Knowing that they were going to die, they all knelt down on the ground, turned their brains and tried to survive.

"The king of Xia spared his life, the king of Xia spared his life. I shouldn't plan the way Xia made iron..."

The head of Li tribe wailed and showed his cards directly. He confessed his mistake and begged for mercy from Su Xun.

"Puyi -"

at this moment, a feather arrow flew directly through the body of the head of Li tribe.

The head of Li tribe's clan stared at the eldest. He looked down at the arrow penetrating his body. The blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his body slowly fell back to the ground.

"Assassin! There are assassins! Protect the king

"Protect the king!"

In a flash, the whole scene was in chaos, and the badminton army and the black guards blocked Su Xun.

"Puyi --" Puyi -- "

the sound of the feather arrow entering the body kept on ringing, and the clan heads of the seven large and medium-sized tribes were shot to the ground one after another.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way for the lonely king

Su Xun angrily pushed away the badminton army in front of him and rushed to the head of Li tribe.

"Chief Li, how are you? Are you ok?"

Su Xun squatted down and looked at the head of Li tribe nervously. He was so nervous that he couldn't die.

"You You... "

The head of Li tribe raised a finger to Su Xun, and his eyes were full of bitterness and unwillingness.

He didn't expect that Su Xun was so cruel that he started to attack them at the same time.

Su Xun took his raised hand and said, "don't worry, I will take revenge for you!"

"None None... " The head of the Li tribe glared.

Su Xun's face was moved: "OK, the lonely king will take good care of your people. The lonely king will live up to his trust."

"Puyi -" the head of Li tribe vomited blood in anger, then his pupils were lax, and he lost his breath completely.

Su Xun took a deep breath, closed his eyes for him, got up, and said in a low voice: "seven patriarchs, in order to save the orphan king, block the arrow with their bodies. The orphan king will live up to this. The orphan king will take revenge for you!"

"Come on! Immediately blockade the whole Xia country, even dig three feet also want to find out the assassin! Gu wants to use his head to commemorate the seven patriarchs! "

When the seven patriarchs died, the king of Xia was furious and ordered that the streets of Xia were full of soldiers patrolling.

The assassin was captured in just one day.

These assassins are actually bodyguards brought by several clan leaders to Xia state.

According to their confession, they were bought by the northern barbarians Xu with heavy profits. This time, they wanted to start a war between the eight tribes by assassinating Su Xun.

Anyone with a brain can see that this statement is full of loopholes, but it doesn't matter. Su Xun said it was true, then it was true.

Su Xun sent Mo and other seven people who were sent to Xia to return to their respective tribes with the mission and soldiers.

Before they came to Xia, they were all highly valued by the patriarch and had a high status and prestige in the tribe.

Now that the patriarch is dead, with their prestige in their respective tribes and the various preferential treatment promised by the Xia state, it is not difficult for each tribe to agree to join the Xia state.

What's more, there are 500 fully armed soldiers going back with mill and others.

Materials represent Xia's wealth, all kinds of preferential treatment represent Xia's sincerity to them, and soldiers represent Xia's force. This is a combination of soft and hard means.

While waiting for Mo and others to bring back good news, Su Xun began to carry out currency reform in China.

Thanks to his unique prestige in Xia, the people of Xia trusted him very much.

So the implementation of currency is very smooth.



Mo returned to the Li tribe with 500 Xia soldiers and members of the mission.

Looking at the soldiers in armor and armed with iron guns, the people of Li tribe were afraid.

In particular, one hundred cavalry among the 500 soldiers gave them a strong sense of oppression.

"Mo, how did you come back, patriarch?"

Four of the more prestigious members of the clan came to see mo. like Mo, they were all the people who had the best chance to inherit the position of patriarch after the old patriarch died.

"The patriarch is dead." He said directly.


"How did the patriarch die?"

"What happened?"

The four were shocked. After all, the patriarch died so suddenly. How could he have died?

Mo's eyes swept over the four people: "the clan leader was invited to the state of Xia as a guest, and the king of Xia met him personally. Unexpectedly, an assassin assassinated him, and the clan leader blocked the arrow for the king of Xia and died."

Four people smell speech complexion strange rise.

Will the patriarch block the arrow for the king of Xia?

You're kidding.

"The head of the clan died for the king of Xia. The king of Xia was deeply moved. He promised the head of the clan to take care of the people of Li tribe and sent me to migrate them to Xia."

Mill tone calm, like a merciless speech machine, because these four people are dead."Mill! What do you mean

"The clan leader was killed by the king of Xia, right? The patriarch betrayed you

"The king of Xia wants to swallow us, and he wants us to take the initiative to send us home. Don't even think about it!"

"Yes, we won't! We're going to launch a campaign against the Xia state to avenge the clan leader! "

The four instantly understood what was going on, and their reaction was very strong. After all, they could all be clan leaders, so naturally they didn't want to sit by and watch the tribe be annexed by Xia.

"I didn't expect you to agree."

And so on the light said.

"Step, step..."

With heavy footsteps, a dozen Xia soldiers with iron guns rushed in.

"Mill! What do you want

The four were in a panic.

Mo said nothing and went straight out.

"Ah "Mill! You have to die! "

"You traitor!" "Ah

A moment later, a few screams came from the room, and a strong smell of blood floated out of it.

Then he called the whole tribe together.

"People, the patriarch died two months ago in order to save the king of Xia. The king of Xia was deeply moved. Before he died, he promised the patriarch that he would take care of you."


The tribe of Li exploded in an instant.

"So, I came back here to migrate tribes to Xia state. When I went to Xia state, everyone could eat millet and meat. Soldiers could wear armor and ride horses. Everyone had a house, land and women..."

Mo began to describe the beautiful life of Xia state to the public. It was true, but he had to rely on his own labor to get it. He was not a liar.

With the description of the mill, the crowd gradually calmed down, with yearning and loss in their eyes.

"In addition to our Li tribe, there are six other tribes. If we go late, Xia's house will be divided up, but we won't have our share!"

After hearing this, the people suddenly felt refreshed and didn't think about anything. They went first and then came back if they were not satisfied.

After all, the appearance of those Xia soldiers can't deceive people, and the millet snow salt is not fake.

Just like Mo, other tribes also took the same way to kill the people who opposed them, and then half coaxed and half deceived the people to Xia.

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