The stars of the moon are sparse tonight.

In Bai Yu's eyes, the big raft is like a leaf on the vast sea.

Dinner was eaten on the boat. A flat stone board was put on the boat to make a fire and roast meat.

Three women are asleep.

Today was the seventh night on the sea. As always, Su Xun sat on the bow of the boat to watch the night.

Although there were no accidents in the past seven days, he was still worried that there would be sea monsters. After all, the giant tiger on the island was a lesson from the past.

"Xiao Qing, why don't you go to bed so late?"

Su Xun suddenly said without looking back.

"Brother Su, how did you find out?"

Xie Qing didn't even wear shoes. She felt that her steps were very light.

Su Xun said: "my hearing is different from ordinary people. That's why I found that tiger before."

He has the skill to listen to the body and identify the position.

"Brother Su, why don't you go to bed? I'll watch the night tonight." Xie Qing looked at his back and said softly.

"No, you go to bed." Su Xun shook his head, holding his small arm and bamboo pole, poking around in the sea. Poof, a lucky audience was pierced by him.

He took the big fish off the bamboo pole and left it on the boat. Then he began to draw lucky audiences.

Xie Qing pursed his lips, sat down beside Su Xun barefoot, hugged his knees, and asked carefully, "brother Su, you Do you have a girlfriend? "

The sea breeze gently blows her red skirt, just like her face at this time.

"Are you still in the mood to think about this?" Su Xun had already seen that she was interested in herself.

Xie Qing blushed and summoned up courage: "brother Su, I I like you. Do you like me? "

It's like a primary school student's confession.

"What do you say?" Su Xun looked at her jokingly.

Xie Qing did not dare to look at him: "I I don't know. "

"Come here." Su Xun opened his hand.

Xie Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then clenched his lips, moved over and leaned on his shoulder.

"Feel it? My heart beats fast, which means I like you very much. " Su Xun opened his eyes and lied. Leaning on his shoulder, how could he feel his heart beating?

Although Xie Qing didn't feel anything, she was still happy and nodded like a fool.

Xie Qing looks at Su xunjuanqiao's side face. His heart is really beating fast. He can't help kissing her.

"No, young man

Su Xun touched his face and looked at Xie Qing.

Su's face is burning.

Susian caught her chin and kissed her. Then they fell on the boat and rolled back and forth.

Xie Qing was very excited, nervous and afraid. He wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say it at all.

We can only let Su Xun peel her layer by layer.

In the bamboo shed, Tan Ying and Bai Yu are woken up by the noise outside and open their eyes vaguely.

"Tan Ying, did you hear anything?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you."

They looked at each other, opened the door, peeped out their heads, and closed the door.

"They How can they do this? No, I'm going to stop them! " Bai Yu is very uncomfortable.

Tan Ying grabbed him: "people love each other, you love me, what do you stop?"

"Xie Qing is so simple. He must have cheated him!" Bai Yu is a little excited.

Tan Ying looked at her suspiciously: "Bai Yu, you It can't be jealousy. "

"No way! How is that possible? I'm jealous of her? It's funny. Susian is just an ordinary clerk. Well, he's not ordinary, but I... "

Bai Yu couldn't speak any more. He cried out: "I came first, Wuwu..."

"Well, I'm sorry." Tan Ying hugged her for a while to comfort her. In fact, she was not feeling well either.

After all, Su Xun's performance in recent days not only stirred Xie Qing, but also stirred her.

The strongest man on the surface, who doesn't?

Bai Yu cried and swore that when she went back, she expelled Su Xun and asked him to pick up the garbage.

Tan Ying can't laugh or cry when she hears it. Listening to Xie Qing's Jiao outside, her heart is full of five flavors.


The next day, white rain Sima face.

Tan Ying is as generous as ever.

Xie Qing is shy and guilty. She also knows that Tan Ying and Bai Yu must have heard the voice.

Because she screamed very loud on purpose last night, this is her own careful thinking.

Deliberately let Bai Yu and Tan Ying hear, let them know that they and Su Xun already have a husband and wife.

If one of them gets involved again, it's a third party."Brother Su, eat more."

Xie Qing roasts the meat and hands it to Su Xun.

Bai Yu snorted: "last night, someone was tired out in the middle of the night. I want to eat more to make up for it."

"Bai Jie ~" Xie Qinghong's face lengthened the ending.

White rain is a fire, no place to hair, it is clearly her first month, how is this?

Su Xun, a jerk who wants to change his mind, says hello to the personnel after he goes back and asks him to clean the toilet!

Su Xun said that he was wronged. When did I change my mind about you?

"Look what that is

Tan Ying suddenly stood up and exclaimed.

Su Xun and Bai Yu Xie qingxun stood up and opened their eyes.

In the front, a dark red python with ferocious head rolled over the sea. Its body was covered with barbs like armor, and its tail was a sharp hook. It was more than 20 meters long.

Under the python, a group of giants, wrapped in animal skins and driving rafts, are attacking the python with all kinds of simple tools.

The snake's tail, like a hook, pierces a giant's body and plunges into the surging sea.

The huge waves surged between the rolling of the python, but the giants were not in a hurry and worked together to kill the python.

"This What the hell is going on! "

Seeing this picture, Tan Ying, Bai Yu and Xie Qing feel that their brains are not enough.

When is there such a ferocious creature on earth? What's more, the giants seem more ferocious.

All three of them came up with one of the least willing to face the fact that this is no longer the earth.

Before the giant tiger, the giant trees on the island, and now the giant, strange python, all show that everything here is not in line with the earth.

"We can't go back. We can't go back." Bai Yu murmured to himself, looking dazed and lost.

Tan Ying also pressed her lips and said nothing.

Xie Qing held Su Xun's hand tightly, her pretty face was pale, and her eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

Su Xun put them in his arms and promised softly, "believe me, I will send you back."

These three are also unlucky. They were caught by the system to run with them.

At this time, the ferocious Python suddenly shook his tail, got rid of the giants' entanglement, and rushed to the raft of four people.

"Ah, ah

Yu Guang saw this scene, Tan Ying three people give full play to female expertise, screamed.

"Just a beast! Don't you dare to be fierce

Su Xun released the three and bent down to pick up the bamboo pole he had chosen for the lucky audience to face the python.

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