"I thought you were unfamiliar with your skills when you became a rich man. After all, you are a bodyguard now. You don't need to do it yourself any more."

Datura was pressed on the wall by Su Xun's backhand, and his body showed a beautiful arc. He turned back and stared at Su Xun like silk.

Do you think she's trying to send out the pitchfork on purpose?

Wrong, she was born with such a pair of eyes. She always has this style.

When you think she's hooking you to bed, you're not far from death.

It's a beautiful woman, but a killer.

"How did you come to me?"

Su Xun released her, went to the sofa and sat down. He looked at them with his legs crossed.

This is to ask clearly.

The big guy shrugged to Mandala: "it seems that our plan is going to fail. It is impossible for a rich man with hundreds of billions to follow us with guns."

"Well, put away your poor agitation." Datura said, "look at it directly."

Mandala's face became serious, and said in a deep voice, "the man who betrayed us four years ago has news. I want to take revenge for my dead companion and myself."

In that mission, because he was betrayed by the traitor and besieged, Mandala was shot in the abdomen, injured the egg and nest, and lost the chance to be a mother forever.

This is a cruel thing for a woman with normal orientation.

"When do you start?" Su Xun asked directly, after all, this is the task of system release, he has no room to refuse.

He enjoys everything the system brings to him, and naturally has to bear the corresponding responsibility, which he can see clearly.

Because there is no such thing as a free lunch.

The big man spread out: "I can't imagine that you agreed."

"The one who died four years ago is also my comrade in arms." Su Xun's voice was low. When he accepted each new identity, he would fully accept the memory, and he would feel all the experiences of this identity.

Datura lifted her long golden hair, raised her mouth and raised a smile: "we will start tomorrow, but before that, we have to complete an escort task. This is the first task for our death knell team to come back. The news of betraying our spy is also learned from this escort target."

Death knell, once famous mercenary team all over the world, when the death knell rings, people will die.

"Who is the escort? Will someone hire us? " Su Xun was a little surprised. Now there are only three people left in their death knell team, and there are still people willing to hire them.

So he was a little curious about the escort target.

"It's a princess from middle east global trading company. She hired us. One of the rewards is the information of the traitor four years ago," he said

The Middle East global trading company is a giant. It's more powerful than Qingyun international. I don't know how many times.

Because this company is selling oil, mining gold, and doing arms business.

At the beginning, Su Xun's team also served the company several times, carrying out two escort missions and one interception mission.

"Where is she?" Su Xun asked again, just one of the identity tasks was to complete an employment task. Of course, he was very happy.

There is no need to worry about the safety of Datura in front of the world

Su Xun can only ha ha about this. It's very safe for ordinary people, but it's not very safe for him.

"I was shot last night. I'd like to offer a reward of 10 million US dollars outside the country. I just need to know who is behind the scenes."

Now that he plans to go abroad to carry guns again, Su Xun will stop writing. He will find out the behind the scenes and go straight to the door.

"You have too many enemies. I'm afraid it's hard to find out." Mandala shook his head, with a sort of banter in his tone, as if he meant schadenfreude.

Seeing that Su Xun was living like a dog now, they were still a little unbalanced. When they learned that this guy had been attacked, they felt a little strange.

Su Xun grabbed her face and pushed her away: "I have to say, you have a bad smell. It's very heavy."

"Shette, how can it be!" Mandala felt humiliated. After all, women have a bad smell, which is a very embarrassing thing.

But she swore that she absolutely did not, and even had a faint fragrance on her body.

The big man chuckled: "maybe he smelled it wrong, maybe it's your bad breath."

"Damn it, shut your mouth." Datura bit its silver teeth and put up a middle finger at the big man.

Su Xun said, "let's go. First, take me to meet the goal we are going to serve."

"All right, chief." The big man replied in a dull voice and followed him out of the office.

Mandala also stepped on the heels of high-heeled shoes, black skirt, black silk, socks, black high-heeled shoes, so she did not know how many men attracted greedy eyes.But Mandala doesn't care about it. Anyway, these people can only watch and drool at most. If anyone dares to move his mind, he doesn't know how to die.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Jiangnan Hotel.

Take the elevator to the 18th floor, just out of the elevator to see the corridor two rows of bodyguards standing.

"The little princess has wrapped this layer down. These are her own bodyguards. We are hired because we are not confident in these people."

Mandala introduced the situation to Su Xun. When she mentioned the bodyguards, she looked down on them, because more than a dozen people were just ordinary to her.

Don't think that this is a very low evaluation, she can be called a general person, has been regarded as very outstanding.

It just depends on who to compare with.

Three people came to a room door, just about to knock, but was stopped by a bodyguard.

"What are you doing?" Datura's beautiful eyes are slightly cold.

The young bodyguard took a look at Su Xun and said in a blunt tone, "Miss Mandala, what do you mean by bringing a stranger to see the young lady? If he wants to go in, he can do it. He must search his body."

He was very unfriendly to mandala and big guys.

After all, they are the bodyguards of their young lady.

But the young lady unexpectedly invited two people, this is not to represent the distrust to their ability?

As the boss of the bodyguard team, he certainly did not dare to have any opinions on the young lady, so he could only focus on Datura and big guys.

He knew the origin of Datura and big man, but he didn't care.

No matter how powerful it was at the beginning, what happened?

It's just a bunch of beaten and maimed dogs. What's the big deal?

The so-called death knell is nothing more than that.

"Search?" Being amused, Su Xun looked at the young man and asked, "do you know who I am?"

Mandala and the big guy were standing by, waiting to see a good play.

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