The change of dynasty of ares is not much different from that in the history of the earth.

The biggest difference is the existence of the universal law. Let Su Xun sit on the throne of Ares smoothly.

However, the law of the universe is just a matter of great significance. In the final analysis, the two greatest meritorious officials for his successful accession to the throne are lufa and peir.

Luffa contributed energy crystals to more than 29000 stars in the galaxy.

Peir was so angry and unpopular that there was no army to help him resist Su Xun.

So to win, you don't have to be strong enough. As long as your opponent is weak enough, you can also win.

Overnight, the king flag of Ares changed, and Sushen's King flag was flying high.

At this time, in the study of Ares palace, people were arguing about Su Xun's name.

Before the king of Ares, all the names were followed by a king.

For example, peel is called King peel.

Louis, King Louis.

It's impossible for Su Xun to be called King Su Xun, which sounds too awkward.

"Don't you think the dragon is a very powerful creature? It's better to call it Dragon King. " Having been on the earth for a thousand years, kugus knows the earth's culture very well.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth twitched, and he blurted out: "this is not good."

You can call it any king. In short, you can't call it Dragon King.

Think about that picture.

Thousands of troops and horses kneel on one knee to see the Dragon King.

Strictly speaking, it's no problem, but when Su Xun thought of a crooked Dragon King, it was a big problem.

"I don't think so. He's a man, not a dragon. His name is Dragon King." Yang's welcome is straightforward.

Su Xun thought this was reasonable. If he really wanted to be named after animals, he should also be called wolf king.

Color, the king of wolves.

The earth tiger armor said, "how about the number used by the ancient emperors of the earth?"

"Those kings have been dead for thousands of years. It's unlucky." Xu tingfei said impolitely.

Su Xun pondered for a moment, glanced at the crowd and said slowly, "why do you have to call? The king is the king. He doesn't need any number. After self, Ares doesn't need any other kings. "

Dictatorship, eternal dictatorship, even if he left, he would leave a separate body here.

For nothing else, he simply can't rest assured of the people here. He always cares about the people in his heart.

Hearing the words, they all looked at each other and stopped talking for a moment, because they couldn't answer them, so they had to acquiesce.

"OK, let's go down and perform our duties. In addition, Emperor Yan served as the chief of the guard." Su Xun waved.

"Yes, Wang."

The crowd saluted and retreated one after another. Soon only Yang was left standing in the same place.

Su Xun pretended to be displeased: "why, didn't you hear what I said? Why didn't you leave?"

"I'm gone. You spoil the beauties in the palace, don't you?" Yang gave him a warm welcome.

Su Xun hooked his finger: "come forward."

"Well! I'm afraid of you. Don't think it's great to be king. " Yang welcomed one to get off work. He was as proud as a peacock and went to Sushen step by step.

Su Xun pulled her into his arms and unfastened the zipper of her skirt skillfully with one hand: "if I don't spoil the maid in waiting, I can only spoil you."

"No, in broad daylight, what's the difference between you and peel?" Yang welcomed the red face struggling in his arms, but his hands tightly hugged him.

Women, they don't need to talk, but they are honest. After all, they are very exciting.

Su Xun chuckled: "the biggest difference between me and him is that he can be overthrown, but I can't

Then waves of welcome came from the study, and the rising and falling tones changed.

The palace maids outside passed by the study one by one, and they were used to it.

I've seen King Peel's play, it's just a small scene for them.


Three days later, Ares city.

The generals of the armies from Ares and the highest officials of the provinces came together.

Today is the day when the new king ascends the throne.

The process of ascending the throne is not complicated, it is nothing more than a science fiction live broadcast.

Let all ares know that the king has changed, and then spread the news to all planets.

The planets will send people to pay homage and present gifts.

Huge virtual screens float over the city, and people in the city can see them when they look up.

In the screen, Su Xun, dressed in a golden robe, walks to the throne under the escort of the armored guards.

Below is a large area of Ares officials.

Su Xun went to the throne, stood up, faced the crowd, took over the gengyu King Kong pestle and raised it.


For a moment, all the officials and the guards knelt down and cried out in unison, "I'll wait for you to see the king.""Get up." Su Xun sat on the throne.

They all got up and stood up again.

Su Xun said, "King peel is the sinner of Ares, the sinner of the galaxy, and the sinner of the first universe. He sat on the throne but did not perform his duties, so he was beheaded by me."

"Now, I'm sitting in the position he used to sit, but I, Wang, will not be him. Wang will lead ares to the prosperity and the universe!"

"King By his side, Joe shouts.

In an instant, everyone responded.

"King "King "King

Sound like a mountain torrent tsunami, wave after wave, through technology spread throughout Ares.

Su Xun raised his hand, and everyone was silent.

"A thousand years ago, Pierre was fatuous. Because of a little gossip, out of suspicion, he wiped out the credit of luffa and other soldiers. Luffa and 24 brave forbidden soldiers were forced to flee Ares. King peel framed them for three crimes of greed, anger and infatuation."

"Now, the king officially announced that the three crimes set by Pierre are invalid. Qiao shefei, kufurs and an Mishou will restore their identities as the leaders of the three major divisions of the Youming guard, purple, red and grey."

Qiao shefei, kufurs and an Mishou were extremely excited when they heard the official decree.

The most important reason why Su Xun wanted to wash away the accusations of Lu FA and others was to bribe the people of the army. After all, Lu FA used to be the commander of the army.

Lu FA is already dead. Su Xun doesn't have to worry about a private dead man. To help him recover his reputation is worthy of his more than 20000 stars.

"King "King "King "King

Outside the palace, all the soldiers cried out spontaneously, which showed that Su Xun's move was very effective.

Peir was unpopular, so susian changed peir.

Peir framed Lu FA as a criminal, and Su Xun helped Lu FA clear the charge.

These two points perfectly stuck on the G-spot of Ares soldiers, which proved that Su Xun was a wise king.

After the reign of Pei Hun Jun, they looked forward to the arrival of a Ming Jun.

Su Xun filled the gap in their hearts.

Su Xun's position was stable under the circumstances of conforming to the universal law and winning the hearts of the army.

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