A few minutes later, there were three more people in Xu's warehouse, and mishlin was also there.

Xu's father and mother have been tied up.

"I don't know what's good."

Misslin fanned the wind with his hands and said with affectation: "go and find out their cell phones."

"What are you doing? Let us go!"

Xu's father kept struggling and roaring.

"I'm so bored. Shut up." Mishlin frowned and took Xu's mother's cell phone.

Find Xu tingfei's number and dial it with a smile.

"Hello, mom. I'll be home in a minute." When the phone was connected, Xu tingfei's voice came from his mobile phone.

"Giggle ~" mishlin sent out a series of artificial laughter, and said delicately: "master Xu, I'm not your mother, but your mother is really here. I suggest you come and see her quickly."

"Who are you? What have you done to my mother?" Xu tingfei's voice instantly increased several points.

"Oh, don't yell at others. Your parents are all right. They are in the warehouse of your company. You must hurry up. I can't guarantee that it's too late." With that, misslin hung up.

About 20 minutes later, Xu tingfei ran in alone: "Dad! Mother

"No..." Xu's father and mother were all gagged and could only make a vague voice.

"Xu Da Shao has finally come, which makes people a little impatient." Miss Lin closed her make-up mirror and showed a smile that she thought was charming.

Xu tingfei said angrily: "who are you? Why do you want to kidnap my parents?"

"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that if you want your parents to be safe, do as I say." Misslin waved his hand.

Two men in black took daggers from their arms and put them on Xu's father and mother's neck.

"No!" Xu tingfei exclaimed, gritting his teeth and looking at mishlin: "what do you want to do?"

"Bring the woman named Li you'er to see me, and then hand in your armor summoner, and I'll let your parents go." Said Miss Lin in a sweet voice.

Xu tingfei suddenly realized: "you are Luffa people, a group of traitors who betray the earth!"

As he spoke, he took out his armor summoner.

"Master Xu, you can think about it. We are not ghosts, we are human beings. Do you want to kill people?" Mishlin looked at Xu tingfei with a fearless face.

"You..." Xu tingfei, who was preparing to summon armor, was very angry, but stopped abruptly.

"Cluck, cluck..." Mislin laughed with pride. Sure enough, it's best to deal with these people who insist on justice by moral kidnapping.

Master, you are so good at predicting.


A dazzling white light bloomed, and Su Xun's imperial armor suddenly appeared beside Xu's father and mother, directly smashing and exploding the dog heads of the two men in black with knives.


Under the iron fist, blood dripping, two bodies fell to the ground, the hands of the dagger rolled out.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene, including Xu tingfei with a summoner.

"You As a warrior in armor, you kill people. " Mislin's face turned pale with fright, and his make-up mirror fell to the ground and kept retreating.

"I'm sorry, in my eyes, you scum are not human beings. In front of me, you have no human rights."

Su Xun said softly, and appeared in front of mishlin in a flash. He held her neck in one hand and slowly lifted her up.

"Ah! Run! Run

"The armor warrior killed! Kill

The remaining two men in black fled in panic after a short period of confusion.

"Xiaofei, kill them!"

Su Xun said without looking back.

"But they..." After all, Xu tingfei had never touched human beings before.

Su Xun said coldly: "a group of aliens' running dogs, they want to destroy the earth, which is equivalent to the traitors during the Anti Japanese war. Their scum alive is the biggest insult to all the war dead!"

A thousand years ago, the galaxy patrol team fought against the netherworld Legion to protect the earth energy crystal.

Even aliens died fighting for the earth.

A thousand years later, these earth people actually collude with aliens for money and vanity. How many people have been killed and how many losses have been caused by the netherworld devil.

The nether devils should die, they should die even more!

Xu tingfei's face was tangled, his hand holding the armor Summoner was more and more powerful, and his fingertips were white.

"Kill them!" Su Xun said again.

Xu tingfei subconsciously pressed the summoner.

"Flying Shadow Armor, fit!"

"Armor fit."

After the combination, the flying Shadow Armor hesitated for a moment and took out a weapon card: "fast shadow arrow."Then he fired arrows at the two men in black who had escaped to the stairway.

"Poop -"


Ice blue is the arrow through the body, the two men in black were directly blown to pieces.

The flying shadow armor was so stunned.

"It's your turn, you stupid woman." Su Xun looked at mishlin, his tone was full of contempt.

It was stupid and bad of her to work for Luffa because she wanted to keep her beauty forever.

"No, don't kill me. I can do anything you want me to do. I I'd like to be with you. "

Misslin's face turned pale and her eyes were full of fear. She didn't expect that the armored warrior would kill people.

"You don't deserve it!"

Su Xun's voice fell down, and his right hand made a force, and with a click, he pinched her neck.

Misslin died suddenly.

Su Xun threw the body on the ground.

For him, it's old and skillful.

"Stand there and let go of your parents." Su Xun said to Xu tingfei.

"Ah! Oh, oh Xu tingfei was still in a trance. Before his armor was lifted, he went to untie his parents.

Just as he untied his parents, two nether demons appeared out of thin air and raised their swords to chop.

"Dang! Stab - "

two knives fell on the flying Shadow Armor, sparks splashed, and the flying Shadow Armor fell to the ground with a scream.

"Xiaofei! How are you, Xiao Fei? "

Xu's father and mother, who were taken out of the gag but had not yet untied the rope, were shocked.

"These human beings on earth are wastes, and we still need to do it in the end!"

Shagula said in a hoarse voice, with a knife in his hand.

"Two sneakers."

Looking at shagula and Shalman, susian twisted his hand around his waist and took out the aurora sword.

"Are you the new armor? We are not the rubbish before. Let our brother try your weight. Salman, let's go

Shagula's voice fell, and Shalman rushed to Sushen with a knife.

"Try my weight? Try with your life? "

Su Xun laughed contemptuously and twisted around his waist. A blue round pattern appeared in front of him, with a water character in the middle.

"Water of five elements!"

"Emperor fury


Just like the blue crystal suddenly exploded, countless sharp crystal blocks flew to the two ghosts.

"Ah, ah

Shagula and Shalman were hit, fixed in the same place, screamed, and exploded into two square gene codes.

Su Xun sealed the gene code with his belt and chopped off the rope on Xu's father and mother with a sword.

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