Huanhuan Teppanyaki.

Kula is forced out of the body and grapefruit opens its eyes after a brief coma.

"How are you feeling?" Su Xun asked.

Pomelo showed a smile: "feel the unprecedented ease, thank you."

"Don't mention it. It's just a lift." Su Xun said with a smile.

Welcome came over: "you are still very weak. Why don't you go upstairs and have a rest."

"Thank you." The grapefruit said to the welcome.

Welcome some unnatural: "Er, you're welcome. You're a Tibetan monk. We're a team."

She just didn't want to see that Su Xun was so concerned about the grapefruit, so she wanted to keep the grapefruit away.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this moment, the wind chime at the door suddenly rang.

Xu tingfei, Wu Gang and Li Haotian got up in an instant and were ready to start.

"There's another ghost coming out!"

Welcome to Ares prediction, then his face changed: "it's outside the door, there are six."

"I came to die." Wu Gang sneered and took out the summoner: "Vajra armor, fit!"

"Just try my new method of ah Ching's teaching." Xu tingfei took out the summoner: "flying Shadow Armor, fit!"

"Xingtian armor, fit!" Li Haotian is more calm, not so much nonsense.

After the three changed, they could not wait to rush out of Huanhuan Teppanyaki to meet the enemy.

Su Xun followed out slowly.

Outside, the six demons open their teeth and dance their claws.

"Ugly people, you are so ugly to me. Let me play a melody of death for you."

The flying Shadow Armor shook fist to say.

"Are the armor summoners so crazy now?"

One of the demons took out his weapon.

"I'm crazy! It's because I'm qualified! "

The voice of the flying Shadow Armor fell down and directly rose up to the ghost devil.

"Kids, today I'm going to teach you how to respect your predecessors. It's a waste to wear this armor on your weak earth ants."

"When we wear this armor, you kids are not even a cell."

"Together! Get rid of them! Just take down their Summoner and present it to the general. "

Kula pointed to Su Xun and said, "I'll solve this annoying guy first."

She clearly remembered that Su Xun forced her out with the Xingtian armor summoner.

Obviously, she had never seen Su Xun change, but she didn't dare to say that.

"You've chosen a good opponent." Su Xun praised her and called the emperor's armor directly.

"Armor fit."

"What kind of armor is this?" Kula was shocked to see a new piece of armor that was completely strange.

Su Xun twisted his neck: "you don't need to know so much. Come on, ugly woman."

"Whatever armor you are, I'll blow you up today." Kula's voice fell, offered his own weapons, and then rushed to Sushen.

Su Xun instantly disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he squeezed Kula's neck: "you reptiles from other planets are really weak."

"Why It will be like this... " Kula was stuck in his neck, breathless, and shocked in his eyes.

What kind of armor is this? She doesn't even have the power to fight back.

Is this the legendary Shura armor?


Su Xun hit her in the stomach.


Kula screamed, his weapon hanging on the ground.


Su Xun hit again.

There is a firecracker on Kula's stomach, and his body has begun to empty, like a mosaic.


Seeing this, a dark demon named Balu split Su Xun from behind with bloodthirsty double blades.


There was a spark on the shoulder of the emperor's armor, but that was all. Su Xun didn't return his head, and he punched Kula in the stomach again.

He hates mosaics!


So Kula was smashed with his fist with his neck in one hand, and a red gene code floated in the air.

"It's your turn, bug." Su Xun grabbed the gene code seal into his belt and turned to look at Balu.

Balu stepped back in fright, then felt humiliated and rushed up with a knife.

"We ares soldiers will only die in battle!"

"You will only die in battle." Su Xun caught the knife with one hand and hit it with the other.


Baru stepped back and fell to the ground.

Su Xun twisted around his waist: "aurora sword."A card flew out.

"Get out of the way, all of you."

Su Xun took out the aurora sword from the card and yelled at the flying Shadow Armor.

The three people have a tacit understanding to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Why do you want to play five? Boy, you will pay for your arrogance! "

Five dark demons felt humiliated and stared at Su Xun fiercely.

Su Xun didn't say a word. He just twisted around his waist. Five different rectangular light curtains of gold, wood, water, fire and earth were arranged in front of him.

The laser sword floats in my hand.

"Five saints must be killed!"


The laser sword passes through the five light screens, and a golden dragon roars to the Five ghosts.

"Yin -"

the sound of the dragon's singing is loud in the sky. The Golden Dragon hovers around five netherworld demons, and then a silver white light appears in the mouth, and the huge dragon head falls from the top.


With the violent explosion, the smoke dispersed, and only five cube gene codes were floating in place.

The flying Shadow Armor, Xingtian armor and Vajra armor were stunned.

"My mother." The King Kong armor murmured to himself.

They knew that there was a big gap between themselves and Su Xun, but now it seems that they can do more.

Su Xun sealed five gene codes one by one.


"Damn it! What a bunch of rubbish

In the secret room of Bawang group, six people died in Kula, and Luffa couldn't help yelling.

Now, not counting the three captains who have not returned, there are only five available people left in his hand.

"Master, may I come in?"

There was a wary voice from outside.

"Get out of here." Luffa said rudely.

Mishlin opened the door and came in with a piece of information in his hand: "master, I have found out that the summoner of flying eagle armor is Xu tingfei, the only son of the chairman of Xu's shipping company."

"Xu's shipping?" Luffa took the document and looked at it, with a sneer on his face: "since we can't get it back, let's change it to a more peaceful way."


"Master, please." To be respectful, Beesley was not in a good mood today.

Luffa said, "you do something for me, so Do you understand? "

"Yes, master." Misslin answered.

Luffa waved: "go down."

"Yes, master." Mislin left slowly.

Luffa drew two symbols with the military symbol.

"Shaqula, Shalman, take orders."

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