The night is shrouded in the forest, and the sound of various insects in the forest is a little disturbing.

Kelly felt colder and colder, and subconsciously squeezed susian's arm against him. She didn't notice that her baby granary was touching susian's face.

Big boss doesn't squint because he's not interested in women.

In his opinion, these pitchfork women will only wear away his sharpness, slow down his gun and make him look forward and backward.

Mandala curled her lips. These women are really troublesome. They are usually bright and high in the spotlight. When they encounter something, they completely expose their helplessness. Oh, they are really weak.

Is Kelly weak?

To be honest, it's not.

If it was an ordinary woman, she would have been trembling with fear, but Kelly could calmly draw a gun to fight back without any complaint. Let alone women, she was better than many men.

After all, not every woman is the same as Mandala, more man than man.

At three o'clock in the second half of the night, the sound of guns and footsteps could not be heard in the woods. They should be ready to surround them, and then they would continue to search until dawn.

Or they are ready to wait for themselves to run out, which saves them the time to find someone.

Because Qin Zhu is invisible, Su Xun can't talk to her. He can only write on Qin Zhu and communicate with her.

"They've dropped all their guns into the camp."

If you take off the bullet clip, the gun in the enemy's hand is no different from a firecracker. At that time, a charge can break up the enemy.

Even if the other side carries heavy firepower weapons, Su Xun can guarantee that under his own charge, they will not even have the chance to load ammunition.

It's very simple for Qin Zhu after she's invisible. At the same time, it also reduces the risk that she will be found and then be physically overrun by gunfire.

"Well, master, look at me."

Qin Zhu waved his powder fist and turned to float out.

But Su Xun caught her.

Qin Zhu turned around and looked at Su Xun with a puzzled face. He didn't understand what the master was doing.

Is it because the master is afraid that I will be in danger, so he is reluctant to leave me?

Qin Zhu thought sweetly.

At this moment, she saw susian remove the bullet clip from the gun, then put it on again, and then looked at her.

Qin Zhu realized that he was thinking too much. He was afraid that he would not dismantle the gun clip.

Curled his mouth, the body is floating out of the cave, and then disappeared into the dark.

There was no one in the cave to feel the communication between them. No one would have thought that the fifth person was always with them Or, ghost.

Seeing Qin Zhu leave, Su Xun came to Kelly's ear and said in a low voice, "Miss Kelly, can you release my arm first?"

When he just removed the clip, his hand was very inconvenient, and he touched a part he shouldn't touch.

Kelly looked down, then blushed and let go of susian's arm. Her heart beat faster and she scolded herself in her heart.

Oh, sheter, damn it, Kelly, you are so rude. Why do you do such impolite things again and again.

However, every time, Su Xun was a kind reminder, rather than secretly taking advantage, which made her feel that Su Xun was the gentleman in the ancient prose of the state of dragon.

As a foreigner who has been admiring the dragon culture since childhood, he has always been longing for the perfect gentleman image in ancient Chinese prose.

Now the appearance of Su Xun is gradually improving the image of gentleman in her mind.

It can only be said that foreigners are foreigners after all. The research is too one-sided. How can there be such a perfect person in the world?

"Chief, do you want to break out in the morning?"

Holding a sniper gun, he asked.

Early in the morning is the time when people's vigilance is the weakest. Generally, the success rate of breakout is relatively high in this period.

Although I don't know how many enemies there are outside, neither Mandala nor big guys are in a panic.

After all, in their past career, it was just a small scene.

Once they were in North Africa, a small group and a regiment of local armed around, and only wounded, zero deaths.


Su Xun is waiting for Qin Zhu to come back.

At this time, Kelly's sweet and clear voice suddenly sounded in her ear:

"Mr. Su, the person who betrayed you at that time was a retired senior officer of North Africa international security company. His name was fernan delis. The reason was that he was expelled from the right center of North Africa security. He was resentful and wanted to make a final profit before retirement, so he betrayed your route of action."

North African security used to be the target of susian's team.

Supply, logistics, intelligence, and operational planning are all in the charge of the company's professionals. These mercenary teams are only responsible for carrying out tasks.

"This damned bastard!" Datura gritted his teeth.The big man didn't say a word, but the killing intention in his eyes was something.

Most of the mercenaries are for money. They have no feelings. But who can be merciless when people are not plants?

More than a dozen people have been together for several years, training together, going through life and death to carry out all kinds of dangerous tasks. You save me and I save you. In the heat of war, they have deeper feelings than brothers.

Because of the traitor's betrayal, the whole army was almost destroyed. How can they not be angry?

The dead are dead, but the living have to take revenge!

As a former ace team of North African security, they naturally know Fernand Dreis, the head of the company's logistics department.

According to reason, he has made a lot of money. Unexpectedly, before retirement, he was not satisfied and sold their route of action to the enemy. As a result, their mission failed and almost all of them were explained there.

They don't hate the enemy, because this is what they are doing. They have only a stand, and there is no right or wrong. But the traitor who betrayed them is absolutely unforgivable.

"Why tell me now?" Su Xun looked at Kelly and asked, this news is one of the rewards. Originally, he said that he would tell them when the escort task was completed.

Kelly smile, calm tone said: "I'm afraid I may not be able to live back to Sally, if I die, you're afraid it's hard to know the truth, so you'd better say it in advance."

"You will go back alive." Su Xun said firmly, like a promise.

Kelly lifted her long hair, took off a black silk and sock from her leg, tied her hair into a ponytail as a headband, and casually said, "I hope so. I believe you."

Long hair shawl is very beautiful, but it is not convenient to move, although her head rope is a little strange.


Meanwhile, on the edge of the forest road, a simple makeshift camp is set up here, surrounded by several people with guns patrolling.

But they didn't find anything. A figure entered the camp directly from their eyes.

In the camp, many fully armed soldiers lie on the ground and fall asleep, with their guns on the side. In case of any accident, they can fight back quickly.

The sleeping soldiers did not find that their guns were still in place, but the clips began to disappear one by one.

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