"Su Sir is powerful. Peng Yixing doesn't even have the chance to shoot in your hands. That's the king of guns."

"You forget that Su Sir is also the king of guns. How can Peng Yixing compare with him?"

"But Su Sir's marksmanship is amazing..."

When the news of Peng Yixing's arrest came out, Su returned to West Kowloon, and everyone praised his shooting skills.

Only Yazi turned his mouth to himself.

It's a good shot.

I've been shot so many times that I didn't get pregnant. How dare you call it accurate?

It's a credit to Su sir, but it's not enough for promotion.

Moreover, Su Xun has risen so fast this year that it is impossible to rise again this year.

Otherwise, he will be the Commissioner of police next year.

So unless you make more contributions or make more contributions, you will be promoted.

His promotion will be more difficult than others.

Office of the leader of the anti triad group.

"Sir, I've heard that someone is selling flour in Tsim Sha Tsui recently. I've caught him several times."

Li Ying reports to Su Xun.

"If you look carefully, who is so brave to sell flour in my jurisdiction and seek death?"

Su Xun said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes, Su sir, there's another thing. Hongxing pheasant has brought people back from Taidao. It's the birthday of liangkun's mother tonight. If they want to revenge for big B, it must be tonight. I'm afraid something will happen."

Li Ying continued to make reports. According to the information he got, he was not worried about the accident, but was sure that it would happen.

Because Chen Haonan, they have already started to gather the younger brother before brother B, and they also bribed brother Ji Dafei, obviously preparing to fight liangkun.

"Mad! Take my words as air

Su Xun's eyes flashed a touch of anger, and pressed the cigarette end out in the ashtray: "if they want to fight, then fight well. There are so many empty beds in the prison, mobilize the police to distinguish, and all the members of the anti Gang group in the district are ready."

Yesterday, he personally went to the Lingtang of big B to talk, Chen Haonan, they dare to make so much noise.

That's not to give him face.

If he doesn't show Hong Xing some color, won't everyone be able to take his words as fart in the future?

Su Xun picked up the phone and called Lin huaile.

"All hands, after tonight, Causeway Bay is yours." Su Xun said straightforwardly.

"Thank you, sir."

Lin huaile's ears are about to crack with laughter. Hong Xing, a group of idiots, has been sending him territory.


That night, liangkun's mother's birthday.

Hold a birthday party in the backbone restaurant.

Su Xun seriously suspected that the backbone restaurant was the sponsor of Hong Kong film, otherwise how could it just appear.

Causeway Bay is now liangkun's territory.

Because big guy B is dead, and there is no one who can carry things under his hands. Naturally, he is occupied by liangkun.

Liang Kun has a big dance hall in Causeway Bay. This evening, pheasant will start from here.

The people he brought from Taidao and big B's younger brother rushed into liangkun's dance hall with guns and knives.

Shanji and Chen Haonan are sitting in the car. The car stops by the side of the dance hall, listening to the explosion inside.

"Don't be so fierce." Chen Haonan asked.

Pheasant domineering exposed said: "is to let them know, my pheasant brother is not easy to bully, guns together, every minute to smooth out liangkun!"

About ten minutes later, more than 200 people came out of the dance hall with knives, guns and sticks.

"Drive, next place."

The pheasant said softly.

"Boss, it's not right."

Suddenly, the driver said a word.

"Step, step, step..."

With a neat sound of footsteps, it seems that the ground is shaking. Hundreds of uniformed policemen are pushing forward in square array with rubber sticks and explosion-proof shields.

Both ends of the street were blocked by the police, and more than 200 people, including pheasant, were completely blocked in the middle.

It's OK for Gu Huo Zai to chop people at ordinary times, but when he encounters this kind of situation, his hands and feet are softened.

After all, the uniformed police advancing forward are holding rubber sticks, but there are still two rows with guns behind them.

"Mulder, the cops did."

The pheasant was shocked and flustered.

"Get out of the car." Chen Haonan said.

They got out of the car.

"Step on it

With a fairly neat step sound, the uniformed police advancing at both ends all stopped.

"All of you lay down your weapons and go to jail, or we will be impolite."

Yazi is in a police uniform.

She is an official now.

After all, I spent a lot of time sleeping with Su Xun."Sir, I want to see Su sir."

Chen Haonan also tried to communicate rationally.

But from the moment they dare to use bombs in downtown areas, they are irrational.

"Again, lay down your arms and surrender!"

"Brother Nan, let's rush out!" Said the pheasant. He can't go to jail. He doesn't want to go to jail.

Chen Haonan also hesitated, because if he resisted the police, he would have to flee.

But the pheasant has already ordered: "brothers, protect me to rush out, one million!"

Money makes the devil work.

When they heard one million yuan, their eyes turned red like chicken blood.

After all, for these rotten kids, 1 million may not be the number they can earn in their lifetime.

"Stubborn, tear gas ready!"

"Rush out!" The pheasant roared.

"Go to hell! Let's go


"Dang Dang..."

Tear gas bombs fell on the ground one by one, sending out a pungent thick fog, which made the ancient people's eyes blurred and covered their eyes to the end.

"Rush up! Catch them all

Uniformed police, armed with explosion-proof shields and rubber sticks, swarmed up and beat people whenever they saw them.

The best way to catch them is to fight them so that they can't resist, so they catch them naturally.


At the same time, backbone restaurant.

Liang Kun is celebrating his mother's birthday when he suddenly gets the news that these dance halls have been bombed, and he is furious.

Take revenge immediately.

But as soon as he went out, he met Su Xun, who was coming with two people.

"Su sir, you also come to celebrate my mother's birthday."

Liang Kun's heart clapped for a while, but on the surface it was still that cynical look.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped: "I wish your mother a big head. Liangkun, you are suspected of trafficking in drugs, smuggling and killing people. You are ready to put on the bottom of the prison and take it away."

Two policemen rushed up to hold him down.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! "

"Let go of brother Kun! Let him go

Liangkun's younger brothers surrounded Su Xun and others, pointing out and not letting them go.


Su Xun took a gun and shot at the sky.

The whole scene quieted down in an instant.

"Go away!"

Su Xun's cold eyes looked around for a week, and no one dared to look at him. They all turned their heads one after another.

"Take it away!"

In this way, Su Xun swaggered and took liangkun away with two people.

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