Peng Yixing should be one of the best shooters in Hong Kong movies. One to many, even if he can't see clearly through obstacles, he can hit the target.

There were two gun battles with the police. The first one was at the gun club, with one person fighting about ten times.

The second time was in the shopping mall. If he didn't have to fight Miao Zhishun alone, it was estimated that more people would be killed by the police.

After all, the police have scruples not to hurt the public, but the crazy Peng Yixing has no scruples.

But this is the case of the crime squad. He's a member of the anti Gang group. It's nothing to do with him.

The case happened in Sham Shui Po. The fact that the police station of Sham Shui Po has not handed it in to West Kowloon shows that they can handle it by themselves and do not need to move the case up.


On August 18, it was cloudy.

There are a lot of people in front of big B's Lingtang, all of them are big B's younger brother and Hong Xing's people.

Because of the death of the whole family, there was no one crying. It was a desolate scene.

Chen Haonan came with a small stammer and others.

"Chen Haonan, what are you doing here?"

A Hongxing disciple yelled.

Since the last time he went to Australia to do business, Chen Haonan was expelled from Hongxing by family law.

Pheasant also went to Taiwan Island.

"I come to worship brother B, and I'll go after the incense."

There is sadness in Chen Haonan's eyes. He has been with big B since he was a teenager. They have feelings.

"Haonan, you are not Hongxing's person now. Even if I promise, the brothers behind will not. Let's go. Don't make me embarrassed."

Ji Ge looked at Chen Haonan and said.

"Kiko, I'm just a shangzhuxiang."

Chen Haonan stares at Ji Ge, his voice is hoarse, and his eyes are covered with blood.

Kigo was silent for a moment, then moved away.

Chen Haonan with a small stammer, foreskin, two people went to the hall of worship.

"Liang Kun! What are you doing here! "

Just then, an angry voice came out.

Liangkun, wearing a black suit and an orange shirt, walks into the hall with a group of younger brothers in three or five steps. Big B's younger brothers are all glaring.

"Why, I'm the dragon head of Hongxing now. The people of Hongxing are dead. No matter how old I am, I'm going to go to Zhuxiang. What's the problem?"

Liang Kun tilted his head and said weakly, as if hanging half tone, will die at any time.

Hong Xing's leader is elected once every three years. Last time, Liang Kun calculated that he would be born and abdicated.

"Son of a bitch! You killed brother B! "

A little brother of big B pointed at him and scolded him.

"Hey, boy, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be spoken indiscriminately. You have to talk about evidence. Don't talk indiscriminately without evidence. Be careful."

Liangkun patted the little brother's face.

"Go away! There is no need for you to worship here! "

"Fuck! I don't want to come yet. Big B is a waste of air even if it's dead. " Liang Kun shook his hand, spat, turned and left.


The priest who followed Chen Haonan yelled, then jumped up and kicked liangkun in the face from behind.


Liang Kun fell to the ground with a scream.

"You are such a beast that I can't even watch you!" The priest points at Liang Kun to scold a way.

"Son of a bitch! How dare you hit me

"Kill him! Kill him

Liang Kun roared angrily.

"Oh! It's so busy. "

"Let's let the police handle the case!"

"Stand up and take out your ID card."

Su Xun came over with more than a dozen people from the crime squad, with a hamburger in one hand and a coke in the other, and a smile on his face.

"Sir! I'm going to the police. He hit me! Look what he has done to me

Liang Kun pointed to the priest and yelled.

"Sorry, I didn't see anything."

Su Xun took a bite of the hamburger and shrugged.

He hates the old fool, but liangkun is the one that he hates the most.

Burying big B alive can be done by the whole family. It's just a beast.

"Gan! I didn't see that! Are you blind? " Liang Kun's head Ma shaqiang swears.

Liang Kun's face suddenly changed.

"Yes, I'm blind." Su Xun laughed and spat a mouthful of coke on shaqiang's face: "I suspect he has something to do with a murder. Take him back to investigate!"


Li Ying handcuffs the front man.

"What are you doing! The police don't need evidence to handle a case! Don't frame me up! " Silly strong struggles to roar a way.

Su Xun said with a smile: "yes, so I'll take you back to the investigation to see what evidence there is.""Don't go too far, sir." Liang Kun looked at Su Xun and said, which one of Gu Huo Zi can stand the investigation? If you want to investigate, you can find a lot of cases.

Su Xun looked at Liang Kun and said, "you can be a leader with such a happy color. I think you are a short-lived person. Go away."

"Sir..." Liang Kun tried to hold back his anger.

Su Xun looked at him: "Sir, let you go!"

"Let's go." After all, liangkun didn't dare to be tough with Su sir. After all, people's name is the shadow of the tree.

With a flattering smile on his face, Ji Ge came over with three sticks of incense: "Su sir, you've come all the way here. Let's go to shangzhuxiang."

"He doesn't deserve it." Su Xun said with a smile.

In a flash, everyone's face changed.

Chen Haonan said: "Sir, the dead are the biggest. You don't have to talk too much."

"Isn't it a social cancer that kills his wife and children Su Xun showed a sarcastic smile and sucked the coke tube.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

Su Xun looked at Chen Haonan: "I just want to say one thing today. If there is a gun case in my jurisdiction and there is a fight between more than 20 people, don't blame sir for not giving you a way to live. Do you understand?"

In the movie, the pheasant who goes to Taiwan island to make a name for himself comes back with his brother to avenge for big B, with guns, bombs, hundreds of people fighting and making a mess.

Now Su Sir is here. This is not allowed to happen. Otherwise, he will be hit in the face.

To put it bluntly, even if the leading parents are killed and want to fight, they have to submit an application report first. Su Sir thinks it's OK, that's OK.

"Sir, when the elder brother dies, people will laugh at him if he doesn't get revenge." Chen Haonan's face was expressionless.

Su Xun spat out four words: "it's none of my business."

"Tell Jiang Tiansheng that if Hong Xing dares to make trouble, I will nail him to death. I will do what I say."

"Close up!"

As the voice fell, susian took a hamburger and a coke and left leisurely.

Although Liang Kun became the leader, he couldn't control Hong Xing at all. He was born to be the real leader.

"Go back and treat him well. As long as you don't get hurt, you'll die. Silly Qiang, silly beep."

Su Xun took a look at shaqiang and shook his head.

Silly strong face white: "Su sir, I..."

"Ah, silly beep, don't ask for mercy, or I'll look down on you, just stand it."

Su Xun gave a slight smile, with a mild tone.

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