"It's a terrible death. I saw it fly with my own eyes."

"Yes, how does the driver drive? It's different from intentional homicide if he has repeatedly run over it twice!"

"Alas, the old man is so unlucky..."

When Su Xun arrived at the scene of the accident, the scene had been cordoned off, and the people around were talking about it.

"Excuse me, please."

With Qin Zhu and Wu Quan, Su Xun pushed the crowd away and came to the cordon.

I saw a black van parked on the side of the road, not far away is a body, it is Lanyang's old father.

The ambulance was outside, but people were dead when it arrived, so it didn't move the body to protect the integrity of the scene.

"Team five."

The police officer in charge of the scene came up to greet Wu Quan.

Wu Quan didn't say a word. He went to the body and looked at it. His face was gloomy. "Where's the driver who caused the accident?"

"The driver is in control." The officer's voice dropped and he turned back and waved, "bring the driver here."

Two policemen came with a middle-aged man in his thirties.

The middle-aged man was as thin as a monkey. He was wearing a white vest, his eyes were deeply concave, his feet were empty, his eyes were blurred, and he didn't wake up.

Just look at this state, everyone has a guess in their mind.

Wu Quan said with a cold face, "yes?"

"Yes, I have a five-year history of absorbing independence." The police officer confirmed his guess.

The troublemaker looked at Wu Quan with a silly smile: "you catch me, you shoot me, I don't want to live, I don't want to live long ago."

"Mad bastard!" Wu Quan scolded angrily, grabbed his collar and lifted it up: "son of a bitch, do you think someone told you to do this?"

Obviously, he's not a patient person. He's naturally irritable.

What did you say to the troublemaker? I don't understand. I've killed someone. I have no money to pay for it. I'm willing to go to jail. I turn myself in. "

"To NIMA!" Wu's whole lung is going to explode. If it wasn't for his clothes, he would definitely hit each other in the face.

Drug dog is one of the people he dislikes most, because drugs are the most harmful to people. How many drug enforcement officers die every year is because of these animals who touch drugs.

"Take him back to the Bureau." The police officer immediately asked someone to take the perpetrator away in case Wu Quan lost control of his mood and started to hit someone.

After all, if the police beat people, it would be a big problem. If it's serious, Wu Quan might have to be laid off directly.

Wu Quan took a deep breath, calmed his hot and dry mood, and looked at Su Xun:

"Mr. Su, what do you think?"

The police officer who was responsible for maintaining the scene looked at Su Xun curiously. He didn't know what this guy was about. He made Wu Quan so polite and asked for advice.

"What do you think? Look with your eyes. " Su Xun said softly.

Wu Quan gave a wry smile: "Mr. Su, it's time to stop joking. I really can't laugh."

"I'm hungry. Let's eat first." But Su Xun didn't answer the question, and then he said lightly: "by the way, inform Chen Tai'an that I'm in Jiangdong. Let him come to see me."

Compared with Jiangyun group, it's still a little bit less influential in the international market.

Qingyun international, as a leading enterprise in Jiangzhou Province, it is no exaggeration to say that Su Xun is the business man of Jiangzhou province.

In a word, he can make countless people have no food tomorrow.

His one decision can make many so-called potential companies close overnight.

As soon as he was in a good mood, he raised his hand and was able to help a company that was originally insignificant, and from then on, the company rose to the top.

So Su Xun didn't pay attention to Chen Tai'an at all. He was just a younger brother.

He only has one day, so it's done in one day, and he won't waste more minutes and seconds on Chen Tai'an.

As Su Xun's voice fell, everyone looked at Su Xun, full of black question marks.

Who is this guy.

Such a bull, let Chen Taian go to see him as soon as he opens his mouth. Is it arrogant to use rolling words?

However, they are forced by the back.

They have always been hot tempered Wu team actually nodded and said: "OK, Mr. Su, I will definitely inform him."


They noticed this surname for the first time. Looking at Su Xun's handsome face, someone recognized him.

It's you, master Su!


Taian group, chairman's office.

"Mr. Chen, it's all done. The old man is too cold to be cold any more."

A young man with gold rimmed glasses looks at Chen Tai'an on the boss's chair with a flattering face.Chen Tai'an snorted coldly: "mad, old man, dare to call the police, dare to sue me. I really don't think I can make it. Lanyang, Lanyang, it's a pity that I was going to let go of your immortal father, but who let him not listen to what you wrote in your suicide note? He had to be unkind."

Yes, the reason why Chen Tai'an can force Lanyang to commit suicide is from Lanyang's father and his pair of twins.

He gave Lanyang two choices.

1、 He sent Lanyang's father and his twins back to heaven.

2、 Lanyang committed suicide. That's all.

Lanyang chose the second one, so he died, especially in his suicide note that he committed suicide and had nothing to do with other people.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen, you are kind enough. After all, you not only pay for Lanyang's funeral, but also take care of his wife. You will thank you even if you know about Lanyang spring."

The young man with Phnom Penh glasses licks his face and sucks up disgustingly. Judging from his proficiency, this is his job.

"Ha ha ha, that's right. I've done my best to Lanyang."

Chen Tai'an laughed and was in a good mood. He also drew inferences from one instance and said, "if I don't spend money to support his wife, his children will starve to death. All in all, I have saved their family."

No one can compare with the degree of impudence.

"That's right, so boss, you are merciful. It's Lanyang who knows nothing about his fortune." The young man with Phnom Penh glasses echoed Chen Tai'an with a flattering smile on his face.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

At this time, Chen Tai'an's mobile phone rang, took it out and looked gloomy.

The young man with glasses in Phnom Penh asked, "Mr. Chen, what's the matter?"

"Wu Quan's phone call. Why is this guy biting me like a mad dog? Is it good for him to catch me?" Chen Tai'an looks puzzled. He doesn't understand how there can be such a dead hearted fool in the world.

The young man with Phnom Penh glasses said, "then you'd better take it and see what he said."

"Hello, Wu Quan, what's the matter?" Connect the phone, Chen Taian arrogant call his name, and then immediately his face changed, directly hit the mobile phone on the ground.


He has a lot of strength, and his mobile phone is split in an instant.

The young man with glasses in Phnom Penh quickly asked, "what's the matter, Mr. Chen? What did Wu Quan say?"

"It's not him this time!" Chen Tai'an's face was gloomy and he said with gnashing teeth:

"Su Xun, chairman of Qingyun international, has come to Jiangdong. Let me go to see him. Do you think I'm going or not?"

He bit the word "roll" very hard.

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