
Different from the earth, the higher the civilization, the more unified it is. Ares is a unified planet.

In Ares, there is no concept of a country. If it has to be, then this country is called Ares.

Everyone belongs to Ares.

The royal city of ares is called ares city.

The magnificent palace occupies the center of the city.

In the past, the palace was not so big, but after Pierre came to power, he ordered the expansion to become what it is now.

The palace is extremely luxurious. Even the maids are first-class and rare beauties.

The palace is full of women from top to bottom, and there is no man. It can be said that it is ridiculous to the extreme.

Peel doesn't touch them either. He just appreciates them.

This point coincides with Su Xun's taste.

At this time, in the harem, King peel and his more than 50 concubines were drinking and having fun.

His fat body, wrapped in a golden robe, is chasing and playing among a group of warblers.

"Ha ha ha, beauty, come on, I've caught you. Let me eat. I'm thirsty. Let me taste for my son first."

"Wang Shang, you are good or bad, Wang Shang, cluck ~"

"Wang Shang, come and catch me quickly."

"Don't worry, come one by one, let me spoil you, ha ha ha..."

The biggest difference from those despicable kings on earth is that ares is technologically advanced, so King peel doesn't have to worry about overindulgence damaging his body.

Therefore, King Kong's healthy body has become the base of his ultimate enjoyment, and he can play recklessly.

"Step, step..."

A rapid sound of footsteps came.

A female official panicked and ran in: "Lord, it's not good. Lord, something's wrong."

"What's the matter? The sky hasn't fallen yet. Don't spoil my interest with some trifles Pierre said impatiently, holding a beautiful woman in his arms.

The female official's face turned white and said, "my Lord, everyone is against me. Someone has mastered more than half of the planets in the galaxy and is coming to overthrow you."

"Luffa is back!" PIL king is greatly surprised to lose color, the spermatozoa that just went up brain instantly retreats.

After all, Lu FA was doing it at the beginning. When he found out, Lu FA was almost successful, but later Lu FA suddenly disappeared.

The female official said, "it's not Luffa. It's a stranger wearing strange armor."

"Damn it! Who is it? " Hearing that it wasn't rufa, peel didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but panicked a lot, because once he abdicated, the end would be miserable.

He also knew that most of what he had done over the years had violated Ares' law.

Once abdicated, he would be tried and used by the new monarch to calm the anger of the people.

"Some of the troops have gone against it." King peel wanted to force himself to calm down, but the sweat on his face betrayed his heart.

"Stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered, stuttered

"What about the forbidden army? What about the forbidden army? " The more he listened, the more desperate he was.

The female officer was about to cry: "when general Luffa was convicted by you, the imperial army withdrew."

After 24 soldiers of the imperial guards defected with Luffa, peel felt that all the imperial guards could not be trusted, and then withdrew the establishment of the imperial guards.

Later, he replaced all the people in the palace with women, and the imperial army never rebuilt.

So now, he looks around, but he can't find an army loyal to him.

"Damn it! Who on earth can save the king

King peel raised his head and roared, his eyes full of fear, his hands holding his hair.

"Step, step..."

There was a rapid and powerful sound of footsteps.

Su Xun led the way. He was wearing emperor's armor, but his head was not covered with armor.

Behind him are Shura armor, kufurs, Josef, and a large number of Ares officers loyal to him.

The collision between armor and armor was clear and pleasant. At this time, the soldiers had taken over the palace.

"You are peel."

Su Xun looked down at peir, his mouth rose, and he raised a contemptuous smile.

Throughout the five thousand years of China, there should be no more failed king than Pierre.

Up to now, no army is willing to defend him to the death.

"Who are you, Luffa?"

Peel's face turned white. He saw Joe shefei, kufurs and an Mishou behind Su Xun.

"Luffa is dead, but you are in my hands, and the end is not much better."

Su Xun sneered at this kind of person, and naturally he would not get a good end.

"I'm wang, you should give me a decent, one day you may also...""No way! I'm not the same fool as you Su Xun interrupted him and said firmly, "if I am king one day, I will always be king!"


"My subordinates are here!" Kujas is out.

Su Xun pointed to peir: "take it down, count its sins outside the palace gate of the King City, and behead it to the public!"


Piru was struck by lightning and fell to the ground.

"Yes, my Lord." With a grim smile, Coopers went up to pick up Pierre and went out.

"You're the same guy you are today."

"No! Don't kill me! I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Please... "

Peel had no appearance of a king, and kept crying, yelling and struggling for mercy.

All the officers showed disgust.

It's a shame that they have been defending such goods for more than a thousand years!

"Amiso." Su Xun called.

An MI Xiu came out: "subordinate is in."

"You are responsible for reorganizing the Youming forbidden army. When our king ascends the throne, you will be washed away from your sins." Get rid of them and they'll become normal soldiers.

Instead of becoming a ghost again.

Ares people themselves are very tall. They can rush into battle with armor and have strong fighting power.

Armor originally did not belong to Ares, but was invented by Yanxing, the emperor of Yan. Later, armor technology was brought back to ares for mass production.

At the beginning, Luffa led the Ares soldiers to defeat Yan Xing, who had armored soldiers. From this, we can see how terrible the Ares' combat effectiveness was.

Now the armor is mass-produced. After they put on the armor, their combat effectiveness has increased several times.

"Yes, I thank the king." Both amishu and Josef are excited.

General, do you see that?

We've finished what we wanted to do for you, Pierre.

"Joe's money." Su Xun called again.

Qiao shefei was listed as "subordinate."

"Immediately summon all the army generals to come to the king's city. Three days later, my king will ascend the throne."

Ares has many armies, which are distributed in different places. Su Xun needs to make sure that he gets the loyalty of each army.

Only in this way can we make a fist of Ares and fight it out.

Break through the seven universes and be the king of the universe.

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