Chen Tai'an is used to being arrogant.

Su Xun's condescending attitude made him feel humiliated and unhappy.

Because he always does this to others.

But now the situation is suddenly reversed, which makes him a little unacceptable for a while.

But it's just like other people can only bear to face his arrogance.

He can only endure Su Xun's arrogance.

Society is like this, big fish eat small fish.

After receiving this call, it is no longer a question of whether he is willing to go or not, but that he must go.

Otherwise, it's not going to give Sue face.

If you offend Su Xun, the consequences are very serious.

The reason why he asked the young people with Phnom Penh glasses was actually to find a step for himself.

People who want to lose face are like this.

The young man of Phnom Penh glasses has been following Chen Tai'an for not a day or two. He can understand his intention very well, so he said, "I think you should go to Mr. Chen. Anyway, when he comes to Jiangdong to greet you, it's just to give you face. As the host, it's also right to greet the guests."

See, what's flattering, what's licking, dog? This is the art of language.

It's Su Xun who informs Chen Tai'an to see him, but he becomes Su Xun in the eyes of young people with Phnom Penh glasses. This is to give Chen Tai'an face.

Chen Tai'an is a hypocritical person, can also be said to be self deceiving, nodded: "what you said is reasonable, he specially informed me that he has arrived in Jiangdong, and it is really inappropriate for me not to appear as the host."

As the voice fell, Chen Tai'an got up and looked at the young man with gold rimmed glasses: "you go with me."

In fact, the young man with Phnom Penh glasses didn't want to go, but he knew it was useless to refuse, so he agreed happily.


Jiangdong hotel.

The place Wu Quan ordered for Su Xun was right here. It was also a cost. He was sincere.

Room 305.

Su Xun sat in the main seat, Qin Zhu sat on his left side, and Wu Quan and other police officers sat around the table.

Several cold dishes have been put on the table, wine has come up, and the rest of the dishes are on the table. Now it's Chen Tai'an's main course.

"Team Wu, today's meal cost you a lot. In fact, there's no need to be so rich." Su Xun and Wu Quan chatted.

Wu Quan said with a smile: "Mr. Su has never eaten any kind of food. Don't be too shabby. It's all the intention of our brothers in the Bureau. After all, Mr. Su is here to help us."

"Yes, Mr. Su, it's up to you to bring Chen Tai'an to justice this time."

"Chen Tai'an is too unscrupulous and defies the law and discipline. Especially this time, the social influence is extremely bad. We must arrest him."

The others all agreed with each other, and each one was gnashing his teeth at Chen Tai'an. It can be seen how disgusting this guy is on weekdays.

"Click -"

at this moment, the door of the private room was pushed open.

Chen Tai'an came in with gold rimmed glasses.

See him, originally still in full swing of the private room is a moment of quiet down.

Su Xun sat on the chair and did not squint. He drank the wine as if he did not see Chen Tai'an.

Chen Tai'an's face was a little gloomy when he was so ignored, but in the twinkling of an eye, he was swept away. I laughed and said, "I'm so glad to see Su Dong. I specially prepared a bottle of good wine to meet Su Dong. I hope Su Dong can like it."

As his voice dropped, the young man with glasses in Phnom Penh behind him handed over a piece of red wine in his arms.

"I asked my friends in France to bring it back. I also asked Su Dong to taste it." He opened the wine and poured it for Empress Dowager Chen an.

He is arrogant, but it also depends on who he is. He still has to advise Su Xun who can't afford to offend him.

As soon as Chen Tai'an was ready to pour the wine, Su Xun turned the glass upside down on the table.

Chen Tai'an kept the posture of pouring wine, and was stunned in the same place. The smile on his face was stiff: "Su Dong, what do you mean?"

He was angry in his heart, because Su Xun's action was a severe slap on his face.

"It's not interesting." Su Xun said slowly, "but I don't dare to trouble you, Mr. Chen, to pour the wine. Otherwise, I'm afraid that as soon as I walk out of the hotel, I will be killed at the door like Lanyang's father."

Chen Tai'an's face darkened, and his fat puffed: "Su Dong, why can't I understand this?"

"Don't you understand?"

Su Xun laughed, got up, put his hands on Chen Tai'an's shoulder, face to face with him, and said word by word: "then I'll put it another way. I'm afraid that just like Lanyang father and son, I'll be killed by you."

While speaking, he used his psychic ability to share Chen's previous memory.Effortlessly learned the truth of Lanyang father and son's death.

Chen Tai'an is a real beast.

The police can't find any evidence, but after Su Xun shared Chen Tai'an's memory with his psychic ability, he easily found the evidence that he forced Lanyang to die and killed his father in a car accident.

Even knew that he was not uncommon dirty things before. If he wanted evidence, Su Xun could catch a large number of people to sue him at any time.

But Su Xun is not going to do it.

He's going to pay him back in his own way.

Since Chen Tai'an is so fond of bullying others and forcing others to commit suicide.

Then Su Xun let him have a taste of this feeling.

As Su Xun's voice fell, the room was so quiet that he could only hear people's breathing. There was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

Chen Tai'an's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be able to drip water at any time.

He didn't expect that Su Xun would target him like this.

At this time, the young man with Phnom Penh glasses beside Chen Tai'an spoke:

"Su Dong, you have to talk about evidence. Even if your family is big, you can't frame up Chen Dong at will."

Su Xun turned to look at him and asked, "are you teaching me to do things?"

"No, I didn't mean that..." Under Su Xun's unshakable eyes, the young people with Phnom Penh glasses were flustered and subconsciously explained.

Su Xun directly and coldly interrupted him: "then shut your mouth for me, stand aside and don't bark."

The young man with Phnom Penh glasses was pale and blue. He was surprised and angry, but he didn't dare to say a word again.

"Su Dong, I can teach my own people." Chen Tai'an's face was dark and said.


Su Xun's hand on his shoulder was a slap on his face: "you can't teach yourself well, where can you teach others?"

After that, Su Xun sat back in his chair and said lightly:

"you like to let people choose, don't you? Then I'll give you two choices. "

"First, Qingyun international tries its best to crack down on Taian group, and strive to make you bankrupt, debt ridden and litigious within one month."

"Two, while the police are here, you will commit a full account of the case, I'll go back to the house."

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