After Han Chen's death, he caused a great sensation on the road. After all, Han Chen is well-known on Hong Kong Island.

Especially Huang Zhicheng, Han Chen, whom he has been trying to arrest, died like this?

He was very angry and vowed to find the murderer and bring him to justice. After all, Han Chen used to be his friend, and Han Chen could only be planted in his hands!

Liu Jianming and other undercover agents arranged by Han Chen to the police are relieved. From then on, they are all police officers and no longer undercover agents of the black and astringent society.

On the rooftop of the shopping mall, the wind was so strong that Huang Zhicheng lit his cigarette several times without lighting it.

"Han Chen is dead. Can I go back to the police force?" Chen Yongren with long hair came up.

Huang Zhicheng shook his head: "Han Chen is dead, that's right, but the Ni family is still there. You can't come back yet. Three years, at most, three more years will definitely destroy the Ni family."

"Is there any mistake, big man! It's almost three more years! " Chen Yongren suddenly walked away.

Huang Zhicheng frowned and roared: "is that how you talk to the officer? Don't forget you're a policeman

"I remind myself every day that I'm a policeman! Do you want me to call me a policeman in my sleep Chen Yongren pointed to his hysterical roar.

Huang Zhicheng yelled: "what are you yelling at me! Now only I know your identity. Believe it or not, I lost your file and let you be a fool forever

"Yes, you can. I'm just a fool now? Is it still the police? " Chen Yongren spread out his hand with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Huang Zhicheng was silent, and then took out a cigarette to him: "Han Chen is dead, you have to find a way to go up, so that you can know Han Chen's ice powder warehouse, and even get the evidence of Ni family's crime."

"The last time, the last time. If I don't come back, I'll quit!" Chen Yongren gritted his teeth.

Huang Zhicheng took out a bag: "take it."

"What." Chen Yongren opened the bag and took out a silver watch from inside: "what is it? Is there a new pinhole camera installed inside? Eavesdroppers? "

"It's your birthday today." Huang Zhicheng said.

Chen Yongren a Leng, look a little complex, pursed his lips: "street, you will buy people."

Huang Zhicheng smiles.

Chen Yongren also laughed.


Monday, May 5, 1986.

Tang Ming court, Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung District.

Su Xun officially took office as the leader of the patrol team of Tang Mingyuan, with three subordinates.

"Tang Mingyuan patrol team, senior police officer Chen Jiaju, No. 75431, reporting to you!"

"Song Zijie, patrol number 95301!"

"Tang Mingyuan patrol team, police officer Yazi, number: 95312, report to you!"

Looking at these three people in front of me, tut, they are all from movie roles. They are idol groups. They are handsome men and beautiful women. They can go to the talent show.

Song Zijie, needless to say, is song Zihao's younger brother. He is 22 years old. Like Su Xun, he just graduated from the police academy and joined the police force this year.

Chen Jiaju, uncle long, the standard big nose, the God of war in the furniture city, every time they arrest the police force, they have to pay for the loss of the people. It comes from the story of the police in the movie, but now the plot of this movie has not happened.

Finally, Yazi is the only policewoman in the team. She has just joined the police force this year. She has a beautiful face and a valiant uniform. Her loose police uniform is full of strength. She has a hot figure.

This role comes from the movie city hunter, or partner with Uncle long, but the role played by Uncle long in that movie is Meng Bo. How can it be successful?

"Hello, my name is Su Xun, and I will be your team leader from now on. I hope you can get along well and guard the order of Hong Kong Island together."

"In addition, I don't need to be formal in front of me. I have a superior subordinate relationship at work. Just take me as a friend in life. I invite you to dinner after work."

Su Xun closed the three people's files and looked at the three people in front of him with a gentle smile.

"Chief, I've read your report. You're so awesome. Beat Zhang Shihao's Hesheng gang." Yazi was more lively. Looking at Su Xun, there were little stars in his eyes.

Chen Jiaju curled his lips: "I'm also Wei."

"It's good for you to say that the police station didn't compensate the public for the loss. If you hadn't complained too much, you would have been promoted long ago." Bud son wrinkly nose says.

Chen Jiaju touched his big nose. He was a little embarrassed. When he came across furniture, he couldn't control himself. What could he do.

Su Xun said with a smile: "He Sheng Gang is just a small Gang. It's nothing special. You may rise faster than me in the future."

"Jiaju, tell me about Tang Mingyuan." Su Xun looked at Chen Jiaju again and yelled naturally.

Chen Jiaju said: "tangmingyuan is a residential area, with less than 30000 people. It's made up of..."He introduced the situation of Tang Mingyuan to Su Xun in detail. He stayed here for a long time.

"I understand. You go out first. Ah Jie will stay for a while." Su Xun nodded and said.

Yazi and Chen Jiaju went out: "Hey, boss, why don't you leave me a beautiful woman

"Maybe he just likes it. Ah Jie is pretty." Chen Jiaju said with a wink.

Bud son stares big beautiful eyes, whine: "won't, God, then I don't have a chance?"

"Ah Jie, your brother is song Zihao, right?" Su Xun looked at Song Zijie and said calmly.

Song Zihao's face changed: "Su sir, my brother is my brother, I am me, I have nothing to do with him!"

"Isn't that self contradictory? Since it's a brother, why doesn't it matter? " Su Xun laughed, and then said, "don't be nervous. I've met your brother and talked with him. Some things are not what he wants. Give him a chance. He used to be black and astringent, but without him to make money, there will be you now?"

"Susir, it's my personal business. It's nothing to do with my work." Song Zijie doesn't want to talk about it any more.

"Ding Ding..."

At this time, Su Xun's mobile phone suddenly rang: "Hello, who is calling, please?"

"It's me. I've got the tape. I'll see you somewhere." Song Zihao said in a deep voice.

Su Xun immediately got up: "there is a diaojingling park near diaojingling in Sai Kung District. I'll see you there."

"Good." Song Zihao hung up.

Su Xun looked at Song Zijie and said, "you hate your brother, but you can't do without him now. What are you without him trying to earn money to support you?"

"I'll go out and think about it."

Su Xun patted him heavily on the shoulder, and then walked out of the office quickly.

To seize the credit of Tan Cheng and Mr. Yao, even if he has just been promoted, he can't be promoted again.

But where the credit is accumulated, the next time you make a contribution, you can be directly promoted to probation inspector.

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