"You have succeeded in provoking me."

The black rhinoceros armor got up, surprised and angry, twisted around his waist, and the weapon flew out.

"Meteor gun."

Black rhinoceros armor rushed to kufurs with a shooting star gun, with a stab in kufurs' chest.

"Dang!" The sparks splashed.

Kujas stepped back two steps, then patted his chest: "it's a good thing for a while."

"There are more decent ones!" The black rhinoceros armor gave a cold hum and killed him with a gun again.

Kufurs took out his weapon, a big axe, and directly opened the shooting star gun.

Then one hand seized the barrel of the gun, and the other with an axe cleaved the black rhinoceros armor.

"Stab -"

"ah Black rhinoceros armor screamed and fell to the ground, his armor flickered a few times, directly lifted.

Beimiao covers his belly, spills blood from the corner of his mouth, and stares at kufurs with reluctance and anger.

Kufurs changed back to human form, looked at him with a contemptuous smile, put his hands in his pocket and walked back to Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at Bei Miao and said, "next time you say that other people are weak, remember to call yourself your level."

Beimiao's face was blue and white, embarrassed and angry, but he had nothing to say. He could only stare at Su Xun to show his last stubbornness.

"Don't look at me like that. If I do it, you can't even hold it." Su Xun chuckled.

Beimiao stood up from the ground and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth: "what do you want?"

"There are two choices. First, put away your pride and obey my orders. Second, hand over your Summoner and water shadow stone." If you can, Su Xun still tries to use the leading role team.

Beimiao's face was uncertain, looking at kufurs: "I want to have the right to challenge him at any time."

It's a shame on him. He must be shamed!

"Yes." Su Xun smiles. Of course, you have the right to find a taxi at any time.

The black rhinoceros armor is not likely to be the opponent of kufurs in the short term, because the armor is growing.

When he gets stronger and arrives at ares early, kugus will be able to wear Vajra armor again. Beimiao is not his opponent.

Su Xun also warned: "remember, the most important thing is to be obedient when you put your mind right and work under my hands. Specifically, you can find the guy you just despised, who will tell you everything."

Beimiao looks at Dongshan.

"Hello, welcome to Dongshan." Dongshan showed a friendly smile.

Beimiao said: "just now I'm sorry

After all, just after the front foot was installed, the back foot was hanged. This kind of feeling is very embarrassing.

"It doesn't matter. We will be brothers fighting together in the future." Dongshan patted him on the shoulder.

Su Xun said, "OK, let's go and eat dumplings together. Why is it so difficult to eat dumplings?"


In the evening.

Beihai Hotel.

Sitting on the sofa, Su Xun could see the figure of the wonderful man in the water mist filled bathroom.

To be exact, the lower part of the body is quite wonderful, and the upper part is slightly poor, but it's still enough to see.

"Are you well? It's half an hour. If you wash it down, the skin will be rotten." Su Xun said.

"What's your hurry? If you can't wait, go to bed first."

Yang welcome not angry said, she actually washed early, is nervous.

Because she knows what happens when she goes out.

She never did it!

"Come out quickly." After coming to this world, Su Xun hasn't had meat for a long time. He wants to eat meat.

Welcome said: "no, you come in."

"You said that."

Su Xun summoned the emperor's armor, moved it into the bathroom, and then released the armor.

The emperor's armor was used by him in this way, which is called making the best use of everything.

"Ah! Get out of here, asshole

Yang welcome didn't expect that Su Xun would come to this move. He covered his body in a panic and was too ashamed.

"What are you doing out there? Let's wash together."

"Ah! No, not here... "

Yang welcomed the beginning of the cry is not, to the back became do not stop.

The water mist in the bathroom is hazy, and two figures are hugging each other tightly.

The low and graceful female voice reverberates inside.

The bathroom is just the beginning, not the end.

When Su Xun was busy, others were busy.

Meizhen has got the earth shadow stone and found Kunzhong to explain the whole story.

The land tiger's armor is back to its original position. Among the five elements' armor, only Xizhao's xuemastiff's armor is inferior.


The next day, in the morning.

"Awake?" Su Xun looked at the welcome.

Welcome a red face, hiding in the quilt: "you go out first, I want to get dressed.""Affectation. It was like that last night. What's the shame?" Su Xun lifted the quilt.

"Ah Welcome to scream. There was no place to hide. He hammered Su Xun's fists: "you are necrotic."

"Get up and go to the orphanage today."

Su Xun plans to coax Xiang Yang away first.

He remembered that Xiangyang was in the sunshine welfare home.

"What are you doing at the orphanage?" Welcome to ask curiously, even forget to cover your body.

Her white body is full of red marks and her knees are red. All of them are Su's masterpieces last night.

As he put on his clothes, Su Xun replied, "go find a child and take it with you when you leave."

"Ah! No need to I'm not afraid of having children. " Welcome the weak to say a word.

Su Xun was speechless: "what do you think? That child is also the summoner of armor. He has the purest blood of Wuxing village in his body and can summon the emperor's armor."

"Oh." Welcome to nod embarrassed. She thought Su Xun didn't want her to have a baby.

Because she heard that when a woman has a baby, she will relax

Thinking about it, I blushed again.

Seeing this, Su Xun shook his head. Women like to think wildly. They must have scratched again.

After washing, they took a taxi to sunshine welfare home after breakfast.

After all, there is no mobile navigation at this time.

After arriving at the welfare home, I met Xiang Yang, a ten-year-old boy, through the president of the welfare home.

Only when the emperor wants to be silent can he summon the armor.

At present, he can't control this subconsciousness, which is not a problem for Su Xun.

"Dean, can you leave me alone with Xiangyang?" Su Xun looks at the president of the welfare home.

"OK, you can talk." The Dean left.

Xiangyang was silent from the beginning to the end.

Su Xun summoned the emperor's armor.

Then Xiang Yang raised his head and stared at Su Xun's armor tightly. He felt close to him.

Su Xun looked at him: "are you good-looking? You can also, as long as you can control your subconscious, you can become me, we are the same

"With Class? " Xiangyang is at a loss.

Su Xun nodded: "yes, fellow, follow me, I will teach you how to become me."

Xiangyang didn't speak again. He nodded for a long time, because looking at Su Xun's armor, he couldn't help getting close to him and trusting him.

After getting Xiang Yang's consent, Su Xun took him away from the welfare home by some small means.

After that, he gave Dr. Xiangyang to take care of the situation step by step and asked him to think of a way to teach him.

I'm sure Dr. Garou can do it.

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