
Just out of Fang Jiexia's office, a voice came from behind.

Looking back, Su Xun saw Fang Zhiheng, an inspector of the West Kowloon crime unit, leaning against the wall and looking at himself.

"What's the matter?" Su Xun asked.

Although he and Fang Zhiheng are both inspectors, he is higher than Fang Zhiheng in terms of position.

This is because Fang Zhiheng is only the team leader of the serious crime unit in West Kowloon, while he is the team leader of Saigon.

Fang Zhiheng came over and said, "that group of people escaped from me. I should catch them."

“so?” Su Xun showed his hand.

Fang Zhiheng said, "I'll take the lead."

"Ask your boss." Su Xun laughed. How could he let out such a chance to show his face.

And he likes to attack, but he doesn't like to be attacked.

Fang Zhiheng's face was stiff. If his boss agreed, would he need to come to Su Xun?

"Gone." Su Xun finished and turned to leave.

Fang Zhiheng's face was uncertain. He took out his mobile phone and called out: "let the brothers gather."

Since the top doesn't agree to let him attack, he will find out the bandits and arrest them. He will wash the shame of being beaten before.

In the movie, he also leads people to act alone, and finds the bandit's hiding place first.

Su Xun takes out his mobile phone and calls Lin huaile.

"Susir." Lin huaile got through.

"You know what happened in the gun fight in dajiaozui this morning. Let's get rid of all the people who won the match. No matter what method you use, find out those people before tonight."

There are only 30000 or 40000 police officers in Hong Kong. However, he Liansheng has more than 100000 members. They are well-equipped and have a mixed network of connections. It is much easier for them to find the gangsters who are hiding than the police.

After all, cats have cat ways, rats have rat ways.

"Susir, I'll try my best."

"It's not to try, it's to be sure. Ah Le, I'm very optimistic about you. Don't let me down."

With that, Su Xun hung up.


Half an hour later, a press conference.

"Susir, you are from Saigon Police District, but you are here. Do you represent the joint law enforcement of all District associations?"

A reporter got up to ask a question.

"Yes, the bandits are too arrogant this time. They are not only trampling on the laws of Hong Kong Island, endangering the safety of the people, but also challenging the authority of the police. Therefore, all districts in Hong Kong must jointly enforce the law and arrest them!"

Su Xun's tone was sonorous and forceful. With his resolute expression, he was like the incarnation of the messenger of justice. The back of his head seemed to be shining.

"What did Su Sir think of the policeman kneeling down and raising his hand to beg for mercy when he was shot by the bandits?" A male reporter stood up and asked.

"Good question from this reporter friend. What I want to say is that the police are also human beings. We will bleed, we will die, and we have wives, children and parents. Most of the time, it's just to take on its own responsibilities and fight with the bandits. "

"In order to protect people's safety, the police in Hong Kong sacrifice an average of hundreds of people every year. Can't one or two novices be allowed to be cowardly? You only saw the patrolman pleading for mercy. Didn't you see many policemen fighting with the bandits that day? "

First stressed that the police are ordinary people, and then with two consecutive questions triggered people's thinking.

"Well, I don't want to talk about it any more. Next one." Su Xun ended the topic.

Wearing a beige suit, Le Huizhen stood up: "Su sir, do the police have any plans?"

"This will be an unprecedented arrest operation. Our police will install cameras on the helmets of all police officers participating in the arrest to record the arrest process and publish it in real time. I will be responsible for the main attack of this operation." Su Xun pointed to himself.


There was an uproar at the reception.

Because this kind of arrest is really unprecedented on Hong Kong Island, and everyone is excited.

This is big news.

After the press conference, Le Huizhen came to Su Xun and said, "be careful.".

Su Xun gave her a smile.

Le Huizhen feels electrified, so crisp.


Today, the police on Hong Kong Island were very busy. Until the evening, Su Xun didn't go home.

"Susir, coffee."

Yazi came into susian's office with a cup of hot coffee, and then went around to the back to give him a massage.

Susian put his head back and rested on her baby's granary. He felt comfortable.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, Su Xun's mobile phone rang.

"Hello, how are you doing?"

It's Lin huaile.

"Yes, sir. This morning, the gang hid in building 9, block C, Boller lane, Tsim Sha Tsui."

"OK, I see. Thank you." After hanging up the phone, Su Xun went to Raymond's office: "Ray sir, the bandits have news. According to the informant's information, they are hiding in building 9, block C, Baole lane.""Are you sure?" Raymond was in a good mood.

Su Xun said, "Sir, I'm sure."

"Can you introduce me to this informant?" Raymond is really curious about what informant can give Su Xun such accurate information every time.

Su Xun coughed twice: "that, ray sir, you are not suitable to contact him as my informant."

"I'll just say that you'll go with me to the West Kowloon Region right now." Ramon picked up his hat.

If you don't leave Su Xun behind, it means you won't take the credit for his finding the bandits.

One hour later, West Kowloon.

In the conference room, people who had meetings during the day gathered here, but Fang Zhiheng was the only one who didn't arrive.

Because he was taking people outside looking for the trace of the bandits, he had already turned off his mobile phone.

"Those who should have come are here, director Lei, you can tell me." Deputy director Huang named Raymond.

"It's sir." Raymond got up, and then said, "colleagues, just as inspector Su Xun got the exact information, the gang of bandits in the big horn mouth gunfight this morning were hiding in building 9, block C, Baole lane, Tsim Sha Tsui."

For a moment, everyone looked at Su Xun.

Fang Jiexia's eyebrows on the conference table also looked at Su Xun. Unexpectedly, she was found by him.

Su Xun smiles at Jiexia.

"What does superintendent Fang think?" Deputy director Huang looked at Fang Jiexia and asked, because she proposed this method.

Fang Jiexia drew back her eyes and stood up and said, "it's late now. It's easy to hurt people if they can't see clearly in the corridor. First, set up defense around them and watch them. When the morning comes, they will officially launch an attack after contacting the media."

"The major crime team is the main attack, and the flying tigers are on standby. The major crime team is divided into ten groups. Five groups attack the building from different doors, and the other five groups are on standby for support."

"Inspector Su led a group as the main attack, so we must ensure that the camera can capture him, and the other groups provide fire cover for him to cooperate with his action..."

Fang Jiexia said her plan.

"I agree." Deputy director Huang nodded.

"I agree."

"Agree with..."

Several other chief police officers echoed.

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