In the case of Fugui cruise, inspector Su discovered the crisis in time and saved the passengers on board.

He also arrested a number of international wanted criminals, including Madonna, and made great contributions to the Hong Kong Island police internationally.

So he finally matched his police rank with his position. Su Xun, chief inspector of the anti triad group of West Kowloon Region.

After all, the first brother of all departments in the region is the chief inspector. He is too conspicuous as a senior inspector.

He has always been a low-key person.

August 17, 1986.

"Dong Dong..."

Su Xun was reading a document in his office when the door of the office was knocked.

"Come in, please."

Su Xun said without raising his head.

But after waiting for a while, I didn't respond. I looked up and found that it was Fang Jiexia.

Fang Jiexia did a meal to him.

When he looked at his watch, he found that it was already twelve o'clock and nodded to her immediately.

Transferred to the West Kowloon anti black group for more than a month, the most convenient is to soak Fang Jiexia.

However, Yazi has played a small temper for a long time. After all, she can accept Zhou Wenli because she is a latecomer, which is equivalent to a third party.

But for her, Fang Jiexia is the third party's intervention, so she is not happy.

Fortunately, Su Xun finally took her to bed through the stick education day and night.

Su Xun put down his papers and got up to walk out of the office.

"Su sir, I'm busy. I don't eat any more. I'm a fairy." Fang Jiexia teases Su Xun.

She wore a ponytail, a white short sleeve with a green coat, and a pair of black tights. She was slim, but a little flat.

However, what Su Xun liked most was to open up wasteland, and nothing extraordinary could be reborn in his hands.

"Go to the cinema tonight. Bring your ID card."

Su Xun took her hand.

"I want to die, you playboy."

Fang Jiexia stares at him and shakes off his hand. Yazi is also in West Kowloon. She wants to pretend that she doesn't know anything about Su Xun and Yazi.

I'll take my ID card when I see a movie. It's self-evident what I want to do when she's stupid.

It's fake to watch a movie. It's true to want to make a movie with her that can be performed by two people.

"Good Fang sir, ah Xun. It's so late."

"Yes, leaders love subordinates and treat me to abalone, single headed abalone, juicy one."

Fang Jiexia always feels that Su Xun's words are not right.

Eat your head!

Since contact with Su Xun, she always felt that every word Su Xun said had another meaning.

"Good, Fang sir. Ah Xun is here."

"Fang Sir is good, Su Sir is good."

In the dining area, when I saw Fang Jiexia and Su Xun, everyone said hello one after another.

Chief inspector Fang's style and strength are now well known in the whole district. He has a movie star girlfriend at home and a valiant policewoman beside him.

There is also a cool Sergeant Fang, who is said to be confused with the female reporter surnamed le.

But no one is in charge at all. The Independent Commission against corruption is too lazy to take care of it. Who can let others do what you want? What's more, as long as Su Xun can do it, he will turn a blind eye to it. Who will hold on to this trivial matter.

Moreover, since Su Sir is capable, we should do more to relieve the pressure on Hong Kong men.

He took on so much suffering alone.

Although the top didn't deal with Su Xun, the people below also had a great response to Su Xun's bad behavior, mainly envy.

How many people lament that they were not born at the right time and why polygamy has been abolished?

Su Xun said that the purpose of abolishing polygamy was to protect men. Otherwise, why do you think those ancient people were so short-lived and couldn't keep up.

After all, not everyone is Su sir.

Su Xun went to sit with Ma Haotian, Zhang Ziwei, Huang Zhicheng and Lu Qichang.

After seeing Fang Jiexia, the four of them, who were still talking and laughing, immediately stopped smiling and became serious.

Men together, basically the same topic is women, but also the kind of silver Dang.

But I can't speak freely with my female boss.

"That, my God, I heard that your anti drug team is very active recently. Is heichai ready to collect the net?" Huang Zhicheng brought the topic to work.

Fang Jiexia said with a smile: "you can talk about whatever you want. You can be me when I don't exist."

"Fang sir, we just want to talk about work."

"Yes, there's nothing to talk about except work."

When you don't exist? But you exist!

"Yes, heichai is fast. After solving this case, we can have a rest." Ma Haotian has some feelings. This case has been followed for six years.

But Su Xun knew that solving the black problem was just the beginning, and the eight faced Buddha was the big head."Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, Su Xun's mobile phone rang.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Su Xun is connected.

"Su sir, Hong Xingda B died last night. His whole family was buried alive. They died miserably."

"I see. Keep watching." Su Xun almost forgot about these old people. After all, they still kept the rules for more than a month.

Big B died, Liang Kun dry, Chen Haonan and others want revenge, Hong Xing will certainly rise again.

What Su Xun wants is calm. Whoever dares to make trouble is provoking the police. He doesn't care whether it's revenge or not.

What's more, what does it have to do with the police if they want revenge? I'll still catch you!

"Our reporter reported that a gun case happened at Junhao hotel at 8 am this morning. The shooter was Zheng Zhenwen, the financial manager of the smuggling case of the Yang Group. All four members of the witness protection group were killed."

"It is reported that when the police arrived, one person had not yet breathed and had been sent to the hospital for rescue. At present, it is not known whether Zheng Zhenwen is alive or not. According to the police, there was only one murderer who fired five shots in ten seconds..."

The TV hanging on the wall suddenly broadcast such a news, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Four witnesses died in the witness protection group. It's arrogant. It's a provocation to the police!"

"Five shots were fired in ten seconds, and they were killed. There are no such people on the whole Hong Kong Island."

Huang Zhicheng and others all looked at Su Xun.

As we all know, Su Sir is a fast and accurate shooter. Not only women can't stand it, but also men.

"Hey, look what I'm doing. You won't doubt it's me, nerve." Su Xun rolled his eyes.

He knows who did it, Peng Yixing.

This case comes from the movie "the king of guns.".

Peng Yixing is a shooting expert and a gun changing expert. He has always been a champion in the actual shooting competition. Because of a hand injury, he stopped for two years and did not participate in the competition. He has been a coach in the gun club.

Later, he signed up for the new competition and met his life rival, senior inspector Miao zhiinstan of police crime unit.

During the game, Yu sir, Miao Zhishun's colleague, suddenly burst into the arena with a gun and killed people. Miao Zhishun held the gun, but he did not dare to shoot. Peng Yixing fired two shots directly to blow Yu Sir's head.

From then on, he fell in love with the feeling of killing people and became mentally disordered. Then he was taken by Yang Zhengyang to buy Junhao Hotel and shot Zheng Zhenwen.

Later, Peng Yixing and Miao Zhishun fought in the cinema. Peng Yixing died and Miao Zhishun survived.

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