"At ten o'clock this morning, Shuanglin road was attacked by monsters. Fortunately, the Armored Warriors arrived in time."

"Through a video shot by a citizen's mobile phone, we can see that a pair of golden armor kills five monsters in one move, protecting hope city..."

Welcome to turn off the news. Looking at Su Xun, he said, "you are famous now. The media reports have omitted the flying Shadow Armor."

"In other words, is it your emperor's armor or the legendary Shura's armor?" Qing Zizi stares at Su Xun curiously and asks.

Su Xun polished his nails and answered without raising his head: "Shura is the king's armor, and the emperor is the emperor's armor. What's more, the strength of the armor depends not only on the armor itself, but also on the person who calls it."

Here he pauses, blows the nail shavings, and looks up: "now, there is no one in the universe who is physically stronger than me."

The system only locks his accomplishments and skills, but his constitution is not. He is a real saint!

You think you can beat the opponent to death next time.

Of course, it can't be too far away. After all, there are Star Destroyers in the world.

One shot can shatter a planet.

"I won't accept that. I don't think I'll lose to you." As soon as qingzizi's spirit was boosted, he clenched his fist and felt that he could do it.

As a practitioner who can help armor improve its combat skills and upgrade its armor, he has high martial arts.

Su Xun looked at the older ignorant child on the opposite side and laughed. He put his hand on the coffee table and pressed it.

"Click -"

the coffee table made of toughened glass suddenly appears cobweb like cracks, as if it will collapse at any time.

"Gulu ~"

several people swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time and looked at Su Xun as if he were looking at a monster.

Is the horse still human?

"What do you think?" Su Xun looked at Qing Ziyou.

Qing Zizi silently took back his fist: "I'm convinced."

"Su Xun! Pay for my coffee table Yang Yingrong stares at Su Xun with a bad face, and his chest is up and down.

It can be seen that she still has a chest, but the size is questionable, and it is estimated that she can control it.

Su Xun looked at Qing Ziyou and said, "because of you, I broke the coffee table, so it's up to you to compensate."

"Ah?" I'm confused. That's ridiculous.

Su Xun squeezed his fist with a smile.

Qingzi's face cleared: "you are right."

"Do you hear me? He admitted it. Look for him." Su Xun looked at Yang and welcomed him.

Yang welcome glared at Su Xun, then looked at Qing Ziyou and said, "I have no backbone."

"I think bones are more important than backbone." Qing Zizi said solemnly.

Yang Yingrong suddenly thought of it and looked at Su Xun: "you said your emperor's armor is light and Shadow Armor. Is there any other light and Shadow Armor on the earth?"

"Yes, at least six more." Su Xun leaned back tactically and leaned on the sofa.

Five armor of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, plus the unstable emperor armor of Xiangyang, are exactly six.

A few people instantly showed the expression of interest.

"They've all changed their strength, have they?"

"Five of them are not as good as the three armor of heaven, earth and man, and one is also emperor's armor, but they are not as good as mine." Through the plot analysis, the combat effectiveness of Jinmu shuihuotu five armor is not as strong as that of TIANDIREN three armor.

In the first part of the armored warrior, the light and Shadow Armor is just like playing.

And in the original plot, the shadow star of the five demons of the shadow was destroyed by Luffa before it escaped to the earth.

Therefore, the strength of armor can be obtained by analyzing the strength of the two enemies.

What's more, the three armor of heaven, earth and man can be upgraded.

Hearing that there was weaker armor than himself, Xu tingfei and his three men were slightly relieved.

Fortunately, we are not the most useless.

Yang said, "where are they now? We should let them join us."

"It hasn't appeared yet. When it appears, there will be relevant news on the Internet. Don't worry." Su Xun said.

Xu tingfei looked at the time and got up: "my parents told me to go home for lunch and go first."

"I'm gone, too." Sue got up, too.

The necessary blood for Luffa's resurrection has been obtained. It's time to go to the magic tower to get the King Kong pestle, and then help Luffa, an interstellar friend, resurrect.

"Why, you two want to see the parents?"

Wu Gang looked up at them and said.

"Go away." Su Xun's face turned black and cold.

Xu tingfei also gave a pep talk.

Yang welcome and Qing Zizi laugh.


The magic tower.

Su Xun's first step here was to smash the monitor at the door with a stone.Then he opened the door and went in.

This Zhenmo tower is actually the tail of the spaceship.

After Luffa was defeated by the Galactic armored patrol a thousand years ago, his warship crashed on earth.

According to the last words of the armored team, the first generation of practitioners, secret practitioners and Tibetan practitioners built this magic tower to cover up the spaceship.

There are 23 clay sculptures in the Zhenmo pagoda, representing the 23 subordinates of Luffa.

Su Xun looked up at the giant wind chime hanging in the middle. In the original play, Wu Gang accidentally found the gengyu Vajra pestle in the wind chime.

Sue looked for a while, but couldn't find it.

Gengyu Vajra pestle may move its position in the Zhenmo tower at any time. It seems that it has not moved into the wind chime at this time.

After ten minutes, he finally found gengyu Vajra pestle behind a clay sculpture.

Gengyu Vajra pestle is like a short walking stick. There is a piece missing, but it doesn't matter if there is a piece missing. It doesn't affect the ability of gengyu Vajra pestle.

In the original play, Luffa wanted to collect the pieces because he wanted to use the Gung Vajra pestle as the key to start the spaceship and fly back to Ares.

Su Xun didn't want this spaceship, because there was a more powerful spaceship on earth.

After he got gengyu Vajra pestle, Su Xun left the Zhenmo tower and went directly to Bawang group to find the way.


Xu's warehouse for shipping.

"Xu shicang is fickle. I didn't think about it one day."

Looking at the empty warehouse, Xu tingfei's father was exhausted and sighed.

This morning, three freighters of Xu's shipping company disappeared on the high seas. If they can't be found in a short time, Xu's shipping company will soon go bankrupt.

"Take it easy. It's not like you've never had a hard time." Xu's mother comforts her husband.

At this moment, two young people came.

"Mr. Xu."

"Are you two..." Xu's father looks at them in doubt.

"We are employees of Bawang group. It's said that Xu Dong lost three ships. Our Bawang group has a wide range of business in the world. If Xu Dong is willing to call your son and cooperate with us in some small matters, we can help you find the ship."

One of them put one hand in his pocket and said, looking at Xu Fu's strange tone.

Xu's father was furious in a moment: "it's you who made it! I've long heard that Bawang group likes to engage in intrigue and collude with pirates. I didn't expect it to be true! "

"Ah, Mr. Xu, don't gush. I'll ask you if you agree."

"Dream! It's not good for you to find Xiaofei. Let's go, wife. " Xu's father left his wife angrily.

Two people stopped them: "since toast does not eat wine, then don't blame us impolite!"

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