Su Xun frowned after reading it.

He now agrees with an Jianyun. Chen Taian's attitude is to tell people that I did it.

But I can't find any evidence. What can you do with me? You can only watch me continue to get away with it!

It is reasonable to say that any successful entrepreneur should not be so unscrupulous. When encountering similar things, he will generally spend money to solve them in a low-key way.

For the rich, what they can spend money on is never a problem.

Because jumping too high is usually easy to die.

But it's not surprising if it comes to Chen Tai'an. It has something to do with Chen Tai'an's family background.

Chen Tai'an is a real grassroots. He grew up in an orphanage. As a child, he was fond of fighting and bullying his classmates. He dropped out of school before he finished his primary school.

In society, he can't work peacefully. He has a lot of conflicts with others, and he gradually relies on his ruthlessness and arrogance.

The first half of his life is just open, which can be described as plain sailing.

A jobless vagrant, fighting little gangster, by seizing all kinds of opportunities, developed Taian group which is now famous in Jiangdong.

Because he has always been very arrogant, and later his career is relatively smooth, so it is inevitable that he is a little bit reckless.

From his naming the company after himself, we can see the character of this man. He is open, arrogant and arrogant.

Therefore, in the business circles of Jiangzhou Province, few people are willing to play with him, because they all think that this guy will fall into trouble sooner or later.

Chen Tai'an can be called a rich man, but he is definitely not a qualified businessman.

Looking at the crying old man on the ground on TV, Su Xun felt some sympathy. After all, no one would feel better if his son died.

What's more, Chen Taian's work is too humiliating.

Sleeping with the wives of his subordinates and driving others to death on horseback, isn't this the modern version of XiMenqing and Pan Jinlian?

It's just a pity that the guy who died didn't have such a tough brother as Wu Song except an old father.

"It's not a thing An Jianyun cursed fiercely.

Looking at Anyun, he was not surprised.

From an Zijin's mouth, he knew his elder brother-in-law's character in detail. In ancient times, he was a dandy who used to fight chickens and dogs.

An Jianyun was so staring at by Su Xun. He was embarrassed and said with a smile: "brother-in-law, scum also has a chain of disdain. I despise Chen Taian."

"Promising." Su Xun touched his dog's head with admiration, then turned and left: "tell your sister, I'm going back."

"Brother-in-law, come here often." An Jianyun waved to Su Xun's back.

Su Xun's mouth twitched. I thought I was out of the brothel.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

One of them came from Chen Yu.

"Hello, Chen Ju. It's a serial homicide case. Is there anything else I can do for that case?" Su Xun asked as he bent down to get on the bus.

"The five criminals in that case were all killed today and have been closed. This time, I'll ask you a favor."

Chen Yu's attitude was very polite, even a little respectful. After all, Su Xun's identity was extraordinary, so he had to have a good communication with him.

Su Xun motioned for AHU to drive home and asked with a smile, "Chen Ju, what's the matter? It won't be your son's wedding. You want to borrow a car from me."

"I dare not. If my son borrows Su Dong's ten million grade luxury cars when he gets married, I will be punished and invited to have tea the next day." Chen Yu joked humorously.

Su Xun laughed: "Chen Ju, where are you now?"

"On the way to your house." Chen Yu returned.

Su Xun was stunned: "OK, I'll be home soon. Please wait for a moment."


Half an hour later, Su Xun returned to Yuliang mountain manor.

"Mr. Chen Ju and his friends are waiting for you in the living room."

As soon as he entered the manor, the housekeeper yebo reported to him.

Su Xun nodded and walked into the villa. He saw Chen Yu and a middle-aged man of his age sitting on the sofa.

"Mr. Su is back."

Seeing Su Xun coming in, the two people on the sofa quickly got up.

"Mr. Su, this is my friend Wu Quan, who is also the leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Jiangdong Municipal Bureau. This time, he asked for your help through my personal relationship."

"Quan, this is Mr. Su. He's also master Su and a ghost detective."

Chen Yu helped them make an introduction.

Wu Quan quickly stepped forward and held Su Xun's hand excitedly: "I've heard about ghost detective Daming for a long time. The last two moves are even more exciting. Today, I finally saw Zhenyan. With this look, I'm sure I'll make a good trip.""Captain Wu has praised me. Su is just an ordinary person. Sit down. You are Chen Ju's friend, that's my friend. If you have anything to do, just come and go."

Su Xun modest a, invite the other party to sit down, and put forward his attitude.

Wu Quan sat down and took a look at Chen Yu. Then he said to Su Xun, "I wonder if Su Dong can understand Chen Tai'an in Jiangdong city."

"You're looking for me to investigate the case in which he colluded with his wife, raped him, and then forced him to death?" Su Xun thought of the news he had just watched with his brother-in-law.

"It turns out that Su Dong also knew about the case." Wu Quan was stunned, then nodded heavily, gritted his teeth and said, "yes, this is the case."

"To tell you the truth, this case is a shame in our bureau. People with a clear eye can see that Chen Tai'an did it, and even he didn't bother to cover it up. But our criminal investigation team can't find any hard evidence. Alas, I'm not afraid of jokes. Now I'm walking on the street, and I'm afraid that it's useless to be stabbed in the spine."

Chen Tai'an's escape from legal sanction is absolutely a slap in the face to the police, so they feel that they are holding their breath and have to find evidence to send this domineering upstart to prison.

Then naturally thought of these two days in their police circle widely circulated ghost detective.

It was Chen Yutuo who came to see him.

Su Xun gave Chen Yu a cool smile, and then said, "since you are a friend of Chen Bureau, I have to help you. What's more, I don't want to see such scum continue to go unpunished, which seriously lowers the overall image of our entrepreneurs."

Taking this case, he can not only complete the third identity task, but also sell Chen Yu's face and gain Wu Quan's favor. Finally, he really can't see Chen Tai'an's arrogant face.

One arrow four carves the matter, he naturally did not hesitate to agree to come down.

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