ERP research room.

"Well, now it's only snow mastiff armor."

"Next, destroy the base of the movie tyrant first, then destroy the old nest of the king of the world, and then kill the shadow five demons and the dark movie emperor, and the crisis on the earth will be relieved."

Su Xun sat in the first place and said, looking at the crowd.

When we get rid of these disgusting bastards, we can go to Ares and peel for the throne.

"But we don't even know where the film base is." Dongshan frowned.

Xizhao led the way in the original play, and they found the base of jiewang.

This time, Su Xun is going to let Chou Jiang lead the way.

Because every time a psionic beast appears, this guy must be nearby. It's very easy to catch.

Su Xun said, "wait for the party leading the way."

All of a sudden, the alarm was loud.

"Here we are." Su Xun smiles.

Meizhen went to check the location of the beast and said, "the signal is on the site of Nancheng."

"Annixiu, Dongshan, you two go. Dongshan is responsible for finding a man in black and a mask nearby and catching him back." Su Xun ordered.

This time, it was a rock beast. It appeared on the construction site to kill a descendant of tuying village named ATU.


An MI Xiu and Dong Shan walk into the transmission room of ERP and can instantly transmit to the designated place.

It can also reverse the armor.

There are many black technologies in ERP research room.

It's more about Dr. Garou.

"Well, we'll just wait."

About ten minutes later, Meizhen received the transmission request from Dongshan.

Shua, Dongshan, an Mishou and Chou will appear in the transmission room.

"Let me go, what are you doing with me? You are Armored Warriors, and you can't arrest people."

Chou will be caught by an MI Xiu's backhand, still struggling, his eyes floating.

"Come on, ugly general, don't pretend here. I know who you are, and I know it very well." Su Xun interrupted ugly general's poor performance.

When Chou Chien heard Su Xun call out his name, he felt a thump in his heart: "spare your life, hero. I was forced by the people in the film world."

You can't pretend to be innocent, but you start to pretend to be pathetic.

"Forced?" Su Xun sneered. This guy is worse than the movie blockbuster.

Ugly general repeatedly nodded: "yes, forced, completely forced helpless, I can't help it!"

"OK, then you can lead us to the film base. When we kill the movie bully, you will be free." Su Xun looked at the ugly general and said.

Chou turned his eyes and spoke fast: "I'm willing to lead the way, I'm willing to take you."

A group of idiots, when they go to the shadow base, they are besieged by psionic beasts. Let's see how you die.

"Then let's go."

Plus Su Xun, a total of nine people, led by the ugly General of the leading Party, went to the film base.

As soon as a group of people got outside, the movie tyrant in the base knew it and directly released all the powers.

"Come on, come on, you can solve it at one time, and you can save more trouble, ha ha ha..."

The movie bully, dressed in a black robe, laughs. In front of him, there are thirteen powerful beasts.

These are all variations of life on earth.

"Overlord, help, Overlord!"

As soon as he entered the base, Chou would yell that he was afraid that the beast might kill him by mistake.

After all, he didn't think these Armored Warriors would be rivals for so many powers.

"You rubbish! Good. How dare you ask for help? You're the one who brought in the armored warrior, aren't you

"Give it to me, tear them up!"

At the command of the movie tyrant, thirteen power beasts rushed to Su Xun and others.

"Windhawk armor, fit."

"Land tiger armor, fit."

"Black rhinoceros armor, fit."

"Dragon Armor, fit."

An MI Xiu and Xin Nan and others go up to fight.

There was no need for Su Xun to do it. Emperor Yan didn't do it, so he stood behind Su Xun and blocked the exit.

"Even your master shadow five demons are rubbish in front of us, don't say you rubbish."

Qiao shefei smashed a power beast with one blow.

Kujas stormed with an axe.

In comparison, they have to work harder on the Yanlong armor. After all, there is a gap in combat power.

But it can enrich their actual combat experience.

An MI Xiu three people are like invincible, the power beast one by one is destroyed by them.

In ten minutes, they smashed five psionic beasts, and the armor team sealed two.

"Protect me and leave."

When the film tyrant sees the situation, he is ready to leave. Fog begins to appear on the surface of his body. This is evasion."Shura armor, fit!"

Emperor Yan summoned his armor and rushed over directly. He smashed two psionic beasts one by one. He appeared in front of the movie tyrant and punched him through the body.

"Puyi -"

with blood dripping, as Shura's armor fist was pulled back, bang, the movie master's body fell to the ground.

Then the Shura armor jumped into the battlefield.

"Shura purgatory sword."

"Stab "Stab

After two sabres, the last two beasts were cut into magic stickers and sealed by them.

"This How can it be

The ugly general was stunned. He didn't expect that the powerful power beast couldn't even support Shura armor.

He thought that if he brought them to susian, he could catch them all.

Now it's all in one. That's right.

It's just that the movie stars are all caught.

"It's amazing." After Beimiao lifted his armor, he looked at Shura's armor with a look of amazement.

They have to do their best to fight the beast, and sometimes they can't.

Shura armor directly cuts one by one.

Doesn't it look like they're rubbish?

Su Xun kicked the ugly general: "continue to lead the way to the base of jiewang."

"Yes, yes." This time ugly will be much better.


Jiewang base.

A virtual data screen floats in front of jiewang with artificial eye and mechanical arm.

On the screen is just the scene of the battle in the film base.

Binger and Xizhao are standing below.

Looking at Su Xun in the picture, bing'er is calm on the surface, but she is shocked in her heart.

It's him!

When she thought that Su Xun could command so many armor and netherworld demons, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in her heart. Maybe he could kill the king of the world.


Suddenly, a whip hit her.


Binger fell to the ground with a scream.

"You waste, don't you mean all the nether demons are dead? What are those three just now? "

The king roared angrily.

Bing er's long hair covered her face and said nothing.

Xizhao immediately pleaded for him: "the king of the world is calm. The three ghosts have obviously taken refuge in the Armored Warriors. It's normal that Bing Er doesn't know."

"Are you teaching me to do things?" The king of the world said coldly.

Xizhao bowed his head: "I dare not."

"Hum!" The king of the world gave a cold hum.

Of course, he knew what Xi Zhao said was reasonable. He just wanted to vent his anger.

"Come on, come on, I'll wait for you here, waiting to collect your corpses."

The king of the world showed a cold smile, and then the laughter became bigger and bigger, echoing in the cave.

At the same time, the five demons also communicate in the dark.

"Damn it! It's Shura armor

"What are you afraid of! We are not what we were before. Don't forget, we have a back hand! "

"Don't scare yourself, the real strength of Shura armor may not be as strong as the legend, otherwise how could Yan Emperor be caught by lufa?"

"Yes, it's time to take revenge on the three Luffa cubs and rob the Shura summoner. Then we can occupy the earth!"

"That's right, ha ha ha ha..."

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