"Asshole! What do you do? The tape is taken away. Once it's handed over to the police, we'll all be finished! "

In Mr. Yao's villa, anxious and flustered Mr. Yao yells at Tan Cheng.

"Asshole, asshole! Every bite is a jerk! Why don't you call me a jerk when I help you make money

Tan Cheng's response is not polite. With his current influence, he is not afraid of Mr. Yao at all.

"I don't care, you take care of him, or I'll take care of you!" Mr. Yao threw his cigar on the ground.

Tan Cheng's eyes were filled with haze, and he pretended to smile easily: "Mr. Yao, three years ago I was able to betray song Zihao, but now I can still be afraid of him?"

"Ding Ding..."

All of a sudden, his mobile phone rang, took it out and connected directly: "fart, let it go."

"Brother, we followed song Zihao all the way and found that they were going to tiaojingling."

"Why do you call me? Keep an eye on him and get the tape back Tan Cheng roared.


After leaving tangmingyuan patrol group, Su Xun went to Saigon police district to meet the director of Saigon district.

The district director of Sai Kung is only in his thirties this year. A superintendent in his thirties is too young.

"Su Xun, patrol leader of Tang Ming court, Tseung Kwan O, number 95271, say hello to the officer!"

Su Xunli is saluting the director.

"I know you. You have made great efforts in the case of Zhang Shihao. Go ahead, I'm very busy to see what happened to me."

The director put his hands on the table, because he was also very young, so he liked young people very much.

Su Xun, a young man who graduated from a serious police academy and dared to go deep into criminal gangs, has brains and courage, which is even more popular with him.

"Sir, do you know Tan Cheng of Hengda finance company?" Su Xun asked.

The director nodded: "big brother, of course, I know that some people in CCB suspect that Hengda finance is related to several counterfeit banknote cases, but there has been no evidence."

CCB, commercial crime bureau.

"If I say I can get the evidence that Tan Cheng made and sold counterfeit banknotes now." Su Xun said.

He directly skipped the report of Tseung Kwan O police station to Sai Kung police district before taking action because he did not want the director of Tseung Kwan O police station to share his credit.

He doesn't care that he will offend others. As long as he has made enough contributions, who can beat him?

This is a world of film fusion. With his foresight of the plot, it's too easy for him to make contributions.

Will tens of thousands of grass-roots police on Hong Kong Island agree to deliberately suppress him? Will millions of people on Hong Kong Island agree?

Even if they agree, will he promise?

If he doesn't, he'll die.

The director immediately got up: "are you serious?"

"Sir, did I come here to make fun of you? Do I want to do it? " Sue found the way.

The director pointed to Su Xun: "if you really have evidence to handle Hengda finance and big brother, I'll promote you to senior police officer. In addition, the quota of model police to be built by Hong Kong Island police this year is yours."

If they do not go to the inspector general's level, they will be promoted directly.

Only when the level of inspector goes up can he be promoted after being approved by the police.

So even if Su Xun had just been promoted, as long as he made great achievements, he would not have a big problem to be promoted to another level.

"Never let the officer down!" Su Xun salutes.

"How to cooperate?" the director asked

"Sir, don't use it for the time being. I'll just go and get the evidence back, but I'd better take my share when I arrest people." Su Xun laughed shyly.

After all, Su Xun was just a simple boy.

The director nodded: "don't worry, your credit can't run away, and then you will be transferred to arrest."

"Thank you, sir!" Su Xun saluted again, then turned and walked out of the director's office.

After leaving Saigon Police District, Su Xun took a taxi and went straight to tiaojingling Park, which was arranged with song Zihao.

Sitting in a taxi, Su Xun felt that he had to buy a car, or he would have a car crash That's wrong. Otherwise, it's not convenient to handle the case.

Not only does brother Su sell the stolen diamonds to the rich, but he will use them as the first money for the police!

After all, as long as he is the richest man on Hong Kong Island, no one will dare to frame him for taking bribes.

After thinking about it, Su Xun took out his mobile phone and made a call to his office.

"Hello, this is Tang Ming Yuan patrol team of Tseung Kwan O police station." The sweet voice of Yazi came out.

Su Xun said, "Yazi, it's me, Su Xun."

"Sir, do you have any instructions?" As soon as Yazi heard it was Su Xun, his voice became softer.

Su Xun felt that the voice was so sweet that he was guilty: "shout Jiaju and Ajie to take the gun to tiaojingling park."Su Xun wanted to give them some credit for obtaining evidence. He wanted to win people's hearts and cultivate party members. After all, he wanted to be the first brother of the police force.

One elder brother said: I don't like men!

Nowadays, as long as eagles can be at the top of the police force, the Chinese can't even think about it. If Su Xun wants to accomplish this impossible task, he can't do without support.

So he needs not only a lot of money, but also a lot of people in the police force.

"Yes, sir." After hanging up, Yazi yelled to Chen Jiaju and song Zijie, "brother Ju, ah Jie, Su sir, tell us to take our guns to tiaojingling park."

"There's action!" Chen Jiaju and song Zijie are excited instantly. Isn't it better than patrolling?

Yazi shook his head: "Su Sir did not say."

"Let's go first, so that we won't get any credit for going late." Chen Jiaju can't wait to say.

The three drove a police car to tiaojingling.


Tiaojingling park.

Song Zihao and Ma lean against the car to smoke. Song Zihao clips the tape under his arm.

"Why not?" The pony frowned.

Song Zihao vomited a cigarette ring: "it should be coming soon. No, it seems that something is wrong."

More than twenty people around them, intentionally or unconsciously, are getting closer and closer to them, all men.

"It's not right. It's for us." He held the two guns on the surface and kept silent.

Song Zihao smokes out: "kill them."

"Fuck them!" The little horse grinned, took the cigarette in his mouth, drew the gun with both hands, and pulled the trigger on the two people in front of him

"Kang Kang..."

"Ah "Ah

Two people directly chest blossom, scream to fall to the ground, pistol fell out from the waist.

"Get the tape back!"

The first one is Tan Cheng's confidant. With a roar, he pulls the trigger on Song Zihao.

"Kang Kang..."

"Mother Ganlin!" Song Zihao fought back from behind the car.

"Kang Kang..."

For a moment, the gunshots in tiaojingling park were all around. They were like peas. The people who were playing were screaming and ran away in a panic.

"Buzz Red --! "

A police car suddenly stopped, and then Chen Jiaju and his three men rushed down with guns.

"Hong Kong Island police, don't move!"

Chen Jiaju, with a certificate in one hand and a. 38 revolver in the other, roared.

Yazi and song Zijie hide behind the car and aim their guns at the outside, only revealing their heads.

"Ah Jie?" Song Zihao saw song Zijie at a glance. Obviously, he was very surprised that he would come here.

Song Zijie also saw song Zihao and his face changed slightly. He thought that his elder brother began to mix black and astringent again.

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