At noon on August 19th.

"All units should pay attention to guard against the dangerous person Peng Yixing, who has won the champion of actual shooting competition several times. Please be careful, be careful."

Near 12 o'clock, all patrol officers in Sham Shui Po division received such a reminder.

The Sham Shui Po police station is distributing weapons.

"Where's AZU?" Miao Zhishun asked suddenly.

"AZU has a cold. He went home to take medicine."

Generally, it means that he is cold.

It's like ghost movies going to the bathroom alone.

It turned out that he was really cold.

Half an hour later, AZU's body was carried out of his home by the police.

"Ah! Asshole! Peng Yixing

Miao Zhishun cried and roared.

AZU is his best friend.

"Ding Ding..."

His cell phone rang again.

"Peng Yixing! I will kill you He knew who it was without looking.

"As I said, if you don't let people go, I'll kill a policeman every other minute. I'm serious."

Peng Yixing's tone is very cold.

"Where to put people."

Miao Zhishun plans to hold him down first, or lead him out and kill him with Gelian.

It's too dangerous for Peng Yixing to hide in the dark.

"The largest department store in the world."

Peng Yixing finished and hung up.

Sham Shui Po police station held an emergency meeting.

"There is a large flow of people in department stores. It's easy to hurt the people if you do it there."

"Yes, we can't afford that."

"But it could also be our only chance."

In the conference room, all the people are you and I, expressing their own opinions, and the situation is deadlocked.

Low ranking people want to avenge their colleagues.

And people with high positions are afraid of taking responsibility.

Miao Zhishun suddenly said: "director, I apply to the region for Su Xun and Su Sir to be arrested."

Su Xun's strength is obvious to all, and Su Xun was able to remind him to pay attention to Peng Yixing last night.

It shows that Su Xun has known that the murderer is him for a long time. He must be sure to let Su Xun deal with Peng Yixing.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Yes, you can have Susir! With his marksmanship, the possibility of hitting people will certainly be reduced. "

"What is Peng Yixing with Su sir?"

"Peng Yixing is a target shooter. How can he compare with Su Sir who has been through many battles?"

The director immediately called the district for help.


Half an hour later, Sham Shui Po police station.

Su Xun took the lead.

"Miao Zhishun, with Ge Lian and Peng Yixing in exchange, should regard inspector Miao as his biggest opponent. If you show up in front of him, you can reduce his burden."

"Others sealed and locked the exits and disguised themselves to look for Peng Yixing in the shopping mall."

"As long as he shows up, you don't care about the rest. Don't shoot without 100% confidence."

Su Xun arranged the whole operation. In the operation team, he had the highest police rank and was the chief inspector.

The district director is only one level higher than him.

One more step up and he'll be just like Raymond.

“yes…… sir!”

With Su Xun, everyone's heart is filled with a kind of inexplicable self-confidence and stability.

This is the confidence Su Xun brought to us by his achievements.

Su Xun got up and said, "everyone, let's go!"

If Su Xun wanted to capture Peng Yixing alive and kill a policeman every minute, he could say what he said.

If you don't catch him alive, it's hard to get rid of your hatred.

Let him go to the prison and pick up soap.

Now the prison is still in chaos. The pretty ones will be blown up the first night.

More than 20 minutes later, the action team arrived at the largest department store in Sham Shui Po.

Miao Zhishun and Ge Lian look for Peng Yixing in the crowd.

"Ding Ding..."

Miao Zhishun's mobile phone rings.

"Hello, where are you?" Miao Zhishun asked.

"Follow the elevator up to the second floor."

Miao Zhishun hung up and took Ge lian to the second floor by elevator. He just saw Peng Yixing at the entrance of the crowded elevator.

Miao Zhishun almost subconsciously wanted to draw the gun.

Peng Yixing opened his clothes to reveal the handle of the gun, and said two words with the shape of his mouth: "release people"

"Miao sir, blocked by people, no one can shoot at point 1."

"Miao sir, we can't shoot at point 2."

"We can't shoot at point three."

Listening to the sound coming from the earphone, Miao Zhishun did not dare to mess around and let Ge Lian go.Ge Lian rushes over and hugs Peng Yixing.

"Let's go."

Peng Yixing takes Ge Lian into the crowd and leaves.

"Everybody follow him!"

Miao Zhishun called in his headset.

"Don't follow too close, just let him feel someone is chasing." Su Xun said.

"It's Susir, everyone, move."

All plain clothes began to chase Peng Yixing in the shopping mall.

Peng Yixing and Ge Lian leisurely shuttle through the shopping mall. Finally, as in the movie, they buy tickets and walk into the first screening Hall of the cinema.

Go in and have a look, there are police and bandit films on the screen, but the whole screening hall is empty.

There was only one person sitting in the middle.

The reason why the light is dim is that you can't see your face clearly.

But Peng Yixing turned around and left, because he had a bad hunch, which was very strong.

"All of you have come. Are you in such a hurry?"

It was Su Xun, who had been waiting in the screening hall for a long time, and evacuated the crowd by the way.

Peng Yixing stopped, and then in the moment of turning around, he suddenly pulled out his gun and shot at once.

But Su Xun was faster than him.


When he raised his hand, Su Xun had already pulled the trigger and the bullet was fired from the gun.


This shot was shot in Peng Yixing's barrel.

Peng Yixing's refitted gun broke into a pile of parts.

Peng Yixing wants to pull the second gun again.


The shot hit him in the hand.


Peng Yixing screamed.


Another shot in his left hand.

Su Xun pressed with his gun step by step. Kang, the gun fell on his leg and let him fall to the ground.

"Stop it! You're killing

Ge Lian stops Su Xun.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped: "for the sake of your so-called love, shielding Peng Yixing and killing me, it's not a pity for you to die."


Su Xun shot Peng Yixing in the left leg again.


Peng Yixing was shot in all his limbs, and fell to the ground with a shrill wail, his face pale.

"It's a big breath to kill a policeman every other minute. Go to the prison and pick up soap."

"How can you compare your shooting gun with mine?"

Su Xun looked down at him and said coldly.

"Step, step..."

Miao Zhishun and others who heard the gunshot rushed in and saw Peng Yixing screaming on the ground.

All of a sudden, they were shocked. They all knew Su Sir was fierce, but they didn't expect to be so fierce!

Hearing four shots, they thought it was Su Xun and Peng Yixing shooting each other.

Unexpectedly, Su Xun fired all the four shots. Peng Yixing, the king of guns, didn't even have a chance to shoot.

"Take him back."

Su Xun left a word and strode away.

When things are done, brush your clothes and hide your merits and fame.

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