"This I I made it

Looking at his hands, Dongshan was very excited.

"I've been looking for it for so long, but I didn't expect that the summoner of windhawk armor was around." Mei is very happy, too.

Su Xun looked at the scene with a smile: "do you want to try your skills?"

"Is that ok?" Dongshan asked humbly, because he knew he couldn't beat Su Xun.

"General, let me do it." Emperor Yan twisted his neck and took out the summoner: "Shura armor, fit!"

"Moving and changing scenery!"

With the strong fluctuation of magnetic energy, the windhawk armor was taken away by the Shura armor.

Meizhen looked at Su Xun and said, "well, what happened to that Shura armor?"

She only knew that there were Xingtian armor, Vajra armor, Fengying armor and Emperor armor in hope city. This was the first time she saw Shura armor.

"The king's armor is weaker than me in all armor." Su Xun looked at her and said, "I've been here so long that I can't bear to give us a glass of water to drink?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Meizhen remembered this and rushed to pour water for several people.

She just finished pouring water, a flash of electric light, Shura armor and Wind Eagle armor back.

Both men disarm at the same time.

"How's it going?" Xinnan asked.

Dongshan shook his head with a bitter smile. He didn't want to say it. It was all tears.

He thought it would be a war between you and me, and it ended before it started.

"The armor on the stars is too weak. It's really stronger than ordinary armor." Emperor Yan said with some disappointment.

Xinnan and Dongshan can only smile bitterly.

There's no excuse.

Food is sin.

Su Xun took a drink from his glass: "Tu Yingshi is now in a small shop with the owner's surname Wei. The summoner is Kunzhong. Jin Yingshi and xuemastiff armor Summoner are in jiewang. The summoner of black rhinoceros armor is Beimiao. He can summon Armor now."

"I'll take care of the snow mastiff armor and black rhinoceros armor. You go to get back the earth shadow stone and find Kunzhong to explain everything I told you."

What Su Xun wanted was to be clean and clean, to cut the mess quickly, and he didn't like to drag on.

"OK, no problem." Meizhen nodded.

Su got up and looked at Xinnan: "let's go. It's time to eat dumplings, or they're all boiled."


At the same time, the film base.

Originally one of the descendants of tuying village, the movie tyrant later took refuge in the shadow world. He was one of the puppets of the shadow five demons and obeyed the king of the world.

His mission is to destroy the armor and kill all who can summon it.

He didn't know that Dongshan could summon Fengying armor. He just found out that Wu Qidong, Dongshan's cousin, was a descendant of muying village.

"Go ahead and kill him for me."

The first warrior who throws armor is the warrior who throws armor.

It's a sea cucumber mutant.


The evil ginseng beast roared, and then walked out with open teeth and claws, still flowing green liquid.

The liquid is very corrosive.


The evil ginseng beast vanishes in the same place by using evasion.

Evasion seems to be necessary for villains.

"Overlord, if such an ordinary person sends me, it can be solved. Is it necessary to send evil ginseng beast?"

Ugly will say with a low eyebrow.

"Is it necessary for you to ask me to do something?" The movie bully said coldly.

Ugly general quickly admitted: "subordinates dare not, subordinates dare not, please calm down, calm down ah."

"Go and stare at the evil ginseng beast for me. Let me know as soon as you have news." He waved.

"Yes, my Lord." Ugly will turn away.


On the other side, Su Xun and others are driving to the happy dumpling restaurant.

Xinnan and Dongshan are sitting in Su Xun's car.

Meizhen didn't go, because ERP research room needs to be watched at any time.

"Ding ~ Ding ~ Ding ~"

suddenly, Xinnan's Summoner rings.

"Xinnan, there are power fluctuations at Jianshe intersection."

"We are building roads Wait, I think I saw it. " Shinnan ended the call.

In the distance, a green and black psionic beast was dripping green liquid, waving its claws and approaching a young man with glasses who fell to the ground.

After seeing the young man clearly, Dongshan's face changed: "Qidong! That's my cousin

"Go ahead and deal with him. It's training." Su Xun pulled over.

Dongshan got out of the car, summoned the Wind Eagle armor, jumped up and down in front of the evil ginseng beast.

"Go to hell!"

The wind hawk's armor struck the evil ginseng beast."Bang!"

The beast retreated two steps, roared, and moved behind the wind hawk armor. A paw fell on his back, stabbing and sparking.

The wind hawk armor is not familiar with the battle, so it just stumbles to the ground.

"Whew! Whew

Another two masses of green liquid were ejected by the beast.

Wind hawk armor a donkey roll away.

"Damn it

He stood up and was ready to use his weapon.

At this time, a black figure came in a flash, using the horn on the head to fly the beast.

It's the black rhino armor.

"Black rhino armor."

In the car, Xinnan exclaimed.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. When he watched the play, what he disliked most was Beimiao. He was arrogant, an outsider in foreign war, an expert in civil war. The Internet called him civil war armor.

In order to fight for the leadership with Xinnan, he tries to challenge Xinnan. Knowing that Xinnan will not do his best, he deliberately injures Xinnan.

Then he falsely accuses Xizhao, a snow mastiff who has abandoned the secret and turned to the light, of hurting Xinnan. In a word, Xizhao is miserable.

This guy is like a shitty stick, but he doesn't know it yet. He always feels like a bull.

To put it bluntly, it's a short call.

After a beating, he will know that he is a younger brother. As a younger brother, he just needs to be obedient.

"You stand by and watch, and see what a fight is." The black rhinoceros armor said a word to the Wind Eagle armor, took out the meteor gun and rushed to the evil ginseng beast.


The evil ginseng beast was hit by him, and after a fight, the black rhinoceros armor made a big move directly.



The evil ginseng beast explodes and becomes a magic sticker floating in the air. The black rhinoceros armor seals it with a belt.

"Thank you." Windhawk armor came forward and said.

Black rhinoceros armor arrogantly said: "good practice, I don't want my competitors so weak."

Finish saying, directly with the shoulder bang of open Wind Eagle armor, ready to leave.

"Too weak? Are you strong enough to fight? " Su Xun came over with an MI Xiu and others.


I'll break your pride and see if you can be proud in the future.

The black rhinoceros armor looked at Su Xun: "who are you, the armor Summoner? Want to fight me? "

"You don't deserve to fight me." Su Xun laughed and said, "kufurs, teach him a lesson."

"This guy is a real pain in the neck."

Kufurs burned a black flame and became a ghost with two huge horns.

"The devil?"

Bei Miao twisted his neck: "are the three armor in hope city rubbish? Let you run out. "

With that, he rushed to kufurs.


He put his head on kufurs, but kufurs stood still.


Kufurs hit him on the back, and the black rhinoceros fell on the ground.

"Is that all you have?"

With a scornful smile, kufurs raised his foot and kicked the black rhinoceros armor off the ground.

"Bang Dang!"

Black rhinoceros armor hit the ground and rolled twice.

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