After storing enough fresh water, Su Xun directly built a simple shed with bamboo on the ground.

This place is the site of the gorgeous tiger, and no other large predators will come.

"So small, how to sleep."

While adding firewood to the firepower, Bai Yu frowned at the narrow and short bamboo shed.

"You can sleep outside." Su Xun said that he was not used to this woman. Just make sure she didn't die.

Tan Ying said: "let's just squeeze. We should treat special cases with special treatment."

"He'll be so beautiful tonight if he sleeps with us three beauties." Bai Yu hummed twice.

Su Xun said without looking back: "Mr. Bai, why didn't I find you so shameless before? How come the return to the virgin forest has begun to liberate nature? "

"A dog can't spit out Ivory!" Bai Yu stares at him and helps to clean up the hay.

This is the bed sheet for tonight. It needs more to make it soft and warm.

After making a place to sleep at night, Su Xun began to decompose the giant tiger and made a piece of foreleg meat for dinner tonight.

"Tomorrow we're going to get some sea salt, marinate the meat for storage, find some wild fruits by the way, and then make a boat, so we can get out of here."

While Su Xun was barbecue, he told the three women the plan for tomorrow.

Three women surrounded the fire, the fire reflected three beautiful but different amorous faces, three concave and convex bodies looming in the dark.

White rain with a stick, bored with the fire: "look at you for my life-saving grace, I'll give you a promotion, let you be my deputy."

"Ha ha." Su Xun laughed and thought of going back to be your first lady. Dream, little sister.

Bai Yu was a little annoyed: "what are you laughing at, don't you believe it? I've always had a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. "

Well, when she was angry, the baby's granary under the white suit seemed to burst at any time.

"Brother Su, I I'll repay you when I get back. " Xie Qing said weakly.

Su Xun looked at her in a funny way: "how can you repay me? I'll go to see you for free in the future?"

"No, brother Su will never get sick." Thank you for waving your hand. It's lovely.

Tan Ying some melancholy: "now my parents, they may have been crazy."

Xie Qing and Bai Yu were silent for a moment.

After barely eating the unsavory tiger meat, they let the fire burn and got into the bamboo shed.

"Don't touch at night, or I'll bite off your hand! You don't want to be promoted! " Bai Yu kicked off her high-heeled shoes, curled up and threatened Su Xun.

Although Tan Ying was open-minded, she was still stiff when she went to sleep with Su Xun.

Xie Qing was shy and regretful, because she was not next to Su Xun.

Su Xun was crowded by three women. His only feeling was that he was really soft. As for what body fragrance was, it was bullshit. There was only the smell of shampoo.

In the middle of the night, the bamboo shed is full of chickens and dogs.

"Ah! Asshole! Where are you

"The trough! I didn't mean to

"You did it on purpose! Absolutely

"I'm almost asleep, unconscious."

"The unconscious can be so accurate, and the conscious can? He's a born asshole! Strangle you

"Oh, don't quarrel. Let him touch it. I'm so sleepy!"

Late at night, the temperature drops suddenly. Bai Yu and Tan Ying can't stand it any more and hold Su Xun for warmth.

"Do you think this is a kind of rascal

Su Xun felt suffocated by them.

Tan Ying didn't want to talk, so she put Su Xun's hand on her belly. That's fair.

Su Xun couldn't tell the tough girl.


The next day, as the chirping birds outside came into his ears, Su Xun opened his eyes.

It's a long black leg wrapped in silk. I have to say that Bai Yu's legs are really OK.

"Is it good?"

Bai Yu didn't know when to wake up.


Su Xun slapped him: "take it away."

"Ah Bai Yu frowned with pain, took back her leg and glared at Su Xun: "you beat a woman."

"Is it morning?" Xie Qing was woken up by two people.

Su Yingxun sat down with a look of embarrassment.

She obviously remembers putting Su Xun's hand into her clothes last night.

"Come on, there are so many things to do today."

Su Xun got out of the shed and washed his face with stream water.

"Hey, don't talk about last night in the company."

Bai Yu stepped on high-heeled shoes and squatted beside Su Xun in an elegant posture.However, this face washing posture is doomed to be unable to be elegant, on the contrary, it appears to be very sexual and sensual.

After washing his face, Su Xun took three women to make sea salt and wait for it to dry.

Then take advantage of this time to take them to find wild fruit and cut down trees and build ships.

"Bang!" "Boom!"

Watching Su Xun smash the tree one by one, the three women were shocked.

They were also very glad that Su Xun didn't mess with them, otherwise they would only become his playthings.

Because of this, they trust Su Xun very much. Sometimes it's nothing to let him take advantage of him.

The three men dragged the red suitcase to pick wild fruits. Susian carried the trees to the seaside and tied them up with vines. A raft was ready.

And it's a very large raft, on which a shelter is built with bamboo.

"Wow! Brother Su is really good. "

Looking at the boat on the beach, Xie Qing's eyes are shining with the light of worship. She has already been occupied.

"This man has some ability." White rain dead duck mouth hard, clearly in the heart very admire and appreciate, but from the mouth said it is not so.

Tan Ying greets Bai Yu and Xie Qing to carry the wild fruit, the sea salt, the fresh water in the bamboo tube and the pickled tiger meat onto the boat.

Then the three went to carry the hay they had slept in to the bamboo shed on the boat, and everything was fine.

"Ah! Finally, we can go back. As long as we float to the place where there are people, we can go home! "

Standing on the boat, Bai Yu looks at the sky, opens his hands, and his face is filled with a smile of expectation.

"I hope so." Tan Ying murmured to herself that she always thought it would not be so smooth.

Xie Qing calmly sorts out the herbs she picked when picking wild fruits. She is a traditional Chinese medicine in her family. Later, she learned western medicine by herself, which is a technical talent.

Bai Yu looked at Su Xun and said, "Hey, let's take a bath here. You should avoid it first."

"The tiger here is so big that you are not afraid of monsters in the sea?" Su Xun looked at her and said.

Bai Yu thought of the tiger and said, "that You can keep watch over us. Anyway, you have to forget everything on the island after you go back. "

After sleeping together last night, she took off her guard against Su Xun, and she was really afraid of monsters in the sea, but she didn't take a bath and felt uncomfortable.

"Then I'm going to appreciate Mr. Bai's health. I'll go back and brag to my colleagues." Su Xun opened his eyes and stared at Bai Yu seriously.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it: "you dare, believe it or not, I'll fire you!"


A sound from the water enters the ear.

When they fight, Tan Ying has already taken off her coat and jumped into the sea to swim.

Xie Qing and Bai Yu also followed.

So Su Xun enjoyed the three mermaids swimming in the sea and enjoyed his eyes.

After three people finished washing, Su Xun pushed the boat into the sea, and four people got on the boat and floated along the sea

at sunset, four people looked at the sky.

Bai Yu is looking forward to going back to the city. After going back, he wants to give Su Xun a promotion and reuse him.

Xie Qing thought that after going back, he must summon up the courage to express his love to Su Xun.

Tan Ying thinks about the giant tiger and a series of giant objects on the island. She is worried about gain and loss.

Su Xun was full of curiosity. What was the world like outside the island?

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