"Mr. Su, do you want to hear about my brother?"

Kelly's voice once again broke the silence in the cave, her legs bent to her chest, her hands around her calves, her chin on her knees.

This position makes the baby granary bear the pressure that this age should not have.

"If you can." Of course, Su Xun wanted to listen to the eight trigrams. Even mandala and the big guy raised their ears.

Eight trigrams are the essence of human beings.

Kelly smiles with some recollections in her eyes: "my elder brother, Phelan, was my protector when I was a child. He always protected me and spoiled me. He was my most beloved brother."

"I study hard just to help him in the future, but I didn't expect that his talent in business is so bad that it makes me look much better than him."

"There are fewer and fewer people in the family who support him. Under the influence of the people around him, his attitude towards me is getting worse and worse. He feels that I have threatened his position until he is ready to get rid of me completely."

Kelly's voice was calm, but anyone could hear the sadness and loss.

"Will you inherit the company?" After all, the Middle East global trading company is a real business empire.

Kelly nodded: "yes, and it must be inherited, because the company will develop better only in my hands. My brother's ability is really ordinary."

"But I never thought of killing him. I would give him a position to live a carefree life. Even now, I never thought that I would kill him when I go back alive."

Obviously, this is an emotional girl.

While this may be a weakness for those in power, it is also a charm.

"Your brother is really bad." Su Xun commented that one who can't compare with his sister is going to get rid of her rubbish. Isn't it bad?

Kelly said with a smile, "as long as I go back alive this time, he will be finished. My father won't give him another chance. He will be raised idle."

"So he won't let me go back alive anyway."

At this time, Qin Zhu came back and gave Su Xun a proud smile.

"Then I will deliver you safely." Su Xun's voice dropped and he picked up the gun: "let's go out and kill them."

"Mr. Su?" Kelly stares at Su Xun with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Because he was talking about killing them, not breaking through, not retreating.

The big guy and mandala started to check the equipment without saying a word. Their orders to the captain were executed unconditionally.

Su Xun gave her a smile: "let's go. I'll take you to see the fireworks."

Qin Zhu's eyes are full of resentment. It's hateful to use my credit to help you dress up in front of a beautiful woman!

Qin Zhu felt that he was more and more like a female lick and a dog. He was always paying without complaint and regret, licking susian, the master (˘ · ω·˘).

Su Xun noticed her eyes and patted the back of her hand.

Qin Zhu had a smile on his face.

Come on, this worthless woman, she's hopeless.

As a raider, Su Xun walked in the front with a gun. Big man and mandala walked on both sides. Kelly followed Su Xun with a small pistol and cat waist.

"That fool Jones really thought that the young master would marry the young lady to him. It's so stupid."

"Ha ha, miss will not marry him even if she is caught by the young master. How can a dog marry his master?"

"After being used up, you'll be shot. Love makes you dizzy."

The two patrolmen hung their guns on their chests, with their backs facing Su Xun and others. They were pouring water and chatting.

From their conversation, we can know that Jones, a toad who wants to eat swan meat, is dead.

"I'm afraid it's a little hard to catch Miss Jones, who has called the bell man."

"The death knell? It's just a few stray dogs. Today they can escape only because of their geographical advantages. "

"It's said that the captain of the knell team is a dragon. Isn't that the funniest part? I swear that if that dragon man falls into my hands, I will kick his ass hard and let him go back to the dragon country to feed. Ha... "

As soon as he laughed, he was like a duckling stuck in his neck. He made a whoosh in his mouth, but he couldn't say a complete word.

He raised his hand and touched his neck. There was a lot of blood in the palm of his hand, and then he fell back on the ground with his eyes wide open.

"Hey! Man, what's the matter with you? " The companion was startled, and his urine bifurcated.

The next second, a dagger stabbed into his chest, he turned hard, into the eyes of a blonde is smiling at him.

The moment before he closed his eyes, he could not even tell whether he had just seen an angel or a devil.

Datura took out the dagger and wiped the blood on the fallen body.

At this time, a member of the patrol with a gun staggers over, just to see this scene, exclaimed: "enemy attack!""Kang!"

A bullet passed through his eyebrows and hit his body heavily on the ground.

It was Kelly who shot.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack

The gunfire completely broke the peace in the camp.

"Attack, free fire!"

Su Xun's voice fell down and rushed out with a gun. His fingers kept pulling the trigger.

"Dada dada..."

"Kang! High

"Boom! Boom - "

" Oh, my God, why is my clip missing! "

"Shetfark, shrapnel! Who can tell me where to go Ah

"Retreat, everyone

The people in the camp are ready to fight back with guns, but suddenly they find that the bullet clip on the gun is missing, which makes a mess.

All the people are like headless flies running deep into the forest, and the hunter is reduced to the prey in a hurry.

Five minutes later, the battle is over.

More than 30 bodies were left at the scene, as well as guns that were reduced to firesticks all over the ground.

The battle went incredibly well. Mandala checked and found that all the clips on the guns were missing.

"Where are these men's magazines?"

"How do I know?" Su Xun shrugged, went to an SUV and opened the door: "Miss Kelly, please get on the bus."

Datura and big man stood in the same place and looked at each other, both of them were in suspense.

Because this kind of situation is really too strange, career so many years, it is unheard of.

"Perhaps, this is what the dragon culture says about the help of God."

Kelly showed off her knowledge. She thought the fireworks were so beautiful that she would never forget it.

Mandala and the big guy think she has an IQ problem, because they are both unswerving atheists.

They would rather believe that this group of people made a fool of themselves and collectively lost their ammunition clips than believe in such nonsense as God's help.

A few minutes later, a black SUV drove down the road towards the border between Saia and seli.

Behind him are the bodies covered with gunsmoke and uncooled.

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