Shura armor and three members of 530 patrol came to Su Xun.

"Wang, I brought them."

Emperor Yan also changed his name directly. Anyway, sooner or later, he would call Wang.

Li Haotian three people as like as two peas in front of him, and have a wonderful feeling in their hearts.

Three members of patrol 530 were observing Su Xun. Su Xun's youth shocked them.

What shocked them even more was that the three leaders of the guards were standing behind Su Xun.

It seems that Luffa is really dead. Otherwise, the three of them would never vote for others.

"Why, you three are dumb, can't you talk?" An MI Xiu said coldly.

Three people looked at each other, then knelt down on one knee at the same time, clenched their right hands on the chest armor: "ares 530 patrol, Xingtian Gore, Feiying goring, Jingang Goren, see the king."

According to the law of the universe, Su Xun was legally called king.

They didn't have any loyalty to that guy, so they knelt down without pressure.

What's more, this is not betrayal. What they do is in accordance with the law of the universe.

"Well, free." Su Xun said faintly that when Wang had experience, he was an old man in the industry.

The three stood up again and said nothing, waiting for Su Xun to ask.

"Is Pierre still on the throne?" Su Xun asked

"Yes, my Lord, but ares's military and political circles, including the people, have been dissatisfied with him for a long time. The king's arrival at ares at this time is exactly what everyone expects." Gore replied respectfully.

Su Xun showed great interest: "Oh? Tell me what pierre did

In the end of Xingtian armor, the armor warrior from Ares said that Pierre stepped down because of corruption.

But at least he is the head of the galaxy. He can never step down simply because of corruption.

The reason why he was sentenced on this charge is more of a shame.

It's just like Pierre's three crimes of greed, anger and ignorance.

It also shows how unpopular peel is in Ares.

"Pierre, as the king of Ares, accepts bribes to sell Ares' interests. His private life is extravagant and lustful. He neglects to deal with government affairs and employs adulterers. His charges are numerous." Goren was filled with indignation.

If he had not been subject to the law, and he was just an ordinary soldier, he would have wanted to kill Pyle.

Coopers sneered, "I've known for a long time that Pierre is not a good guy."

"The elder said so." Goering echoed.

Su Xun said with a smile: "an MI Xiu, hurry up, don't you hear me? The people of Ares are waiting for the king to save them

"Yes, my Lord." Anmi mends the way back.

He used the energy of gengyu Vajra pestle to accelerate, and the speed of the spacecraft increased a lot again.

70000 light years, not too long.

Otherwise ares's patrol team wouldn't have been around the earth.

Day and night in space.

I don't know how long I've been driving. Ares finally appears in sight.

From space, it's a purple, dreamlike planet.

"Ares, we're back at last."

Qiao shefei and the three were very excited.

As soon as the spaceship was close to the periphery, three huge warships had surrounded it. Behind the warships were thousands of armored aircraft.

"This is ares's first space convoy. Ares has three space convoys. Each convoy is equipped with a command ship, two frigates and 3000 armored soldiers."

Kufurs explained a sentence to Su Xun.

Li Haotian three people looking at opposite that dense armor aircraft, the mood is complex.

The summoner in his hand is suddenly worthless, because there is a large group in Ares.

Amisu suspended the spacecraft in space, and then the spacecraft extended a platform.

Su Xun summoned the emperor's armor, took the people out of the spaceship and stood on the platform.

Face to face is ares's warship.

"You rude fellows, who are you shooting at! Don't you know us? "

Kufurs roared.

In fact, when the three men followed Su Xun out, the opposite space guard recognized it.

"It's captain Qiao shefei. What should they do?"

"By law they are guilty."

"Are you going to catch him? I can't. We used to be brothers fighting together. "

"And general Luffa? Why didn't you see general Luffa? What kind of armor is the leader? "

The command ship of Ares first space convoy was full of comments.

The commanders are tangled.

ANNISU stepped forward and called out, "brothers! Do you still know me? I'm an Mishou, the head of the grey ghost division of the guard! Pierre is a fool. He made a mess of Ares. He wronged general luffa and forced general Luffa to flee! ""Now general Luffa has died, but we have a new general, a new king! Our king has more than half of the stars in the galaxy in his hands. He is the right king

While he was talking, Joe shefei on one side unfolded a map of the galaxy, on which the positions of the stars in the Galaxy were distributed. The red one is now controlled by Su Xun.

thanks to old fellow Lu, because all these are his legacy.


The first guard exploded in an instant.

They were shocked by two things.

The first point is that Luffa is dead. As the commander of Ares' army, Luffa's prestige is still very high even if he defected. The news of his death is shocking.

The second point is that a new king has appeared. According to the law of the universe, Pierre is going to step down.

No one will fight against cosmic law in order to help peel keep the throne, because peel is not qualified.

"What do we do now? To defend King peel or to obey the law of the universe? "

"Is that guy peel worth defending? From the time he framed general Luffa, his narrow mind was not worthy of being a king. "

"Yes, the new king will succeed, Pierre will abdicate, Qiao shefei, the king they support will not be bad."

"Then let's go to see Xinwang."

Soon, the first guard made a choice, and the commander came out of the warship in armor.

What they wear is not armor, but armor similar to that of the ancient generals of the Dragon kingdom.

"See you, my Lord! All the officers and men of Ares first space guard are willing to support the king's accession to the throne

"See the king!"

"See the king!"

"See the king!"

Behind him, the armored soldiers came out of the aircraft and knelt down on one knee.

"Everyone, please forgive me. I promise that when I ascend the throne, I will lead Ares and the first universe to become the strongest being in the seven universes!"

Su Xun stepped forward two steps, and his voice dropped. He clenched his fist and raised it.

"Pierre abdicates and the new king succeeds!"

"Pierre abdicates and the new king succeeds!"

"Pierre abdicates and the new king succeeds!"

The voice of the first space guard is higher and higher, just like the tide in space.

Enough to engulf and engulf everything.

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