Two days later.

Su Xun returned to hope city.

Together came Xinnan five, Meizhen, and a large number of ERP research equipment.

The first thing to go back to hope city was that Su Xun sent people to Bawang group to see Ba Dou.

In the office of Bawang group, Croton is looking in the mirror and combing the few hairs on his hair.

Even if he is as rich as his country, he can't change the outcome of baldness.

The hairline caught up with his speed of making money.


Coopers suddenly appeared in the office.


Ba Dou was startled by his sudden appearance and nearly fell off his chair.

"Badong, what happened to the matter that our general asked you to investigate." Kujas asked without expression.

Croton swallowed a mouthful of saliva, showing the color of flattery: "found, I have already found, but there is no contact information, no way to take the initiative to contact you."

"Cut the crap and bring it." Kuhans reached out.

Croton quickly found a file bag from the cabinet and handed it to kufurs.

Kujas disappeared with the paper bag.

When it reappeared, it was in Huanhuan Teppanyaki.


Kugus handed the bag to Sushen.

Su Xun opened it. There were two pieces of information in it.

One is huolinfei's and the other is slim and handsome. Both of them are only 16 years old.

See, foreign high school students save the world at most, while our domestic high school students have already started to save the universe, saving seven at a time.

The school they attended was called Blue Fox International middle school, which was in hope city.

This is really looking for lanterns with lanterns.

However, I hope that the city has not had any other movements besides the frequent movements they have made.

That means that the story of the super beast armed forces is still early. When the story of the super beast armed forces happens, there are often battles, and it is impossible to be silent.

"Binger, you are responsible for watching them."

Su Xun throws the information to Bing er.

They are about to leave for Ares. Ice doesn't work much. Just stay on earth.

"Yes, master." Bing Er answered.

Although I don't know what Su Xun asked her to do with the two high school kids, just do it.

"Pay attention to safety, your life is the first." Su Xun was afraid of going to Ares. During this time, the story of super beast armed suddenly began.

The first episode of the super beast armed plot is that the lion king comes to the earth and snatches the key of xuanming from xuanyizi.

If an ordinary person doesn't escape the aftershock in time, he will be killed.


Three days later, the town tower.

Su Xun, welcome, Tian Di Ren San Kai, Wu Xing Kai, Shura Kai, Qiao shefei, Mei Zhen and her brother Dr. Garu are gathered here.

This is the expedition to Ares.

It's a little small, but it's not a big problem.

With the energy crystals of the earth and the energy crystals left by Luffa, Su Xun had mastered more than half of the stars in the galaxy.

According to the law of the universe, he will legally become the current master of the galaxy.

As for the earth energy crystal, it will be put back to the earth after it becomes the master of the galaxy.

It won't affect anything in such a short time.

Now just go to Ares and kick peel off the stage.

There are few loyal people around him, otherwise in the original play, he would not be expelled because of corruption.

After all, what happened to Luffa in those years must have made many soldiers feel cold for him. However, Luffa himself promoted him to the throne with war, but he failed.

This is taboo. Who dares to work for him?

Not to mention resisting the cosmic law to prevent Su Xun from ascending the throne for his sake.

A king who is not supported by the army is not a real king.

Even when Luffa defected, there were twenty-four imperial soldiers who were willing to follow him.

"I'm going back at last. I can wash away the humiliation I once had!"

Kudos was a little excited.

After all, there is no one willing to bear such a low charge.

"Pierre, I'm afraid I never dreamed that we would go back in this way!"

"He is unpopular. As long as we go back to Ares, all the troops will be on our side!"

Qiao shefei and an Mishou are just like you. I'm very excited.

At that time, Luffa was the commander of Ares' army. They were close friends of luffa and had a high position in the army. They had many acquaintances.

Thousands of years is a long time for Earth people, but it's no different from a few months for them.

Therefore, they had confidence to control the army. Moreover, this time, Su Xun went back to inherit the throne according to the law of the universe, and there was no problem in Dayi.Su Xun took out the King Kong pestle and put it on the stone table in the middle of the magic tower.

Then, boom -

the Zhenmo tower began to shake violently, and then it began to collapse, and the tail of the spaceship appeared.

Then the whole body of the spaceship which was trapped in the ground flew out from the ground and began to fly vertically to the sky.

"Is this the alien ship? It's really advanced, at least thousands of years ahead of the earth. "

Dr. Garou fondled all kinds of sci-fi instruments in the cockpit.

Qiao shefei, kufurs and an Mishou knew the spaceship very well and gave him a detailed introduction.

Dr. Garou is worthy of the rank of genius. He soon understood the facilities inside the spaceship.

And can fly the ship independently.

"Dr. Garou, Meizhen, you will do research on the spaceship in the future." Su Xun said to them.

The things in ERP research room have been brought up for a long time, especially the five light and shadow stones.

After leaving the earth, without the ERP satellite to transmit energy, the armor Summoner will be useless.

So Xinnan, they need to take the light stone with them at any time and use its own energy to transform.

The light and shadow stone is not heavy and can be carried with you.

In the original play, the shadow bully put the earth shadow stone in his sleeve.

Where is the weight of the stone that can be put into the sleeve?

"Amixiu, full speed! Target, Ares, 70000 light-years away

"Yes, general!"

At this time, the earth has been in chaos for a long time. After all, many people have seen the spaceship fly into the sky, and videos have been taken.

"Those monsters are really alien creatures. Have they been beaten away by Armored Warriors?"

"This spaceship belongs to those monsters."

"I've been to that tower, but I didn't expect it was an alien spaceship."

And state departments are calling for blunders.

If they had known that it was an alien spaceship, they would definitely split it up for research, then Earth Science and technology would definitely enter the orbit of rapid development.

But now the aliens have run away, and the earth has missed this great opportunity of rapid development.

At the same time, Blue Fox International middle school near the slum underground in a base.

A short old man with a turtle shell on his back muttered to himself, "you are gone, but someone is coming again. Hades, do you really want to revive?"

He is xuanyizi, the master of the Xuanwu spaceship, and one of the key figures in the super beast armed forces.

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