When the spacecraft passed the moon, it stopped for a while. Li Haotian, Xu tingfei and Wu Gang recalled the aircraft that was parked on it.

"Amelio, shoot there."

Su Xun pointed to the U.S. space station with the U.S. flag on the moon.

That flag is a real eyesore.

"Yes, general."

Living on the earth for a thousand years, amishu knew the grudge between the dragon people and the American people.

A small energy muzzle on the spacecraft was aimed at the space station built by the American people.

At this time, people from relevant departments of the United States are seeing this scene through satellite.

"God! Alien spaceship! Look! I found something! An alien spaceship

"Oh, MAIGA, look at that alien spaceship. What is he doing? Say hello to us? "

"Should be it, send radio response, to express the enthusiasm and friendship of our American people."

"No! It's like an energy cannon... "


The space station exploded, the satellite exploded, and the surveillance image became a snowflake.


The whole office was horribly quiet.

It was quiet for about a minute, and then it exploded in an instant.

"Oh! Shetter! dog shit! These damn aliens, they blew up our space station! "

"Come on! Go and inform the president

"These bastards! They are so overbearing! They should be punished! It's time to learn! "

No wonder they are so angry. First, it's a shame. Second, it's really expensive and laborious to build a space station.

Su Xun didn't know that his American friends were "excited" about his behavior.

By this time, he had already left the moon.

As Xu Zhimo said in his poem:

I come gently, just as I walk gently, wave my sleeve and send a muzzle.

The spaceship is advancing rapidly, and the outer space is dark and full of meteorites, and the stars can be seen from time to time.

Su Xun had this experience for a long time.

But it's the first time to welcome this group of local bumpkins, one by one excited beyond words.

In particular, Li Haotian, a photo maniac, took out his camera shutter and kept making sound.

Su xunzhen wanted to introduce Mr. Chen to him, and the two exchanged photographic techniques.

Although Mr. Chen takes pictures of human body art, all arts have something in common.

"Ding! Ding! Ding

Suddenly, an electronic alarm sounds, and three red dots appear on the cockpit data screen.

"General, there's an aircraft approaching us."

Said Annie.

"Oh? Look over there. " Su Xun said.

and so on as like as two peas and three of them were found to be identical to Li Haotian.

Kufurs snorted coldly:

"general, it's Ares patrol!"

Ares patrol team, each patrol team consists of three people, respectively, a pair of Xingtian armor, a pair of Feiying armor, and a pair of Vajra armor.

A thousand years ago, they were met by an arresto patrol near the earth.

Then they were sealed by the patrol team.

At the same time, the opposite ares patrol team also saw them.

"Xingtian, look at that spaceship..."

"Yes, it's general Luffa's ship. Are they going back to Ares?"

"Wang has been tracking down the whereabouts of general Luffa. Unexpectedly, we met him."

"King Kong, shout! Now general Luffa is guilty, we will arrest them according to the law! "

"Yes." King Kong armor answered, and then began to shout: "we are ares 530 patrol, the spacecraft in front please stop for inspection."

"This is ares 530 patrol. Please stop the ship in front for inspection."

"For the last time, we are ares 530 patrol. Please stop the spacecraft in front for inspection, otherwise we will take compulsory measures."

Three aircrafts surrounded the spaceship and opened the weapon attack mode.

"Emperor Yan, please come up and tell us the current situation of Ares."

What Su Xun is most concerned about now is whether Pierre has stepped down. If he does, it will be more difficult for him to succeed to Ares this time.

"Yes, general."

Emperor Yan summoned Shura armor and flew directly out of the spaceship to the Xingtian aircraft.

"Be careful! It's Shura armor

"Flying shadow is fast. You send the news back to Ares immediately. We'll stop him!"

"Yes, be careful!"

The flying Shadow Armor turns around without hesitation, and the aircraft is about to leave. Luffa is back. The news must be sent back to Ares as soon as possible.Although King peel was becoming more and more unpopular, as Ares' soldiers, they had to abide by Ares' laws.

"Want to run?"

"Shura purgatory sword!"

"Shura hundred blows!"

Shura armor cuts at the flying shadow aircraft. Boom, the flying shadow aircraft loses its balance.

Flying Shadow Armor had to leave the aircraft, and then flew to Xingtian and King Kong.

It is unrealistic that no aircraft wants to fly back to Ares over tens of thousands of light years.

Armor doesn't last that long.

"General! It's been a thousand years. Come back with us and explain to the king. The king will forgive you. "

Xingtian looked at Shura's armor and said, he thought it was lufa in the armor.

After all, it is well known that Luffa took the summoner of Shura armor when he defected.

"I'm not that fool of lufa. I'm Emperor Yan, the real master of Shura armor!"

Shura armor sonorous powerful said.

"What! Emperor Yan! You took refuge with general Luffa

Patrol 530 was surprised. After all, Emperor Yan was known as the war bully of the galaxy.

The three of them are definitely not the opponents of Yan Emperor after wearing Shura armor.

"Damn way! Luffa is dead. Now my general has more than half of the stars in the galaxy. He will be the king legally. Pierre, that guy should go away. Don't you come to see the king with me

Shura armor raised the purgatory sword and pointed to the three people. If he didn't go, he asked them to go.

"What! What the hell is going on! "

Patrol 530 was confused because the amount of information revealed in Emperor Yan's words was too large.

First, the traitor Luffa, whom ares wanted for more than a thousand years, is dead.

Secondly, there is a new existence that has mastered more than half of the stars in the galaxy and has won the loyalty of Emperor Yan.

"Don't step on the horse and talk nonsense, go or not!"

Emperor Yan was already impatient, because he was an acute man with a violent temper.

The three of patrol 530 looked at each other.

"Well, according to the law of the universe, the general you are talking about is indeed the king of the galaxy. We will go with you to see him." Xingtian looked at Shura armor and said.

This is also the reason why peir is too unpopular. Otherwise, even if they directly violated the universal law, they would never recognize Su Xun's legal status.

Now ares is in a mess under the rule of Pierre, and the people are full of complaints. At this time, it is also popular to change the king.

After all, it can't be worse than it is now.

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