What it's like to be muzzled by a tank.

On this issue, Frances thinks he has a lot of say now.

People in Bayang, just off the battlefield, is facing the tank, feel only one, want to pee.

"You Who are you? We are from middle east global trading company. Do you want to fight us? "

Franz summoned up courage and tried to seek communication, because as long as he could communicate, it meant there was still a ray of life.

Hearing what he said, the Gunners who surrounded him seemed to have heard a joke and burst into laughter.

Ridicule, merciless ridicule.

Franz was pale and blue, angry and humiliated, but helpless.

"Francis, long time no see."

Just then, a familiar voice came into his ears.

Only the crowd around him slowly separated a road, tall Kelly came.


Frances's eyes widened and his face was haunted.

They also want to intercept Kelly here, but they are ambushed by her instead.

The point is, why do these local armed forces listen to her?

Because of the money?

Franz never believed that these people would venture into the family affairs of Middle East Global Trading Company for money.

It's true that the fight between Kelly and Phelan is family business.

It's also a family's business to beat and kill one's own people. If outsiders dare to intervene, the nature will be different.

So he couldn't figure out why the local armed forces in Bayang city would intervene?

But in the twinkling of an eye, he threw all this mess out of the air, and now he just wants to survive.

"Miss, please forgive me, miss. Master Phelan forced me to do all this. In fact, I have long wanted to take refuge in miss."

Frans bought Phelan in a flash. After all, life matters. The boss is only useful when he is paid.

Kelly's eyes were slightly cold: "originally, for the sake of your elder brother's confidant, I wanted to save your life, but now, I've changed my mind."

As the words fell, she raised the gun in her hand.

"No! No Frans was so frightened that he didn't know what he had said wrong. He was clearly showing his loyalty.


Kelly pulls the trigger. The bullet goes into Frances' eyebrows. He's dead.

It turned out that he could live, but instead of seizing the opportunity, he went all the way to death.

"My friend, are you satisfied with my help?"

Tony came over with a smile on his face and looked at Su Xun.

One of the purposes of such a big battle was to deter Su Xun, show him his muscles and prove that he was not easy to be provoked, so don't push an inch.

Su Xun nodded: "I'm very satisfied. We have something else to do, so we'll go first."

"No Tony would like the Dragon man to go away early, or he would not sleep well at night.

"Just a moment." Sue Xun went up to Fran's body, bent down and took out his mobile phone, then found Phelan's number and dialed it.

"How's it going?"

When the phone was connected, a low, hoarse voice came from the receiver. It was Phelan.

Su Xun gave a cool smile and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Phelan. Mr. Frans has gone to heaven in a hurry. But I can answer your question for him. Things are very bad. I hope you can forgive his carelessness for the sake of seeing God."

“…………” There was a moment's silence on the other side, and then Phelan's voice rang out again: "who are you?"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Phelan, captain of the knell team. Satan says hello." Su Xun said softly.

There was an obvious fluctuation in Phelan's voice: "Satan?"

Satan, the king of mercenaries, is as famous as God, the king of killers.

He was very angry, because no one below reported this to him!

If someone told him, it might not be the result now.

However, up to now, he can only try his best to maintain his demeanor, and lose openly, instead of showing his angry side, which is sad and ridiculous.

"It's a pleasure that you've heard of me." Su Xun's tone was calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Perhaps, I should hire you first, or at least smash you with money first, so that you don't accept Kelly's employment," Phelan said

"Sometimes it's not about money. You can't give Miss Kelly what she can." Su Xun told the truth, because Kelly gave them the information about the traitor four years ago, which was the key.

"Fark! This bitch In the end, Phelan failed to hold back his anger and maintain his demeanor. He made a rude remark and hung up the phone.

Obviously, he misunderstood something from Su Xun's words.At the last second when the phone hung up, Su Xun heard something smashed.

"Your brother is not very polite."

Susian said with a smile to Kelly.

Kelly was so dumbfounded that she could now imagine her brother throwing things around the office in a rage.

Ten minutes later, the four left the city of Baiyang in a fully oiled SUV.

Tonis really had an impulse to take out a pistol and kill susian.

This bastard didn't even pay for the gas!

Thinking of the pistol, he subconsciously touched his waist.

"Crash -"

fragmentary gun parts and bullets instantly fell down along the trouser legs of his shorts, all over the floor.

There are also a few dollars that fall down together, just the amount of fuel charges.

Looking at the parts and dollars there, Tony's face was stiff and his forehead was dripping with sweat.

Damn, how did he do it without knowing it!

He recalled carefully that he could not remember when Sushen took away his gun, or when he put the parts and dollars into his pocket.

By the way, he poked a hole in his trouser pocket.

This is the latest model of Longguo imported from his stall!

Tonis found that Su Xun was more powerful than he thought, and he could not be called a human.

Flower shirt black brother is also hard to swallow a mouthful of saliva, he now finally knows why boss will suddenly become like dragon people.

Because, now he also began to "like" the dragon people.

Satan, like God, is called the two men closest to God in the world.

Of course, it was impossible for Su Xun to do this without knowing it. It was all made by Qin Zhu.

With Qin Zhu at his side, Su Xun pretended to do whatever he wanted.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Su Xun's off-road vehicle drove into the capital of seli.

As soon as they entered the country, their car was forced to stop by a large group of strong men in black.

These are people from the Middle East global trading company.

"Miss, you are shocked. The boss is very angry. The young master has been removed from all his posts and restricted to travel."

An old man with white temples stepped forward and looked at Kelly respectfully.

"Miss Kelly, when the task is finished, we'll leave first."

After the success, Su Xun said goodbye to Kelly and was ready to leave with mandala and big guy.

After all, he has a lot to do next.

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