"Mr. Su, please."

Wu Quan asked Su for a salute.

Su Xun waved his hand and said with a smile, "you are worthy of being friends with Chen Ju. They are all too polite."

"If only every entrepreneur had such a sense of social responsibility as Mr. Su." Chen Yu sighed that although Su Xun was a little cruel, he was the rich man he admired most.

Young, worth hundreds of billions, cooking, fortune telling, detective, everything is simply to the extreme, people want to admire it is difficult.

He could imagine how much unknown pain Su Xun had suffered when he became so excellent.

Su Xun didn't know what he thought. Otherwise, he would say that a pair of chicken soup is very difficult to succeed. After all, those entrepreneurs are so deceiving young people.

As a matter of fact, he has become so excellent that he has not suffered at all. He has just made a mistake.

But his success is more difficult than everyone else's.

After all, not everyone is as popular with the system as he is.

It's a pity that this system has no wisdom, and it can't become a woman, let alone be used as a symbol.

After the three exchanged greetings, Chen Yu and Wu Quan declined Su Xun's invitation to stay them for dinner and left Yuliang mountain manor.

Su Xun also promised that he would go to Jiangdong city tomorrow, because he would not be busy at the weekend tomorrow, so it's best to solve the case in one day.

That sounds a little arrogant.

However, Chen Yu and Wu Quan didn't think he was pretending to be forced, because he really had the strength.

Therefore, people who are bullies pretend to be bullies.

Those who are not strong are easy to be evil.

In the evening, Su Xun, Liao Yu, Qin Zhu and Yan Yurou eat around the table.

"Why don't you often eat? Can you be satisfied with the smell? " Yan Yurou looks at Qin Zhu in the opposite direction and asks, big drop of curiosity in her eyes.

She didn't know when she didn't eat at home, but every time she ate at home, she found that Qin Zhu had never eaten with chopsticks.

Su Xun and Liao Yu looked at each other. The silly girl didn't know Qin Zhu was a ghost.

I don't know if she dares to hate Qin Zhu every day after she knows her identity.

Qin Zhu smiles at Yan Yurou: "because I'm a ghost, I just need to smell it."

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha Yan Yurou laughs with no image. Looking at Su Xun and Liao Yu, she says, "master, sister Yu, Ji says she is a ghost. Believe it or not, it's so funny."

Su Xun and Liao Yu nodded: "letter."

"I'm not young. Don't tease me like a child." Yan Yurou puffed up her cheeks and chest.

Liao Yu took a look, some inferiority: "really not small, but also some too big."

"Sister Yu, I don't mean that. You are necrotic." Yan Yurou is blushing and looks shy, but he is also proud.

This is her biggest capital, I don't know how many women envy it.

Qin Zhu sneered: "Oh, you will blush. It's rare."

"What's the matter? You think everyone is as shameless as you are." Yan Yurou snorted coldly and raised her chin rather haughtily.

Qin Zhu spat out his tongue: "but I'm not human, I'm a ghost."

"Ha ha, if I hadn't received a complete nine-year compulsory education, I would have believed it." Yan Yurou didn't believe a word about it and thought Qin Zhu was joking.

Qin Zhu has some helplessness. How can no one believe the truth these days?


The next day, Sunday.

Su Xun took Qin Zhu and a group of bodyguards to Jiangdong.

After all, this is not his base camp, and Chen Tai'an is unscrupulous in his work. It's always good to bring more bodyguards to prevent accidents.

"Welcome, Mr. Su."

As soon as he walked out of the airport, Wu Quan, who was waiting to meet him outside, came up with people and shook hands with Su Xun warmly.

After all, when did they see such a beautiful woman.

"Excuse me, but also let team Wu come to pick me up in person. I'm so embarrassed." Su Xun looked at Wu Quan with a smile and said.

Wu Quan said with a wry smile: "Mr. Su, this is a shame for me. You are here to help. We have to pick you up."

"Mr. Su, let's go to dinner first. I've already made a reservation for the place. I've also brought the information about Chen Tai'an's case. You can see it in the car later."

"OK, you're the host. I'll listen to you."

A few simple greetings, a few people do not know a self introduction, and then walk to the parking lot.

"Mr. Su, this is all the information about the case."

After getting on the bus, Wu Quan personally handed a file bag to Su Xun.

After Su Xun opened it, he looked up and had a detailed understanding of the cause and effect of the incident.

The person who died was Lanyang, 32 years old. He was an old employee of Tai'an group. He was a manager of the sales department. He was also the kind who received annual salary and dividends. He was barely a senior executive.Thirty two year old executives, this is a great talent.

Lanyang's wife, li man, is 32 years old. She is tall and beautiful. She has been married to Lanyang for ten years and has twin children of six years old.

According to Lan Yang himself, he found that it was recently that Li Man and Chen Tai'an got together. It was only when he learned a few words from his son that he felt something was wrong.

Then secretly follow-up investigation, found Chen Tai'an and his wife Li Man's affair.

Only then did he understand why Chen Tai'an always asked him to work overtime and arrange his business trip abroad.

Originally, I thought that the boss valued him, which made him feel like a kind of scholar dying for a confidant. He was angry and wanted to do a good job.

But now I know that Chen Tai'an arranged for him to go abroad on business only for the convenience of playing with his wife.

No man can tolerate being cuckold, let alone this situation, which is a great shame on dignity.

So he broke out directly, made a big scene in the company, exposed all the things, humiliated Chen Taian face to face.

Then, within two days, he died. He committed suicide, without any trace of homicide. He even wrote a suicide note.

Everything is so impeccable.

But everyone has a steelyard in his heart. He knows that it is impossible to commit suicide with Lanyang's strong temperament. People with clear eyes know that it must have something to do with Chen Taian.

Otherwise, how could such a coincidence happen?

Lanyang's father is more angry under the police, Chen Tai'an to court.

But in the end, because of the lack of strong evidence, Chen Tai'an was acquitted.

After reading the materials, Su Xun had only one idea. Although he was a little unscrupulous himself, he had to face well.

But this Chen Tai'an simply did not even play, directly engraved the word arrogance on his face, and did whatever he wanted.

"Ding Ding..."

Wu Quan's mobile phone suddenly rang. After he got through, he just said a few words and his face changed greatly: "you watch the scene, I'll be there in a minute."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Su Xun and sighed: "Mr. Su, I'm afraid this meal will be eaten at another time. I just received the news that his father died in a car accident in Lanyang."

The car is very quiet in a moment. Is an accident really an accident at this time?

"Go to the scene first." Su Xun put down the information in his hand, and his heart was cold.

Chen Tai'an, a sleeping wife, forced suicide, and now even the elderly are not spared.

If you don't die, it's natural.

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