"Why don't you make me invisible and follow those people?"

In the room, Qin Zhu asked in Su Xun's arms.

Su Xun touched her long soft hair and said in a soft voice, "those people are coming fiercely. I'm afraid they have big caliber weapons to hurt you."

After all, Qin is not afraid of grenades? What about the rocket launcher?

What's more, there was another reason, that is, Su Xun didn't know whether he would meet the shooter in front of him, so he had better keep Qin Zhu around to feel more secure (˘ · ω·).

Of course, this can't be said. After all, this is the art of language.

Didn't you see Qin Zhu's eyes narrowed with joy? He held Su Xun for several kisses and arched in his arms like a little dog.

Sometimes, women are so easy to coax.

It's the same with female ghosts. After all, it's women who change them.


The next morning.

Su Xun has just woken up. He hasn't had time to extract his identity.

The door of his room was pushed open.

Liao Yu and Yan Yurou rush in.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Liao Yu rushed to hold Su Xun and began to cry.

Yan Yurou also wants to cry.

Su Xun said: "you No, what's the matter? "

"You were attacked last night. I just found out. I'm so worried about you." Liao Yu said chokingly.

Su Xun felt warm in his heart: "it's OK, I'm not OK?"

Finish saying, saw Yan Yurou one eye again: "still have you, also don't cry, I hate a woman to cry most."

When Yan Yurou heard this, she immediately stopped crying and her eyes were red.

It's not easy to comfort Yan Yurou and Liao Yu. They send them to work. As a result, an Zijin comes again.

Su Xun was comforting again, which made him laugh and cry: "you should comfort me when I was attacked. Why do I have to comfort you one by one in turn?"

"You're tired, aren't you?" An Zijin's eyes were red and he looked at Su Xun angrily.

This is a proposition.

Su Xun shook his head without hesitation: "no, absolutely not, but how do you know I was attacked?"

"You know all about Jiangnan." An Zijin hands the mobile phone to Su Xun. The whole screen is full of news about Su Xun's attack last night.

Su Xun can't help sighing that the media is really pervasive.

Although few media reported him, this kind of explosive news, which would not offend Su Xun, naturally came out.

However, I'm afraid Zhao Dongqin's hair is about to fall out.

Zhao Dongqin is furious in the market.

Because the gang of shooters who attacked Su Xun last night disappeared, which was equivalent to slapping the police in the face.

The gun case is a serious case in Longguo, not to mention the case involving Su Xun, a man of great social influence.

If Zhao Dongqin can't solve the case and catch people, it's certain that he will be stripped of his clothes and demoted.

Su Xun didn't care what happened to Zhao Dongqin, because he didn't know Su Xun well.

At this time, Su xungang coax away an Zijin, is on the way to the company.

The news that he was attacked last night spread that the stock price of Qingyun international fell a few points, so he had to show up to stabilize people.

In the car, Su Xun thought to himself: "system, extract the sixth identity."

It's the first time he's been in the car.

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the host's new identity: Satan, the king of mercenaries. 】

[you have tempered your youth in the war, and you have survived in the sea of blood. 】

[you used to be a companion with bullets and friends with guns. Where there is war, there are you. You are a hungry wolf in war. You are swift and swift. 】

[in the dark, you are the king of killers, God, in the sun, you are the king of mercenaries, Satan. You are the master of everything, no matter by night or by day. 】

[four years ago, an operation was betrayed, and your team was killed and wounded. Only three people survived, including you. You wanted to get revenge, but you couldn't find the enemy. At last, you were disheartened and left. 】

[now four years later, your teammates have come to your door, man, take your gun, stride into the battlefield full of blood and smoke, and fight with them. 】

[identity ability: Tactical layout, battlefield investigation, vehicle driving skills, modern thermal weapons, wilderness survival. 】

[identity task: 1. Find out the truth about the failure of the operation four years ago and revenge for the dead teammates. 2. Successful completion of an employment task. 】

Su Xun was stunned. He didn't expect to get such a high risk identity this time.

The king of mercenaries sounds very cool, but as a human body, he will still die if he is shot, and even if he is hit by a bomb, there will be no bones left!To tell you the truth, he is a little bit of a counsellor, but at the same time, he is also a little excited.

War, this is the real man's game.

This is the so-called  ̄ 0 factor.

However, this is the first time that he has encountered two tasks of one identity. He guessed that it seems that the difficulty of each identity behind will become higher and higher.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Take it out and see it's Yan Yurou.

"Hello, Yurou, what's the matter?" Su Xun asked.

"Master, there are two foreigners in the company. They want to see you, a man and a woman. The man is a big man and the woman It's beautiful. I call myself your friend. "

After hearing this, Su Xun knew that these two were the two teammates who survived with his team.

Titan, a big nickname, was the heavy fireman of his team. He was playing with his machine gun, and his arms were bursting.

The beautiful woman, nicknamed Mandala, is a sniper of the team. Her sniper skill is weaker than Su Xun's.

These two men are not simple. In other words, none of the members of Su Xun's original team was simple. Each of them had served in the ace special forces of his own country.

Su Xun was the only exception. In the memory of the king of mercenaries, he seemed to have been sold to mining abroad at first, then ran away and stepped on the road of mercenary step by step. He was the only one who came from the wild.

"It's my friends. Take them to the reception room and wait for me. I'll be right there."

"Oh, good master."

Twenty minutes later, susian arrived at the company, took the elevator to the top floor and went straight to the reception room.

Just push open the door, accompanied by a confusing fragrance, a fist has been straight to his face, boxing wind bursts.

And the owner of the fist is a 20-year-old, blonde, tall and hot white beauty.

Su Xun laughed and dodged easily, then a counter capture controlled him on the wall.

"I started as soon as I met you. Why, is this the reunion welcome ceremony you prepared for me

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