Chen Yu thinks that Su Xun's investigation ability is very strong.

As a matter of fact, Su Xun has the ability to investigate.

He's just an open hook.

The serial homicide case came to an end. With the cooperation of the principal criminals, the case was quickly and smoothly closed.

Su Xun's reputation as a ghost detective began to spread within the police circle again, especially with the rapid detection of the serial homicide case.

The provincial government and the head of the security department personally expressed their gratitude to Su Xun and sent him a brand-new banner.

At the same time, Su Xun nominated the top ten young entrepreneurs in Jiangzhou province. Although he was nominated, people with clear eyes knew that it was a certainty.

After the serial homicide, Su Xun relaxed for two days. After all, the police didn't always find him.

Most of the cases can be solved by the police themselves. If they can't, they will ask him to do it.

As a special adviser, he has become a big killer for the police to deal with criminals, and will only be used at the last moment.

On Saturday, Su Xun settled down for dinner.

After confirming the relationship with an Zijin, Su Xun was often called home by his future mother-in-law for dinner.

"Xiao Su, I think you get along well with Zijin in our family. You're not too young. Let's see when you get the certificate first."

Eating, an Zijin's mother Li Xiu suddenly put forward to let two people to get the certificate.

The restaurant was quiet for a moment. Obviously, Li Xiu didn't discuss this with an Nantian and others in advance.

"Mom, what are you talking about? We are still in school." An Son Jin opened big eyes to look at own old mother, she didn't think of so early marriage.

Li Xiu glared at her: "what's the matter with school? People who go to college even have children. They just need to get the certificate first, but they didn't let you have children now."

"I don't agree." Annam day calm face said a, he just can't give up his apple of the eye to marry so early.

After all, an Jianyun has no place in his family, so he has no voice in such affairs.

Li Xiu raised her eyebrows at Annam, "don't you agree? My daughter, do you need your consent? "

"This words is wrong, Son Jin is also my daughter." Annam days tone softened a bit, afraid of wife this kind of thing can't change.

Li Xiu sneered: "you have more than one daughter, so what do you want to do?"

Su Xun heard an Zijin say that the second wife that Annan Tian raised outside also gave him two daughters.

Hearing Li Xiu mention this stubble, Annam Tian suddenly lost his breath and glared at Su Xun.

It's all you, boy. Without you, there would be so many troubles.

Su Xun's face was innocent. I was wronged. I didn't do anything.

Suddenly, he felt a kick in his calf.

Looking up, an Zijin is winking at him.

Su Xun showed an interesting smile and touched his lips with his thumb.

Anzijin's pretty face was slightly red. She glared at Su Xun fiercely, and then nodded.

Now they have a tacit understanding, everything is in silence, a dirty py deal is so reached.

Su Xun looked at Li Xiu with a smile and said, "Auntie, I think Zijin is right. We are too young and not mature enough. Let's wait until we graduate from university."

"That's OK. You're a considerate child." Li Xiu was very satisfied with Su Xun's son-in-law. He was even closer than his son.

An Son Jin a face annoys, hateful, this distinction treat also too obvious, after all who is your birth!

I just don't know why I refuse to get a license.

His refusal was thoughtful.

I cry when I stand this kind of mom.

After dinner, Su looked for an excuse to visit an Zijin's room. They went upstairs.

Then in the room, an Zijin used the method that they had practiced several times to serve Su Xun carefully.

This is the reward that Su Xun just asked her to help her refuse her mother's proposal to obtain a license.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

But there are idiotic women, such as an Zijin who is working hard to serve Su Xun in the bedroom.

Now that she doesn't have a license, Su Xun is very happy. After all, if she has a license, she will be a legal husband and wife. Some things will have psychological barriers.

So even if she didn't let Su Xun refuse, Su Xun would find an excuse to refuse.

Half an hour later, Su Xun went downstairs with a clear mind. He saw his brother-in-law an Jianyun watching TV. He went over and asked, "what are you looking at?"

"Finished?" An Jianyun winked at him, showing that everyone knew how to look.

Su Xun said: "what?"

"Don't pretend." An Jianyun looked like I had seen through everything: "don't tell me that if you really visit my sister's room upstairs, you don't do anything else."

Su Xun

As an elder brother, is it appropriate for you to discuss this with me?Su Xun turned away from the topic, and his eyes fell on the TV: "you're very conscious. You watch the news at noon. It's the news of Jiangdong satellite TV."

There is a news on TV.

The picture shows a bald man in his fifties, with a cigar in his mouth and a proud face facing the screen.

There is a line at the bottom of the screen: "Chen Tai'an, chairman of Tai'an group, was acquitted in court for lack of evidence."

"Tai'an group, what lawsuit did he get into?" Su Xun asked curiously. After all, Tai'an group is a famous enterprise in Jiangzhou province.

An Jianyun sneered: "this guy is a beast in human skin. He made his subordinates' wives and forced them to death. But he was acquitted because of insufficient evidence. Otherwise, he would have gone to jail long ago."

"There's not enough evidence. How can you be sure that he did it?" Su Xun rolled his eyes.

An Jianyun rightfully said: "look at his frustration, it's strange that he can't do it."

Su Xun

Come on, ugliness is the original sin.

Fortunately, as a marshal, I don't feel that way.

On TV, Chen Tai'an is being interviewed by reporters.

He spread his hands, a face arrogant said: "I have said, the law will give me a fair, I am a man of integrity, how can do such a thing?"

At this time, sudden change, a rotten egg hit him in the face.

"Son of a bitch, my son works hard for you. You make my daughter-in-law collude with her and kill my son. I won't let you go!"

An old man rushed to Chen Tai'an in an emotional way. He yelled at Chen Tai'an from a long distance and spattered with droplets.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by the bodyguard before he got close to him.

Chen Tai'an wiped the rotten eggs on his face and looked at the old man with a proud smile:

"old man, don't spit out blood, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence. Believe it or not, I will sue you for slander! I don't care about you at your age. I'd better go back and take care of your son's affairs so as not to stink. "

"Oh, by the way, our company pays great attention to human care. Your son is an employee of our company, and I am fully responsible for his funeral expenses."

Voice down, he wantonly smile, and then humming a ditty, dawdle on the car.

"Asshole! Son of a bitch! God damn it

At the same time, the old man was lying on the ground and yelling at Chen Tai'an's car. He was hoarse and full of tears.

Around, the reporters kept taking pictures.

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