the lock, but I didn't expect that the evil group would run away.

Where is there no evil in the world? That evil idea will soon expand to a terrible level.

"Since then, there has been a lot of chaos in the world." Qingwei sighs.

Canggu eyes red to crack: "who in the end! Who is it! Who is it? Who is it

When he thought that evil thoughts would bring disaster to the whole world, he thought that it would bring disaster to the whole world.

"The meeting will be the same tomorrow, except that there will be one more devil besides the demon way."

The Shushan faction alone can't solve this problem. They can't hide it any more. They have to make it public.

Let the monks all over the world think of ways together. After all, if they can't handle it properly, it will be a great disaster for the common people.

Canggu laughed miserably: "the gate of heaven has been closed for tens of thousands of years. Without heaven, who can subdue him?"

As a member of the evil sword fairy.

He knows too well how fierce the evil sword immortal will be once he has completed his cultivation. No one in the world can defeat him.……………

The demon world.

"Ah! Food! It's the smell of food

After entering the demon world, the evil sword fairy is like a dragon returning to the sea. More accurately, it is like sucking, poisoning and committing crimes.

"Suck it. Suck enough. The whole world's evil breath is yours. It can make you ascend to heaven at one step."

Su Xun said calmly.

In the original play, the evil sword fairy has captured the important building. Why don't you come to the demon world to improve your strength?

I think there is only one possibility, that is, the screenwriter and director will not allow him.

The evil sword fairy swims freely in the evil breath, absorbing the evil energy crazily and greedily.

Stupid human beings put us in such a place. When we absorb enough evil and unite our true body, we will return the previous shame.

Su's body is getting more and more condensed, and the breath of evolution begins to disperse.

Finally, the evil sword fairy changed from a group of energy to a big bald man in a black robe step by step.

"Ha ha ha My evil sword immortal has become my true body. I am invincible in the world! Ha ha ha... "

The evil sword fairy floats over the lava flame, spreads out his hands and looks up to the sky with a long smile.

Chonglou still looked at him quietly. His intuition told him that this guy was going to die again.

Sure enough, after the evil sword fairy finished laughing, he looked at Su Xun coldly: "Jie, you self righteous fool, the biggest mistake you've made in your life is to bring us to this world."

Chonglou took a few steps back consciously, so as not to affect himself when this guy was beaten.

The evil sword fairy noticed his action and nodded with satisfaction. A weak man is not worthy to stand too close to us. He has self-knowledge and can avoid death.

"Why, when it's clear and the rain stops, do you think you can do it again?" Su Xun's face was not smiling.

The evil sword fairy was so angry that he roared: "I dare to talk to you like this. It seems that I haven't figured out the current situation. I'll teach you how to talk to you in the future."

With that, he gave a cruel smile. He waved one hand, and the black air condensed into a long black sword in the air, whistling to susian.

Su Xun went to the evil sword fairy step by step.

The long sword thrown by the evil sword fairy is directly scattered.

But Su Xunli's evil sword fairy is getting closer and closer.

"How could that be?"

The evil sword fairy was shocked, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. Sweat oozed from his forehead. He could only subconsciously attack Su Xun.

But all his attacks were on Su Xun, or they were directly broken, or they were like a stone sinking into the sea, and he could not hurt Su Xun at all.

Su Xun grabbed him by the neck: "are you floating, or when I can't lift the knife."


The body of the evil sword fairy was smashed out, and a high volcano of several kilometers directly collapsed.

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