Chen Tai'an suddenly pleaded guilty, making the whole Jiangdong in an uproar.

No one expected that Chen Tai'an would suddenly turn himself in, and he would account for all the illegal and criminal facts accumulated over the years.

After the news came out, the whole city was really shocked.

Only a few of Su's acquaintances can understand the story.

For a time, Su Xun was like a shadow over Jiangdong City, which was taboo.

Chen Tai'an should die, but his death is different from Su Xun's.

It's hard to avoid that local businessmen will die.

After all, Su Xun can kill Chen Tai'an lightly, which means that he can also kill them lightly.

Nowadays, who hasn't done something that can't be seen? It's just clean.

When I think about the Xu family, Xu Cangqing's sons have been abandoned. As a result, he went to Jiangnan City and came back with a lot of shares in vain.

Since then, the upper circles of Jiangdong city have reached a consensus that no one should offend Su Xun or RBQ.

Su Xun didn't know how much influence his action had on Jiangdong city. That night, he went back to Jiangnan City.

It was already 12:30 p.m. when the plane arrived.

With Qin Zhu in his arms and surrounded by bodyguards, he walked out of the airport.

On the roadside of the airport, the uniform A8 stops in a row, with a Mercedes Benz business car in the middle.

Seeing Su Xun coming out, the bodyguard standing next to the business car pressed the electric door.


In the envious eyes of countless passers-by, Su Xun took Qin Zhu to the business car.

Then the motorcade left the airport.

"I'll get some sleep and call me when I get there."

Sitting on the leather seat with massage function, Su Xun said to Qin Zhu beside him.

"Well." Qin Zhu is playing the game nervously with his mobile phone in his arms. He answers without raising his head.

Su Xun shakes his head. She is more and more addicted to online games. She is hopeless.

"Ding Ding..."

I was just about to fall asleep when I was woken up by the ring of my mobile phone.

Su Xun was a little annoyed. Without looking at the caller ID, he connected the phone directly: "what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, sir. There are two cars in the back of our team, which have followed us alternately." Ah long's steady baritone came from his mobile phone.

Su Xun's sleepiness disappeared instantly, and he sat up straight: "go to two cars to stop them and ask them what they want to do."

As soon as I got off the plane, I was followed. I watched my tracks very clearly.

"Yes, sir."

After hanging up, Su Xun closed his eyes and waited for a long's report in the car.

The two a8s stopped, made a retrograde U-turn and sped to the two VW and Honda cars.

There are a few foreigners in VW and Honda, white and black.

"Damn it, what if it's found out."

Looking at the two Audi coming, the foreigners in the car changed their faces and pulled out their pistols one after another.

"Preemptive, disturb their rhythm, not many people come to pick up the plane, his bodyguards are just off the plane, certainly without weapons, this is one of our few opportunities."

A bald man said clearly.


Then a shot broke the silence of the night sky.

In the car, Su Xun suddenly opened his eyes.

Tracking is one thing, shooting is another.

"Ding Ding..."

The phone just rang twice, and Su Xun connected directly.

"Sir, the other side has shot. They are rushing this way. Let the driver see you off first. I'll take others to drive to block the road."

Ah long's voice was very anxious. After all, they didn't carry guns because they were flying. Now Su Xun was in danger.

Su Xun directly vetoed the proposal and said calmly: "don't worry, drive me home, and call the police. I was shot and asked the police to check. I don't believe they can get out of Jiangnan City."

With that, he hung up the phone and winked at Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu's figure instantly disappeared from the seat and reappeared in the black Honda.

"Oh, shette, where did this woman come from?"

"Ah! Falk, what are you doing! "

"Bang! Boom

There was a flurry of swearing and screaming, followed by a collision between Honda and VW, and the two cars were forced to stop at the same time.

This is the gap. Su Xun's team has gone away.

"Damn it, FAK, what's the matter with you? Why did you drive over and hit us?"

The people in Volkswagen came down and gave a warm greeting to the Honda driver's mother (* / ω\ *)."Ghost, just now ghost, a woman suddenly appeared in the car and grabbed our steering wheel..." The Honda driver is still in a trance.

"Shette! Fool, put away your ability to make up stories, because of you, the action failed, and the money you got flew away! "

"All right, shut your mouth, don't quarrel any more, retreat and leave at once, or it will be too late."

Two minutes later, two cars left the scene rumbling.

Ten minutes later, the street alarm rings, several police cars galloping to stop at the scene of the shooting.

Half an hour later, Yuliang mountain manor.

Next to Su Xun sat a middle-aged man in police uniform, Zhao Dongqin, head of the Municipal Bureau.

"Su Dong, you are shocked. Please tell us the situation at the scene. We will catch your attacker as soon as possible."

Su Xun said slowly: "Zhao Bureau, it's just a small thing that I was shocked. But today, this situation makes me feel disappointed about the public security of Jiangnan City. On the street, a group of foreign unidentified elements openly shot me. Even I am so dangerous. Aren't those ordinary people more dangerous?"

Zhao Dongqin's mouth twitches. No, elder brother, those ordinary people are much safer than you. How can you go out with bodyguards like you.

Of course, this can not be said, only a strong apology: "yes, what Su Dong said is that this is a mistake in our work, we will review and correct it."

No way. Qingyun international is a big taxpayer in Jiangzhou Province, and Su Xun is even more famous.

When he was attacked, if he was determined to make a scene, Zhao Dongqin would not be able to shoulder it.

Now we have to do our best to arrest the shooter as soon as possible.

"Zhao Bureau, he will tell you the details of my attack. I'll excuse you first."

Su Xun pointed to a long and said, then turned to go upstairs and left Zhao Dongqin in the same place.

Zhao Dongqin got up and said, "then, Mr. Su, have a good rest. I'll let you know the progress of the case as soon as possible."

"Then trouble the Zhao Bureau." Su Xun nodded. He was calm on the surface. He was already angry in his heart. He had already given the group of shooters the death penalty.

Today, if it wasn't for Qin Zhu, Su Xun would have been all right. Ah long and his bodyguards would have been bloody on the spot.

Now fortunately, only three people were shot, and none of them was life-threatening. Su Xun has made an economic statement.

Anyone who works for him or makes a gun for him will never treat each other badly.

After all, the money is made by people's lives.

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