There is no place to hide.

Therefore, in space war, there is basically no tactics to speak of. What we are fighting for is hard power.

The war in the fourth universe is not much different from the two previous universes.

If we insist, it is that the interception of the fourth universe is weaker than that of the first two.

After all, it's a matter of the system of the fourth universe. The cloudbats obviously use other planets as cannon fodder.

The Allied forces of other planets will not do their best. After all, no one is stupid.

After a fairly fierce exchange of fire, the defense line of the fourth universe coalition was torn, and the Ares expeditionary army continued to enter the fourth universe.

A cloud bat army was caught by surprise and waited for Ares' expedition.

Then it seems that the cloudbat Legion intends to lead ares's people to a planet.

This is a land war.

Because of the difference in absolute power, the cloudbat regiment is not an opponent in space war.

Su Xun brought his own guards, the fifth, the third, the fourth and the eighth. More than 50000 people chased him.

No matter what the battle is, the cloudbat army must be crippled, otherwise it will bring trouble to the later rule to keep them.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the people who may cause the problem.

On the planet closest to the node.

The opposing armies of the two sides add up to more than 100000 people. At a glance, they can't see the boundary.

Ye Lingyun stood in the front, looking at Su Xun, and said, "King Ares, I'm the only one in the army. The biggest mistake you make is to underestimate the enemy."

"You'll know if you've done it." Su Xun waved.

"Kill "Kill

"Kill me!" Ye Lingyun ordered the attack at night.

The men of the cloudbat army fly in the air, and Ares's armor army leaps up to fight.

Xu tingfei takes a shadow knife to split a cloudbat soldier into two sections, and then rushes to the next one.

Blood drips down on the surface of his armor. He doesn't know how many people he killed, but he just keeps chopping at the enemy mechanically.

All kinds of skills are thrown out.

Wu Gang and Li Haotian are the same.

Killing a chicken on the earth is shaking. Now they have become a qualified soldier.

The cloudbat Legion can fly and dominate, but there are few generals who can win, so the morale is decreasing step by step.

Ye Lingyun knows that it can't go on like this any more.

"Cloud bat legion, form a battle!"

Night Lingyun yelled, and then hundreds of soldiers flew over him, forming a funnel-shaped formation.

In this way, all the power can be added to the bottom night Lingyun.

The more soldiers in formation, the stronger their combat effectiveness.

Night Lingyun into the battlefield, such as into no man's land, all the way God block kill God Buddha block kill Buddha.

He even kicked the Shura armor and killed him so hard in front of Su Xun.

"Be careful!"

"Phoenix feather God!"

Tianyu summoned the super beast to stop Su Xun, and jumped up high: "magic heaven formula!"


Tianyu blocked the night Lingyun, but was soon knocked out by the night Lingyun.

Su Xun jumped up and caught her.

"Be careful, he's strong now." Tianyu disarmed and said pale.

Su Xun put her down: "give it to me."

Then, throw out the weapon card, draw out the aurora sword to kill the night Lingyun: "five saints must kill!"

"Chanting -"

the sound of the dragon's chanting shook the sky, and a golden dragon swept across the battlefield and rushed to the night clouds.

"Five gates must be killed!"

"Emperor fury

"The emperor pierces the wind!"

"Emperor Zhenlei cuts!"

Su Xun threw off several big moves in the past, none of which was repeated, just arrogant.


Night Lingyun screamed, was hit to fly out, fell on the ground passive disarmament.

The array is broken.

With the defeat of yelingyun, the morale and combat effectiveness of the battling cloudbat army are greatly reduced.

"The night owl is willing to surrender to the king!"

At this moment, a senior officer of the cloudbat army rushed to Su Xun and knelt down on one knee.

The sudden surrender of the owl son is a fatal blow to the cloudbat legion, completely demoralized.

"Night owl! You traitor

Night Ling cloud mouth hang bloodstain, looking at night owl son gnash teeth angry scold way.

"Traitor?" The owl son sneered: "I'm for the cloudbat army. Do you want the cloudbat army to perish with you?"

"Soldiers should have died in battle! Not everyone is so greedy for life and afraid of death as you are! " Night Lingyun said.

Night owl son to this disdain: "high sounding, whatever you say, anyway, I fell."At the beginning, he was robbed of the leader's position by night Lingyun. He always harbored a grudge and refused to obey him.

How can we be willing to die here?

"Those who fall will not be killed!" Su Xun called out that the cloud bat army had been abandoned, so there was no need to kill them all.

If the force is too tight, it is easy to arouse the fighting spirit of the cloudbat army. The trapped animals are still fighting, and they are the most fierce.

It's not worth wasting ares's life in the case of victory.

"Those who fall will not be killed!" "Those who fall will not be killed!"

The voice of persuasion spread all over the battlefield, so that more and more cloudbat soldiers knelt on the ground to surrender.

But there are still hundreds of people closely around the night Lingyun, vowing not to fall.

After all, who doesn't have many confidants?

Pierwang: I suspect you're trying to reach me.

Su Xun looked at Ye Lingyun: "Ye Lingyun, you have been defeated. Kill yourself. Let you die with dignity."

"True decency is death in battle!" At night, Lingyun's voice fell down and forced her body to rush to susian.

Su Xun stopped the guard who was about to rush forward, picked up the extreme light sword and stabbed at the night Lingyun.

"Puyi -"

the sword pierced his heart, and night Lingyun's body was stiff in place, and then fell to the ground.


His confidants exclaimed, and then Qi rushed to Su Xun bravely.

In other words, they just want to make their own death more meaningful.

"Night owls, kill them."

Su Xun said coldly.

As long as the night owl's hand is stained with the blood of the same clan, then he can only be loyal to himself in the future.

"Yes, my king!"

Owl son just hesitated for a moment, quickly made a choice, stood up to meet the enemy.

The fight started again. This time it ended quickly, and the night owl couldn't stand this kind of suffering, so what he could do was to kill people as soon as possible.

"Night Night owl, damn it Damn it

At night, the red owl's eyes are not ready to eat.

Night owl wants to go, and the result is night Lingyun.

Su Xun flew out his knife and said faintly, "he doesn't deserve to die in your hands."

You don't deserve to kill him.

"My subordinates know the crime." The owl fell to his knees.

Su Xun took a look at Shura armor.

Shura armor with purgatory knife came to night Lingyun, stopped for a moment, a knife cut down.

"Puyi -"

the blood surged up half a meter and sprinkled on Shura's armor, and the night Lingyun died completely.

From then on, all the four wars under the underworld will be killed.

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