Fifth, parallel universe.

This is the headquarters of Hades, but it is the most relaxed universe that Su Xun won.

Because Hades is still lying in the coffin.

Without a qualified leader, no matter how powerful the soldiers are, they are scattered and have no morale to speak of.

Su Xun stroked the grain on the surface of xuanming's coffin, and he admired the underworld.

After waiting for him to complete the task, he might as well release him and the snow emperor.

After all, it was only then that he had the strength.

Now, no one can open the coffin of xuanming without the key of xuanming.

"Wang, the fifth universe has been deployed."

Qiao shefei came in to repay Su Xun.

Su Xun said: "if the order goes on, all departments will enter the sixth and seventh universe immediately. I'm waiting for their good news here. Don't let me down."

"Yes, sir Shefei Joe turned and left.

Tianyu held his chest in both hands and looked at Su Xun: "a man's coffin is very obscene."

"Do you know who you are?" Su Xun turned his head and asked Tianyu.

Tianyu replied, "what's the matter, Pluto?"

"He's your father." Su Xun said.

Tianyu was stunned and didn't believe this: "you're kidding. You're looking for a fight."

How could Hades be her father?

"One hundred thousand years ago, the snow emperor attacked the fifth universe. When Pluto was ready to die with her, he gave the power lock of you and the Phoenix to xuanyizi, and your mother was the princess of the Phoenix..."

Su Xun told himself what he had done.

Tianyu's face changed several times, and his pretty face turned pale. He stepped back a few steps away from the coffin: "no Impossible, impossible, how could he How could... "

Pluto suddenly became her father, leaving her in self doubt.

"It's true." Su Xun looked at her quietly.

Tianyu looked at Su Xun: "why do you want to tell me that you destroyed the key of xuanming and made the king of Hades unable to revive my father? You are not afraid..."

"What am I afraid of?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Tianyu: "are you not afraid that I will take revenge on you?"

"Why be afraid? Besides the secret key, I have a way to revive him. " Su Xun gave a cool smile.

Tianyu's eyes brightened at first, and then darkened: "it's impossible. Master said that nothing can open the coffin of xuanming except the key of xuanming."

"If I say yes, I will." Su Xun went to Tianyu and hugged her: "believe me, after all, he is my father-in-law. How can I let him lie in the coffin?"

"You What nonsense Tianyu is ashamed and angry. He wants to get rid of Su Xun, but in vain.

Su Xun waved: "you go down."

Then the imperial guards in the hall retreated one after another.

"You What do you want to do Tianyu realized something, and her body trembled slightly.

Su Xun gave her a kiss on the face: "you."

"No Don't Tianyu's voice trembled. He said no, but he closed his eyes.

Susian hugged her and kissed her. Tianyu was at her disposal, and her pretty face was hot.

"You want to sleep with me?" Tianyu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Su Xun with a red face and asked.

A girl who has lived for 100000 years is tough and straightforward.

Su Xun shook his head and said solemnly: "sofa, kitchen, bathroom are OK."

"Go away." Tianyu's charming voice, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Su Xun kisses him again.

"I "Disarm."

"No, that's it. Stop it."

"You said you were not interested in my armor?"

"The main thing is to like the people in the armor."

"Change, state!"

"Who asked you to seduce me?"

What stewardess, ol clothes are weak explosion, there is more than the hard core of the armor uniform lure, confused?

Su Xun carried her into the side hall.

After all, his father's coffin was still beside him. If it was here, Su Xun felt guilty.

I'm afraid that the underworld will hear Tianyu's voice, so he will directly lift the coffin and get up to strangle himself.

So let's go somewhere else.

In the side hall, the feelings are warming up, and Tianyu's gentle murmurs and melodies are echoing

An hour later, Su Xun felt dull. That's all he felt.

Just put on the pants, it's hard.

"Can my father really come back to life?" Tian Yu holds Su Xun from behind. At this time, she doesn't hang up.

The armor on the body was released in the process. After all, after the freshness at the beginning, the cold touch was not so wonderful.

Su Xun turned back and reached for her white chin: "of course, I never cheat women.""In fact, I have no feelings for him, but it's my father after all." Tianyu closed his eyes.

It's a signal that she still wants.

Woman, your name is greed.


In the fifth universe, there are wolves and masters.

Su Xun asked Tianyu to prove that she was the daughter of Hades with the power lock of Phoenix.

As her man, Su Xun naturally greatly dispelled the rebellious consciousness of the wolves and lions.

So Su Xun and Tianyu are not together to be happy, but to pay for the peace of the universe.

He has been busy on Tianyu every night recently. Is it easy for him?

But there is no way. If he wants to be the leader of the seven universes, he must not be afraid of sacrifice and pay!

Soon after, news came from the front line that both the sixth and seventh universes had been won.

After all, the ruler of the sixth universe is the Baobo family, which is equivalent to the primitive society.

Although the seventh universe is strong, the leader xuehuang and many of his backbone are sealed in the dark black hole by Pluto, so they have no resistance.

Since then, the seven universes have been controlled by Su Xun.

The universe was first unified in 987.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: ruling the seven universes. 】

[get a reward: break the border pill. 】

the system prompt sound sounded in Su Xun's mind, and all his accomplishments and skills had been restored.

"Broken border pill?" Su Xun frowned.

Does this thing still work for him?

At random, Su Xun's eyes widened.

It's not an ordinary pill. It can break the bottleneck of any realm. It can be broken by any sage.

"Good thing, big money, big money."

Su Xun said he loved the system.

Get away from all women.

Only the system is true love.

"What's the matter, what's so happy?"

Tianyu came in. Since she was spoiled by Su Xun, her dress style has changed.

It is more mature, with more amorous features between eyebrows and more plump body.

"Go and raise the old father-in-law now."

Su Xun held her and laughed, then took her hand and went to the hall where the coffin of xuanming was placed.

Not only to release the underworld, but also to release the snow emperor, in front of them to install a force.

Let them know what it means to wake up and the world will change. Now it's the world of young people.

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