Time passed in a hurry. Three days passed in the twinkling of an eye.

In these three days, there were seven Youming demons appeared every day.

Plus the ones sealed before, there are already ten.

"Ding Ding..."

This morning, Su Xun was woken up by the phone.

"Hello, Xiao Fei." Su Xun got through.

"I found the pomelo you asked me to look for."

Hearing this, Su Xun immediately got up from the bed: "where is she?"

"Seaside park."

"OK, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner another day." Su Xun finished, hung up the phone and got up to wash.

Forty minutes later, he summoned the emperor's armor and teleported to the seaside park.

It's much faster than driving.

When I came to the park, I released my armor and began to look for Li you'er in the park.

Finally, I found Li you'er, a girl in a hood, on a bench.

In the original play, Li you'er had no money to eat or stay when she appeared, and then she was brought back to her apartment by Xu tingfei.

Now that Li you'er hasn't met Xu tingfei, she can only sleep in the park.

Susian went to wake her up.

"Li you'er, wake up, wake up."

"You Who are you Li you'er opened his eyes vaguely and looked at Su Xun askance.

Because she was possessed by Kula, she couldn't look straight at people and was not stimulated.

Su Xun showed a gentle smile: "I'll take you to eat first. Let's talk while eating."

"Thank you." Li you'er touched her stomach. She hasn't eaten for two days.

In the original play, she was easy to trust others, otherwise she would not have been taken back to her apartment by Xu tingfei.

Ten minutes later, Su Xun took Li you'er into a Chinese restaurant and ordered a large table.

"Enough, enough, enough."

Li you'er is a little embarrassed.

"I didn't have breakfast either."

With a smile, Su Xun handed the menu to the waiter: "serve as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir." The waiter smiles and turns away with the menu.

Li you'er asked carefully: "that You What can I do for you

"I can solve the problems in your body." Su Xun looked at Li you'er and said seriously.

Li you'er's face suddenly changed: "you don't know anything at all. How can you solve it?"

As long as this is mentioned, her mood will be particularly unstable.

"I don't know how I came to you?" Su Xun asked with a smile, and his tone slowed down: "you've suffered a lot because of this, too. Why don't you try?"

"Why are you helping me?" Li you'er's face was cloudy and her brain became clear.

When Su Xun brought her to dinner before, she didn't think about it.

Su Xun said with a smile, "nature is good for me, but I won't hurt you, absolutely not."

Su Xun's face was sincere. When a handsome man showed this kind of expression, he was very confused.

"Good." Li you er nodded slowly.

As Sue said, she wants to be a normal person.

Then she asked, "what am I going to do?"

"Let's wait until we finish our meal. Your face is white with hunger. By the way, can I call you grapefruit?" Su Xun looked at Li you'er and asked.

Li you'er nodded: "yes."

Because it's in the morning, there are not many people in the restaurant, so the dishes are served quickly.

Grapefruit did not eat for two days. He was so hungry that he gulped down the food.

Su Xun ate very little. After eating, he just watched the grapefruit eat.

"I Is it too much? " Pomelo suddenly realized something, raised his head and said vaguely, his cheek was stuffed with food.

It's like a hamster storing grain.

Su Xun shook his head with a smile: "it's a blessing to be able to eat. Eat slowly. It's not enough to continue."

"Enough, enough." Said the grapefruit.

After half an hour, Sue left with pomelo.

"The reason why you do this is because there is a ghost in your body. I will let my friend seal the ghost in your body with armor summoner. At least I can force her away."

This method is the original play, Xingtian armor Summoner forced seal, did not seal successfully, but at least forced Kula out of the grapefruit.

"But I need a little of your blood."

Su Xun told pomelo about it.

"As long as you can solve the things in my body, you can do whatever you want." Pomelo said eagerly.

Su Xun nodded: "come with me."Su Xun took a test tube of blood, and then took a car to bring the grapefruit to Huanhuan Teppanyaki.

"Good morning, brother Xun."

Wu Gang is playing games in a vest.

Li Haotian is writing a plan. He is preparing to open an express store.

"Who is she?" Welcome to see the grapefruit beside Su Xun. I feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Xun said, "she is a Tibetan monk."

For a moment, everyone looked at the grapefruit.

Grapefruit head down to avoid the eyes of the public.

"Is she the Tibetan monk?" Qing zisurely got up and looked at the grapefruit: "younger than us."

"That's why you asked me to find her. What's the Tibetan monk for?" Asked Xu tingfei.

Su Xun explained to them.

He only said that the Tibetans were responsible for keeping the fragments of gengyu Vajra pestle, which concealed the key gene code of resurrection of lufa in the blood of the Tibetans.

Then he looked at Li Haotian: "Xiao Tian, lend me your summoner."

"Here you are." Li Haotian takes out the summoner and throws it.

Su Xun looked at the grapefruit and said, "don't move."

"Yes, yes." Go to the chair and make the pomelo.

Su Xun opened the mandatory seal mode of the summoner and aimed at the face of the grapefruit.

Soon, the surface of the grapefruit has a dark face.

"Damn Earthlings, I'll come back."

Kula naturally didn't want to be sealed, so he could only escape from the body of pomelo.


Bawang group.

In the back room of the chairman's office.

Rufa, who had occupied Croton's body, suddenly opened his eyes and felt that Kula appeared.

"Kula, come and see me now."

The next second, a dark red cloud of smoke bloomed in the secret room, and Kula appeared in the secret room.

"What's the matter, my genetic code?"

Luffa asked, looking at Kula.

Kula knelt down on one knee: "please forgive me, general. My subordinates are incompetent. They are forced to run away by the mandatory seal mode of the armor Summoner using the summoner."

"Don't you understand me? I ask you, "where's my genetic code?" Luffa is a little emotional. After all, the gene code is related to his resurrection.

Kula quickly said: "general calm down, the earth human carrying your resurrection gene code is still alive, and my subordinates know where she is."

Lu FA felt relieved, then took out his talisman and drew five symbols in the air.

"Baru, Baxter, bakuru, barnares, bargem, take orders."

"Kula, take five of them with you and get the earth man back for me right away!"

"Remember, you can't let her die, or my genetic code in her blood will die as well."

After suspecting that the strange armor was sent by King peel, Luffa became more anxious.

Now that the evil energy of his resurrection has been collected enough, the key gene code is missing.

In order to be determined, he directly sent out all the rest of the purple Ming team.

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