"Su sir, Chen Haonan and pheasant just caught a group of useless minions when they ran away."

Su Yazi said to Su Xun with some guilt.

After all, with so many people, we arranged in advance, and even let the two leading people run away.

It seems that she is useless.

"Come on, don't be discouraged. Have a drink." Susian poured her a glass of water.

Bud son holding the cup, Du mouth said: "I am not very useless ah."

"How can it be? Everyone's advantages are different, and you are good at it."

Su Xun had a gentle smile on his face.

"Where is it?" Yazi's eyes brightened.

Su Xun waved to her: "come here."

Yazi put his face close to him.

"On the bed." Su Xun said to her ear.

Yazi said, "go away!"

It's not you who handed it over. I think I was a person who would blush even if I was given a kiss.

But now I am proficient in playing and singing.

"Come on, brother." Su Xun opens his hand.

Yazi walked over to him and sat on his lap. He came up to his ear and said, "brother ~"

hiss -

Su Xun felt his scalp numb.

The goblin is getting more and more attractive.

"Don't worry, pheasant can't run. I'll catch him and squat in the bitter kiln myself." Susian touched her smooth white face and said word by word.

Shanji is now the leader of the Taiwan Island triad.

A member of the Taiwan island black and astringent society who dares to use bombs in his jurisdiction is like hitting him in the face.

Throughout Hong Kong Island, who doesn't know that Su Sir is the most powerful?

Don't say he is the leader of the Sanlian gang. Even if it's Lei Gong himself, Su Xun will take him back!

Su Sir has always been a fair man. In the black and astringent society, whether he is a big brother or a little brother, he always looks like a pile of stinky shit. After all, he is treated equally.

As for Chen Haonan, we can consider letting him go. This guy is a member of the traditional black and astringent society.

He's more disciplined and doesn't mess around. Besides, he doesn't touch drugs in his business. He only gambles with Huang He.

Coincidentally, Su Sir likes yellow!

"Smoke." Su Xun spat out a word.

Yazi picked up the cigarette box on his desk, shook out one, put it in his mouth, then picked up the lighter to light it, and then handed it to Su Xun's mouth.

"Hoo -"

Su Xun puffed out a puff of smoke.

Smoke hurt his body, that is, his body can not be hurt by smoke, otherwise he will never touch this thing.

"Dong Dong..."

The door of the office was knocked.

"Come in." Su Xun called.

An anti gangster police officer came in and didn't see the bud in Su Xun's arms: "Sir, liangkun has been clamoring for lawyers to come before he is willing to speak."

Su Xun's promotion speed is unprecedented, and he didn't have any background at the beginning.

It's made up of one big contribution after another. It can be said that it's the idol in the hearts of all police officers.

The key is that all the people who follow Su Sir have been promoted.

No matter his superiors or subordinates, as long as they have relations with Su sir, they are all promoted.

Thanks to Su Xun.

Moreover, Su Sir's film company is becoming more and more popular, helping many of his colleagues and family members solve the employment problem.

In addition, the Hong Kong Island police force has been using him as a model for publicity, so his prestige in the police force is very high.

Let alone holding a policewoman to smoke in the office. Even if the policewoman holds his cigarette, no one will say anything more. After all, the strong are privileged.

"Give him a chance, he can't hold it. He is really a short-lived man." Su Xun shook his ashes and patted Yazi's thigh. Yazi came down from him.

Su Xun got up, took a cigarette in his mouth, and straightened the collar of his suit: "I'll meet him myself."

For the sake of zombie world, Su Xun wanted to give him a chance to confess and let him take the initiative to explain the problem.

I didn't expect that this guy was not on the road. Instead, I thought that the police force had no evidence and was deceiving him.

So I'm not going to let go.

But he was right.

There's no evidence that the police are really stepping on the horse.

"Good, sir." "Good, sir."

"Good evening sir!" "Hello, sir!"

After leaving the office, from the office area to the detention room, the voice of greeting him continued for a long time.


In the interrogation room.

"Liang Kun! Don't be shameless! Now I'll give you the chance to take the initiative to explain the fact that you killed four members of big B's family. This is your last chance! "

In charge of the interrogation of liangkun is a sergeant with a police officer, the old man with a new man.

"Hey, sir, don't intimidate me. How can I explain what I haven't done? I repeat, I won't speak until a lawyer comes! "Liang Kun leaned back in his chair, his face full of arrogance.

He has been in prison for three years. He has been used to this kind of thing for a long time. It's as natural as going home.

He's very clear about the police routine.

He's not going to throw up everything.

"If you don't, you don't have to."

Susian opened the door and came in.

"Sir, good!" The two policemen got up to salute.

Su Xun nodded, went to liangkun and said, "your little brother is silly Wrong. It's shaqiang. He told me everything. I'm just giving you a chance to turn yourself in. I didn't expect you to die yourself. "

The smile on liangkun's face gradually disappeared.

"Sue sir, are you scaring me?"

Su Xun laughed and breathed out: "there's no need for trial. The evidence is solid and there are witnesses. Let the prosecution file a lawsuit directly and fight for no time."

Finish saying, the cigarette end press in the hand of pretty Kun, Yi Yi ~, emit a burst of fragrance.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Liang Kun screamed, but he was locked by the chair and didn't even have the chance to struggle.

"Sorry, I didn't see it."

"If you're not convinced, you can sue me."

Su Xun said with a smile, turned around and left.

"No! Susir, don't go! I tell you, I tell you all, I sell ice powder! killing! Smuggling! I'll tell you everything. Give me a chance to make contributions! "

Liang Kun roared in panic. Seeing Su Xun's attitude, he really believed.

"Good! I'll give you one last chance to ask what you want and answer what you want. I'll combine your testimony with your brother's testimony. "

Su Xun turned around and pointed to Liang Kun.

"Yes, we must cooperate, we must cooperate."

Liang Kun nodded and sat upright. He was the temporary leader of the society, just like a primary school student.

"Let's hear it."

Su Xun dropped four words on the two stunned interrogators and left the interrogation room.

"Did his little brother really throw up?"

Yazi caught up with Su Xun and asked.

"My little brother is so sad that he wants to throw up. Help me comfort him tonight." Su Xun winked at her.

Bud son spat a: "say business."

"Fart! Deceiving him, does he dare to listen to what I say? " Su Xun, calm down, threw the cigarette end into the trash can in the corridor.

Liang Kun's younger brother, shaqiang, is so loyal that he still refuses to sell Liang Kun.

Bud son can't help grinding legs, worthy of my favorite man, really handsome! How awesome!

"Husband, isn't your brother so sad that he wants to throw up? Take me to see your brother. Let me be a sister-in-law to comfort him. "

Bud son Jiao didi said.


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