"Boss, there's a dragon looking for you."

Flower shirt black brother went over and said a word.

"Go on the horse, let him go! I don't know that I hate the Dragon Kingdom most. "

Before tonis finished speaking, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Su Xun, who was not smiling. He quickly changed the subject: "from the state of Dragon Pipan, yes, I hate the Pipan of dragon kingdom

With that, he released the enchanting girl in his arms, strode forward, opened his hands and gave Su Xun a bear hug: "my dear friend, it's a big surprise to see you here. I'm so excited."

His attitude changed freely and his face was full of smiles, as if Su Xun was his half brother.

The little black brother has a black question mark on his face. Doesn't boss say that he hates the dragon people most in his life?

He certainly doesn't know why his boss hates the dragon people so much.

Because Su Xun was responsible for this.

Gambling, the other people in the field are looking at Su Xun in disbelief, big doubts in their small eyes.

Who the hell is this guy? He made tonis such a arrogant guy treat him so politely.

"Tony, do you think this is the place to talk?"

Su Xun pushed aside tonis, who had a fox smell on him, and said a word without salt.

"Of course, my brother, how about going to my place and having a talk?"

Tonis warmly invited Sushen to his home.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'm very happy."

Tony's mouth twitched. He was just being polite. He didn't want this bastard to go to his house.

Twenty minutes later, a group of people walked into a garden villa, which was full of bodyguards with guns patrolling.

"My friend, what can I do for you?"

Sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Tonnis can't wait to ask. Now he just wants to get rid of this guy quickly.

Therefore, as long as Su Xun's request is not excessive, he intends to agree.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I just want you to do me a little favor..."

They had a pleasant conversation.

Half an hour later, Tony sent susian to the door of the villa with a smile on his face.

"Boss, don't you hate the dragon people?"

Seeing Su Xun walk away, the little black brother in the flower shirt can't help but wonder.

Tony glared: "you damned bastard, when did I say that! I love dragon country, I like dragon country friends

After that, he turned and walked into the villa and began to decorate according to Su Xun's requirements.

“???” The little black brother stood in the same place with a confused face. He felt the sun coming out of the West.


"Why does he listen to you? He says you're his friend, but it doesn't look like you're good friends."

On the other hand, Kelly looks at Su Xun curiously and asks a question similar to that of a black brother.

Su Xun said with a smile, "probably because he admires dragon culture just like you."

Mandala and the big man looked at each other and laughed at this.

Why is Tony so afraid of suthen?

Because a few years ago, Tony's freight team and the knell team were in a battle. Tony was captured alive by Su Xun himself when the number of people was dominant.

In the end, Su Xun released him and returned the whole batch of arms to him. Since then, they have formed a deep "friendship".

Seeing that Su Xun didn't want to answer this question, Kelly didn't study it carefully: "since she knew that my brother and they would send someone to intercept, why don't we leave first, but fight with them here?"

Fei Lun knew that he was intercepting in Bayang City, and Su Xun thought of that.

So they found a shortcut from the local population and arrived in Bayang city first, ready to surprise each other here.

"Because you have to beat him so hard that he doesn't have the temper to fight back, so you will have a lot less trouble." Su Xun said to Kelly.

Kelly's eyes were full of beauty when she heard the words. The corners of her mouth rose, and she raised a charming smile: "is this a service given away from the employment task? Thank you


At noon, the sun was burning.

A motorcade into the city of Bayang attracted the attention of all forces.

It is estimated that there are more than 50 mercenaries in the fleet, which is a powerful force in Baiyang city.

The motorcade stopped at the side of the street and everyone got out.

"Go to communicate with the boss and lie in ambush in the shops on both sides of the street. Miss, they must not be here yet. I'll give them a big surprise later."

The leading middle-aged man is Phelan's confidant. He needs a beautiful turnaround to prove that he is not a waste, but his subordinates.He thinks Kelly hasn't arrived yet, but Kelly is looking at him in the building not far away.

"His name is Frances. He's my brother's right-hand man. I didn't expect him to go out in person."

Kelly whispered, biting her red lips.

As he continued to turn to the street, Frances was looking around at the terrain. The more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

It's a great place for ambush.

"Hey, man, look what I've got for you friends who come all the way here."

At this time, a bright voice came into Frances' ears.

Frans subconsciously turned his head and saw a black man in a flowered shirt, smiling and throwing a grenade at him.

"Oh, Shetter!"

Frances's pupils shrank, he yelled, almost reflexively fell on the ground, and other soldiers were looking for shelter.


The explosion of the grenade opened the prelude to the exchange of fire.

Four pickup trucks with machine guns came from both ends of the street, blocking all the exits, and the bullets poured out from the mouth of the machine gun mercilessly.

For a moment, the dust was flying, the eggshells were splashing, and the screams came one after another.

"Dada dada..."

"Kang! High

"Falk, damn it, what the hell is going on? How could the local armed forces attack us?"

Frans, with a look of panic, was attacked by local armed forces in Bayang City, which means that they have no chance of survival.

Because Bayang city is completely isolated from the world.

Then his eyes suddenly stare big, can't help blurting out: "Falk!"

In his sight, an old Tiger Tank rolled over the ground and came slowly, the black muzzle aimed at them.

"Boom -"

the muzzle of the gun vibrated, the shells flew out, several cars were blown up directly, and several people even broke up before they could even make a terrible cry.

Frances shakes his head to relieve the tinnitus caused by the shell explosion. Now he's going to cry, and he wants to curse his mother. How can he enjoy this kind of treatment.

The demons who trampled on the horses actually used tanks to bombard him. Is he really worthy?

This is a waste of shells!

This is not so much a battle as a one-sided crush.

No more than five minutes from the engagement to the end.

More than 50 people brought by Frances were all dead on the spot, and he was the only one left shivering to be captured alive.

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