After three months and ten days, Su Xun took Qi and others back to the territory of the dragon people.

Today, Su's city wall is five meters high and has been divided into six lines.

The thatched cottages around have been destroyed long ago, and only this newly built Earth City is left on the plain.

Bai Yu, Tan Ying and Xie Qing take all the people outside the city to welcome Su Xun and others back.

Three people's skin is no longer white, but turned to wheat color, but the body is more attractive, people.

"Is this what the patriarch said about the city?"

Qi looked at the wall stupidly, and the shock of the star tribe's fortress in his mind had dissipated.

Is the wooden village of star tribe comparable to Tucheng?

"Comrades have done a good job. They didn't let me down."

Su Xun looked at Bai Yu and said.

"Of course, it doesn't depend on who miss Ben is." Bai Yu raised his chin haughtily

Su Xun took a look. Well, the chin was quite round.

Su Xun hugged the three of them, and then walked into the Earth City, which was full of built earth houses.

In the center of the city, there is the only courtyard in the whole city, which is the Lord's mansion.

"The city can accommodate 3000 people, more than you expected. There are more than 300 earthen houses."

Now there's no family saying which woman a man likes. Go up and tell her. If she agrees, just lift the hide and it's over.

Then the children are raised by the tribe, and the old people are raised by the tribe.

There is no family. At present, the house is only used for sleeping, and eating is a collective big pot.

Therefore, it is not necessary to divide them according to families, but directly according to the fact that ten people live in one earth house. More than 300 earth houses can really live in more than 3000 people.

"The city Lord's mansion is where we live. Hee hee, naturally, we need to repair it better. It's not selfish."

"A total of four gates have been opened..."

The three of you introduced the new town to Su Xun with one word, and finally let him name it.

"Let's call it Xia, the present Xia City and the future Xia capital." Su Xun said calmly.

Xia is the name of the first feudal dynasty in Chinese history, which can be regarded as restoring history.

"How about the drying of snow salt and the firing of pottery pots?" Su Xun asked again.

Xie Qingxian replied, waving a powder Fist: "after countless failures, pottery is finally successful, and it is more exquisite and durable than the current pottery."

This is nonsense. After all, the so-called pottery is still the original firing method.

Later on, the Internet spread the mature pottery burning skills.

"There are already 200 cans of snow salt. Thanks to the earthenware pot, otherwise it can't be filled." Said Bai Yu.

After hearing this, Xing said that he wanted to shed tears. Snow salt, which he regarded as treasure, is just daily food here.

At night, in the square of summer city.

This square is reserved for dry food at present.

Su Xun said to Jian, "tonight, I'll pick out 100 strong young people aged between 17 and 27 and gather here tomorrow."

"Yes, patriarch." Jian nodded.

Su Xun was a little surprised: "can you count to 100?"

"I learned it from the ladies." Jian felt the back of his head a little embarrassed.

In the past three months, Bai Yu directed them to work during the day, and at night, he had to literacy them.

Bai Yu didn't tell him that just now.

Tut, a real good wife.


Su Xun stood up.

For a moment, everyone stopped talking and focused on Su Xun.

"From now on, I am no longer the patriarch, we are no longer the pure dragon tribe, we are the descendants of the dragon, we are the people of Xia, I am the king of Xia, I am your king, I will lead you to live a life of wine and meat, there will be no cold, no threat of wild animals, no more..."

Su Xun's words were very straightforward. Follow me, there is wine and meat, there is a good life. That's enough. People who talk too much, they don't understand.

"King "King "King

Out of his trust in Su Xun, the clansmen didn't care what their identity was, just their leader.

Because Su Xun really brought them a better life, that's enough.

A very simple ceremony of calling the king was over, so it was announced.

Now there is no sacrificial ceremony, and the plate is still small. Even the concept of state was proposed by him for the first time, so it doesn't need to be too complicated.

When he ascends the throne and becomes emperor, he must refer to the ancient dynasty's ceremony. The sense of ceremony will deepen people's awe and recognition of his status.

"Patriarch No, Wang, what is a kingdom Jian raised his hand to ask questions. This is a habit he has developed recently.

Others also looked at Su Xun and waited for him to explain. They didn't know what the kingdom was.Su Xun wrote a word "country" on the ground. Looking at the crowd, he said: "this word reads country. Only when there is a city can there be a country. The square around is the city. The king in the middle represents me. This is the country, our common home."

"All of you are citizens. You can enjoy all the benefits of the country. You can live in the city. Those who later integrate into the city are wild people. Only those who have made contributions can be promoted into citizens and move into the city."

Class and equality are impossible. It is not a good thing to pursue equality in this era. We must divide classes so that we can have a sense of honor and competitiveness.

In this way, the people will be proud of their own identity and work hard to gain status and quality of life, while the wild people will work hard to become the people.

Moreover, class competition is also conducive to his rule, which is out of selfishness.

Although he has the status of God, as he enlightens the people, the people will wake up, and some people may have some rebellious ideas.

In order to cope with this situation, so he can't let the following and a harmonious group.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Xun announce that they had a nation, and they were all nationals, there was a kind of visible pride on their faces.

They have, but others don't, which is the root of superiority and pride.


In the palace, the most delicious palace in the world is a brick courtyard.

A front yard office, a backyard living.

"Concubines of the lonely king, see what good things you have brought back."

Su Xun embraces Bai Yu and Tan Ying and brings them to the two silk cloths.

At this time, salt is more expensive than salt.

"Don't be lonely in front of me. Don't forget that I'm your boss, Sue."

Bai Yu lifted Su Xun's hand, picked up a piece of white silk cloth and stroked it gently.

"Yes, my dear Mr. Bai."

Looking at the three men's exquisite and graceful figure, Su Xun felt hungry after three months.

Want to eat steamed buns, six.

"Chant -"

at this time, a cloud of dragon chant moved nine clouds, accompanied by the wind howling, the earth was shaking.

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