"Dragon tribe?"

The young man who was stopped looked puzzled. It was obvious that he had never heard of the tribe.

"A new small tribe, with a population of less than 1000, is not as large as half a stockade of the star tribe." Su Xun paid a compliment to the star tribe without any trace.

Star tribe youth face showed proud smile, light said: "a thousand people? That's not even half of our stockade. "

In Su Xun's heart, he was surprised that an ordinary star tribe knew how much the number of one thousand meant. Was the average culture of the star tribe so high?

This world is also too deformed. Like primitive people, stone tribe and star tribe are in the bud of civilization.

"Star tribe is so prosperous!" Su Xun's face showed an envious expression, and then he said, "brother, take us to see your leader. I found the treasure, and I came to present it for the first time."

"Come with me." The young man was very satisfied with Su Xun's attitude. The presence of a gift also showed the strength of their star tribe, which satisfied his vanity.

More than 20 minutes later, led by the young soldiers, Su Xun came to a three story wooden building with soldiers holding bronze spears at the door.

Five minutes later, Su Xun alone with a jar of snow salt met the head of the star tribe.

A dignified face, hair carefully combed, wearing a white embroidered silk robe of middle-aged people.

Looking at him and the candle made of animal oil in the hall, Su Xun lost his mind for a moment.

This gave him the illusion that he had suddenly entered the feudal era from the primitive era.

Inside and outside the wooden building are just like two worlds, and the social class has become more and more obvious.

"Little boy, since you've come all the way here to present? Why don't you talk when you see me? "

The head of the star tribe sat on the wooden chair with animal skin on it. He looked down at Su Xun and asked.

A child is actually the head of a family, which makes him have some interest.

"The Dragon tribe below is not as good as the star tribe. I was caught by the leader's momentum. I forgot to speak for a moment. I hope the leader will forgive me." Su Xun is good at flattering.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The head of star tribe laughed: "you are a nice kid. OK, let me see your gift. I'm looking forward to it."

"Look, chief." Su Xun took out the pottery pot and put it on the table in front of the head of the star tribe.

At this time, every system was not perfect, and the patriarchs did not protect themselves tightly. There was not even a soldier in the palace.

The head of the star tribe, Xing, opened the jar and frowned at the contents: "this is..."

"Please taste some, chief." Su Xun said.

The star pondered for a moment, then put a little bit of it on his tongue with his fingers, and the whole person immediately got up from his position: "salt! This is salt! Where did you get that exquisite, pure salt? "

As the head of the star tribe, he usually eats the best salt, but compared with the snow-white salt in the jar, it's rubbish.

"Hui chieftain, this is something that people in the lower tribe got by chance while hunting. The yield is not high, so we are reluctant to use it. We are here to offer it to the chieftain." Su Xun answered according to the words he had made up before.

The star stares at him: "how much can a full moon produce? Tell the truth

"One One can. " Su Xun's face was very white, as if he was scared, and he stammered.

The star nodded with satisfaction and said, "every three full moons, someone will come to offer me this salt. As for what you want, I can choose from my tribe."

He didn't doubt whether Su Xun was lying, because in his opinion, he was just a child.

What's more, such exquisite salt can't be made by human beings. If it can be produced in large quantities, it's not right.

Even if there's something to hide, it won't be too much.

"More Thank you, chief. I've brought all the snow and salt I've saved this time. It's outside. " When Su Xun heard the words, he pretended to be ecstatic.

Star brow pick, more satisfied with Su Xun's performance: "offer a can of snow salt, return you ten cans of salt, other things you can also choose."

"Yes, thank you, chief. I'd like some silk and linen, as well as a few bronzes." Su Xun was not polite, because he knew the value of snow salt.

Compared with the exquisite snow salt, what he wanted was not a problem for the stars.

The star directly agreed to come down and asked someone to take Su Xun to choose, which was very generous.

Just like the emperors in ancient China, when foreigners come to offer gifts, the country will give back more generous gifts to show the generosity of the monarch and the wealth of the country.

What's more, Su Xun presented such a beautiful gift. If the return is too bad, what's the face of the star?

"You'll stay in the tribe for a few days. I like it." In the evening, the star held a banquet for Su Xun.

Su Wenyan said that he was afraid that there would be blood in the chrysanthemum area tomorrow. After the big blood caused trouble, it was not easy to go on the road.Star doubts, how can there be snow at this time?

"Xun, if there are 10000 people in the tribe after three winters, then I can take you to Beihai to join the alliance." Star changed the subject.

Su Xun was very puzzled about this: "will all the ministries unite?"

"Yes, in the far north, living in another group of people, they have blue eyes, cannibal meat and drink human blood, they are our enemies of life and death!"

"Every winter, they will go south. Several big tribes along the coast used to send people in turn to intercept them, but they are getting stronger and stronger."

"So in order to completely solve them, our major tribes have decided to go north to join the alliance in three winters and fight against the blue eyed people!"

Su Xun really didn't expect that there was another one, blue eye, which showed that he was not the same race as them.

The race war is a life and death struggle. If one side is not finished, the war will not end.

Three years later, we must join the alliance and win the first world war with a rolling attitude.


After five days, he went back to the tribe and took the people with him.

Come light, leave full.

Because he offered five cans of snow salt at one time, he returned two pieces of silk cloth, three pieces of hemp cloth, fifty cans of miscellaneous salt, a bronze sword, twenty spearheads and three large bronze containers.

For Su Xun, he made a lot of money, but for Xing, he also made a lot of money.

This is called a win-win situation. Both sides exchange what they don't care about for what they want.

And also finalized the next cooperation, once every three months dragon tribe to star tribe snow salt.

"Patriarch, we are rich!"

"Yes, fifty cans of salt. We didn't even think about it before, but now we don't eat it."

"And bronze spears, better than stone."

"Thanks to the patriarch!"

On the way back, all the faces were full of smiles, holding the bronze spear head and touching.

For them who have been using stone spears, this can be regarded as a shot in the arm.

It strengthened their determination to support the patriarch.

Su Xun felt that the word "patriarch" was really not enough. When the city was built, he would establish the first country in the world and become king.

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