In the original play of the big event, there was no such thing as multi district joint law enforcement.

But that's understandable. After all, it's about making movies. It's impossible to find so many actors to play.

But now it's a real world. For such a big case, no one has been found yet. Multi district joint law enforcement is the fastest and most reasonable way.

West Kowloon, including Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei and Sham Shui Po, is the most prosperous area on Hong Kong Island.

In Hong Kong films, we often see the West Kowloon crime unit appear on the screen. Because it is the most prosperous place, it is relatively easy to breed chaos.

When Su Xun found out that he was entering the West Kowloon conference room, it was full of people, and the lowest rank was his two star inspector.

It is estimated that all the remaining inspectors except the superintendent are from the district crime teams.

When susian saw Raymond, Raymond nodded to him. Then susian went to the chief of the crime squad of Saigon police district and sat down.

At this time, although there were many people in the conference room, no one spoke, and the silence was terrible.


The door of the conference room was pushed open, and the deputy director of the operations department came in with a group of chief police officers. The most prominent one was undoubtedly Fang Jiexia, who was walking at the back.

He was the only woman, the youngest, the lowest ranking, and pretty.

Here, the deputy director of operations, also known as the Deputy Commissioner of police, is one of the three powerful deputy directors under the Commissioner of police, specializing in operations.

"Hello, sir!"

Everyone got up at the same time to say hello.

Su Xun found that Huang Yao, his brother-in-law, was also behind the deputy director. He knew how nice it would be to come with him.

Deputy director Huang raised his hand: "sit down."

Everyone sat down in unison.

"Let it go." Deputy director Huang said.

Later, the governor of the public relations department, Zha zhouhui'er, released the news this morning on the big screen.

After watching it, everyone was filled with anger, because the police are human. Why do the citizens have to be afraid of death?

Deputy director Huang knocked on the conference table: "this matter has caused a great negative impact on the police force in society. Let's put forward a solution."

For a moment, no one spoke in the meeting room.

"Detective Yang, start with you." Deputy director Huang directly named a Chief Superintendent surnamed Yang.

Police chief Yang pondered for a moment: "a press conference should be held to tell the public that we are confident that the criminals will be arrested within a week..."

"Sergeant Fang, you say." Huang deputy director directly impatiently interrupted him to say a pile of bullshit.

Fang Jiexia, senior superintendent of the Intelligence Division, got up and said in a clear voice: "we want to return a tooth for a tooth. How the police force lost face, we have to get it back."

"Talk about it carefully." Huang deputy director nodded, because this is the point.

Now it's not important to catch criminals or not. What matters is the face and credibility of the police force!

Fang Jiexia looked around for a week: "is this year's model policeman, inspector Su of Saigon serious crime unit here?"

"Here it is Su Xun got up in an instant.

"In the past two months, inspector Su has built a high reputation among the people and is more likely to win the trust of the people," Fang said

"So, contact the media, and let inspector Su inform the public, please give us time to investigate, and then our police will take an open arrest action, which will be photographed and announced in real time."

"In addition, inspector Su should take part in the operation and act as the commander of the first team as the main force."

"Well said!" Deputy director Huang praised him, then looked at Su Xun and said, "do you have any questions?"

"No sir, guarantee to finish the task!" Sue straightened her chest.

Thanks to the title of model policeman, he is the main force in this operation. As long as he performs well, the police will regard him as the face propaganda of the police force.

His prestige among the public will be higher, which will be of great help to his competition for the first brother of the police force in the future.

Grandfather Mao has fully proved that only with the support of the people can we win.

Even if he's in front of the police, he has to wait for him.

After all, there is no army on Hong Kong Island. Tens of thousands of Hong Kong Island police are the only legitimate armed forces on Hong Kong Island.

Whoever controls the police force has the right to speak.

"OK, let's set the task next..."

"The key now is to find out the hiding place of that group of people, immediately block all ports and airports, and never let them escape from Hong Kong Island..."

"Now, do your duty and break up!"


"Inspector Su, come with me." After the meeting, Fang Jiexia called Su Xun to the office.

Fang Jiexia was wearing a black lady's suit, not a skirt, but pants.

Wearing a single ponytail, slim, suit will outline the body curve very well, from behind, long legs and full moon curve clearly.She belongs to the kind of young people in high position, has its own pride, more cool.

But the more people in high positions, the more they can arouse men's strong desire to conquer.

In the movie, deputy director Huang seems to want to eat grass.

For the sake of his teeth, let Su Xun come.

"Here's your speech. It's prepared by the public relations department. You should follow the above instructions."

Fang Jiexia handed Su Xun a manuscript.

"OK sir, Fang sir, is there anything else I can do for you?" Su Xun took the manuscript and asked.

Fang Jiexia took a cup of water and pursed her red lips: "I want to know the hiding place of those gangsters now. Can you help me find out?"

"Since it's Fang Sir's worry, I'll give him a surprise." Su Xun said.

Fang Jiexia quietly looked at him: "Su sir, don't talk too much for the sake of picking up girls, especially the woman you want to pick up is still your boss."

Sue is thirty years old. Of course, she doesn't know what she wants to do.

But she didn't resent it. There were so many people who wanted to soak her that she just ignored it.

"I will let Fang Sir know that I never tell lies." Although Su Xun didn't know which building they were hiding in, he knew it was a residence.

We can't find out if we directly let the more than 100000 members of Hutchison all over Hong Kong Island to look for them.

These people are more well-informed than the police force. The police force can get clues only through informants.

Fang Jiexia looked at the lady's watch on her wrist and hugged her chest with both hands: "it's 1:30 at noon. I'm used to rest at 11:00. If you can find the news of that group before my rest, I'll invite you to dinner. You can choose the place and what to eat."

“yes——sir!” Su Xun saluted, then turned around and walked out of her office with her speech.

I'll choose the place. I'll choose your home.

I can choose what to eat, then I want to eat Fish.

Looking at Su Xun's back, Fang Jiexia gently shook her head. She just said it casually.

How could they be found so easily because of their sophisticated and well-trained modus operandi.

If Su Xun can find his fortune, it's just a meal. What can he do?

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