In March of the third year of the Xia calendar, seven large and medium-sized tribes migrated to the Xia Kingdom, with a total of 230000 people.

There are also small tribes attached to seven large and medium-sized tribes, with a total of more than 60000 people.

At this time, Xia had three cities.

In addition to the upstream Linshui City, there is also a downstream Chang'an city.

The two cities are centered on Xia City, about half a month away from Xia state.

When the straightway is built, the journey can be shortened to ten days.

Next, we need to continue to build the city, and completely abandon the villages. Both the citizens and the wild people move into the city, but they enjoy different welfare.

Today, there are 340000 people in the state of Xia. If Su Xun recruits another 60000, there will be 70000 soldiers in the state of Xia.

The five armies of rosefinch, Xuanwu, Qinglong, Baihu and Yulin were expanded to 10000 troops, 10000 cavalry, and 10000 standing army, which specialized in guarding the city.

This winter is the day for Beihai to join the alliance. The 60000 troops trained for half a year are enough to level the grassland and frighten all the tribes in the south.


Star tribe.

This winter, the various medium-sized tribes did not come to offer gifts, so that the star is very confused.

So people were sent to various tribes to inquire about it years ago, and only those sent out today come back.

"The patriarch, the seven large and medium-sized tribes and the small tribes attached to them are all integrated into the Xia state. Now there are at least 350000 people in the Xia state, no less than us."

"What Star moment is to stare big eyes, the wine cup in the hand directly fell on the ground.

But he didn't know all the news about the annexation of the seven middle-sized tribes.

Now there are 350000 people in Xia state, and their star tribe is only about 400000 people.

Xia is now a big tribe.

No wonder there are no tribes to offer gifts this year, not just this year, but in the future.

In the heart of the star is a mixture of five flavors. More than two years ago, Xia was a small tribe with a population of just over a thousand.

But now, in less than three years, Xia has grown into a big tribe on a par with the star tribe.

Although the anti star watching tribe has not weakened in the past two years, it has not made a breakthrough.

"Patriarch! Xia wantonly engulfs our affiliated tribes. I don't care about our star tribes. I suggest sending troops to attack Xia! "

"Patriarch, don't do anything. The Xia kingdom is not inferior to us now, and the Beihai alliance is around the corner. At this time, the barbarians will only take advantage of the sword."

"Do you want to sit back and watch the state of Xia be so presumptuous? A small tribe, now it's on our head! "

"All right, shut up!" The star interrupted the crowd and breathed out a breath: "it's so far. It's useless to say more. Now the most important thing is to join the alliance in Beihai. After the civil war, we'll calculate this with Xia!"

He couldn't swallow that. Su Xun had to give them an account.

Beihai alliance is around the corner, he does not want to consume the strength of the star tribe and Xia state, so as not to take advantage of the barbarians.

But after defeating the barbarians, the star tribe will fight with Xia.

Xia developed so fast and had an unstable foundation that it could not be their rival.


July in the third year of the lunar calendar.

At this time, the state of Xia had five cities, which were linked by straight roads, greatly shortening the distance.

There are 80000 guns, 5000 iron swords, 3000 iron swords, 5000 mu Dun, 300000 arrows, 15000 horses and 75000 iron armours.

These are all prepared for Beihai alliance. They are all the inventory of Xia state in recent years.

At this time, on the plain of Xiacheng, 50000 infantry and 10000 cavalry stood in a square array.

Dozens of black dragon Xia banners were flying high in the air, and the wind made them hunting.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

The sound of the low trumpet spread all over the plain of Xiacheng.

Su Xun and a group of generals galloped out of Xia City on horseback and came to the front of the army.

"The blue eyed barbarians in the North plunder the south every year. They rape my countrymen, kill my fellow countrymen, and feed on my people in the south. It's hard to forgive them for their crimes, but only with blood. Today, all the tribes have allied with Beihai to fight against the barbarians. Heaven as a mirror, the sun and the moon can prove, lonely, the king of Xia to find, do not break the barbarian oath not to return

As the voice fell, Su Xun's long sword came out of the sheath and ran to the front of the battle: "Xia Guowu soldier!"

"Wansheng!" "Wansheng!" "Wansheng!"

The roar of mountain torrents and tsunamis soared into the sky, and the murderous atmosphere in the military array filled the air.

"Go to war!" Su Xun gave an order.

"Wang Ling, go to war!

"Wang Ling, go to war!"

The heralds yelled in unison, passing on Su Xun's orders layer upon layer, and the army moved slowly to the north.

Sixty thousand soldiers and thirty thousand people, nearly one hundred thousand in total, have almost exhausted the power of the country.

Now there are only 10000 standing armies left in China.But this time, Su Xun didn't worry. The Northern Expedition this winter was an agreement between all the big tribes. No one would fight a civil war at this time.

It's nearly half a year's journey to get to the League place around December.

There are also some big tribes that are far away from the alliance, and they started a year ago.

This time, the whole southern tribes gathered nearly a million troops to completely solve the troubles of the barbarians.


September in the third year of the lunar calendar.

The alliance in Beihai started three years ago. It was so noisy that the northern barbarians could not have been unaware of it, so they were also preparing.

The South wanted to fight the barbarians.

The barbarians also wanted to take down the south in the first World War.

Both sides want a war to determine the fate of the two races. The fate of the two races depends on this year's winter war.

There are countless barbarian tribes on the prairie. They don't have the big tribes with hundreds of thousands of people in the south, so all the tribes, big and small, contributed to the war.

The leader of the barbarian alliance was called Taoyu.

Taolu is a greedy and voracious beast in the wilderness. He is also the head of Taolu tribe.

Taolu tribe has consecrated a Taolu as the guardian beast of the tribe for generations, and the tribe gets its name from this.

"The southerners are despicable. They attacked our grassland last year, slaughtered dozens of small tribes, killed all the old, the weak, women and children, and plundered tens of thousands of cattle, sheep and horses from our grassland. Their behavior is just like that of animals!"

"How can such a group of despicable people occupy the rich southern land? That should be ours! Beat them, kill them! If we invade the south, we will never get enough food and women! "

The 30-year-old Taolu, dressed in leather armor, stood in the front and did the most rough pre war mobilization.

"Kill "Kill "Kill

But all the savage soldiers roared with fury.

"The army, go!"

With the order of Taoyu, 600000 barbarian allied forces moved to the agreed battlefield.

In the barbarian army, there are countless beasts, which are the guardians of each tribe.

This battle is about the survival of the race, so each tribe took the guardian beast with it.

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