"All right, let's get off work."

Seeing that it was more than 10 o'clock in the evening, Su Xun mercifully let all the people in the anti gangster group get off work.

"Ah! Finally, it's time to get off work. "

"It's all because of those rotten kids. We work overtime because of the trouble we do at night."

"Yes, I hope they will be eliminated soon."

Everyone is relieved, one by one up to support the lazy, feeble to go out.

Fang Jiexia didn't agree to go to see a movie with ID card with Su Xun.

So he had to take Yazi to see it.

"Don't you like movies? I bought the ticket for the evening Su Xun said to Yazi.

It's actually for Fang Jiexia.

But since Fang Jiexia is not going.

That can't be wasted.

This is called rational reuse of resources.

Yazi was so happy that her eyes narrowed. She hugged Su Xun and said, "husband, you are so nice."

"Nonsense, of course I am." Su Xun was so brazen and calm.

When they walked out of the police station, a man in a suit with long hair stopped them.

Su Xun looked at him and said, "why do you want to kidnap me at the gate of the police headquarters?"

This guy is a natural bodyguard.

"Don't dare, sir. Our boss is invited. He's waiting for you in the car and wants to talk to you about tonight."

The bodyguard said respectfully.

There are so many police deployed this evening. Hong Kong Island has not seen such a picture for many years.

Let them know more about Su Xun.

Su Sir is true.

"Tell Jiang Tiansheng that my wife lost Jiandong in the last Hong Xingzai opera. This evening, she won't listen to my warning and lost Causeway Bay. It's not too much. Next time, you Hong Xing will get out of West Kowloon!"

Su Xun lit the long hair man's chest and said word by word, then he left with bud in his arms.

The man with long hair came back to the car: "boss, susian refused to see you, and asked me to tell you Boss, if you don't, just let him be. I'll take the blame! "

"Don't mention Su Xun's own prestige. He has two women in the police force. Do you know his identity?" Will be born smoking cigars calm said.

The long haired man shook his head.

Jiang Tiansheng continued: "a senior police sergeant, Fang Jiexia, the chief of the intelligence section, and his father was one of the last three deputy directors of the police force. Although he has retired now, the tiger is still in danger."

"The second one is that he just hugged that one. His name is Yazi. Her elder brother is the director of the Flying Tigers. Do you know what Flying Tigers means? Kill him? To put it simply, Hong Xing will be finished if we kill him. "

"Ma De, she is also a little white face, eating two bowls at a time." Chang Mao scolded.

Will be born to look at him: "can control such a woman of two backgrounds at the same time? You think he's a soft eater? Is all that shit in your head? "

"No, boss, it's all in my head. You're Hong Xing!" The hairy man said eagerly.

Will be born "....."

Are you scolding me or showing your loyalty?

"Well Boss, what do we do now? Is Causeway Bay so lost? " The hairy man also realized that there was something wrong with his words and quickly changed the topic.

Jiang Tiansheng took a puff of cigar: "I don't want it for the time being. I have a chance to take it back later. I went to Aodao a few days ago. He's going to open a new casino there. I went to talk about the opportunity of cooperation. I've been busy with it recently. I want to choose a person in charge."


August 23.

"Su sir, it's found that it's Ni yongxiao of Ni family who sells flour in West Kowloon."

Miao Zhishun looked at Su Xun and said.

After Peng Yixing's case, he took the initiative to apply for being transferred to the headquarters to serve as the leader of the anti underworld group B.

"Ni yongxiao?"

Su Xun picked up the information in front of him.

Huang Zhicheng is not staring at this guy. He also sent an undercover agent, Chen Yongren, to lurk around Ni yongxiao.

Ni yongxiao, from Infernal Affairs 2.

After Ni Kun was instructed to be killed by Liu Jianming by Han Chen's wife Mary, Ni yongxiao, a doctor in magnesium, returned to Hong Kong Island and inherited the Ni family's business.

Ni's main business is selling ice powder. Huang Zhicheng has always wanted to capture Ni yongxiao's personal stolen goods.

"Yes, sir, what I found here is that after you didn't allow the West Kowloon Club to make ice cream, the Ni family aimed at the blank market and sold it secretly..."

Miao Zhishun reported the information he had investigated to Su Xun.

"You go down, you don't have to worry about it."

Su Xun pondered for a moment and waved.

Huang Zhicheng and Lu Qichang have been staring at this case for several years. It's not appropriate for him to take credit for it.

"Su sir..." Miao Zhishun's face was stiff. He thought he would take charge of the case.He's just transferred here, and he's trying to do well.

Su Xun glanced at him: "OK, the serious crime team has been staring at this case for several years. Don't be black faced. Accompany me to Taiwan Island on the 1st of next month and catch a chicken."

"Pheasant?" Miao Zhishun blurted out.

Su Xun shrugged: "yes, this son of a bitch. I was embarrassed at the last meeting. They all made fun of me. This is the first time I was embarrassed. I can't even eat well if I don't catch him myself."

“yes——sir!” Miao Zhishun saluted.

After Miao Zhishun left, Su Xun made three phone calls and went out with Liansheng, Hong Xing and Dongxing.

Let them crack down on the Ni family during this period. All those who dare to come to West Kowloon to sell powder break their legs and throw them on the street.

Although he can't take credit with the crime squad, it doesn't mean that Su Xun will just sit by and watch the Ni family jump up and down in his own territory.

If we can't strike you from the organization, we should strike you from the social level, the black society.

After calling the boss of the three clubs, Su Xun called his elder brother Huang Yao.

"Hey, brother, I'm going to work in Taiwan next month. Lend me some people from the Flying Tigers."

Su Xun said straightly.

Although it's not allowed to use the Flying Tigers without permission.

but he made up an excuse for training on Taipei island. He was the director. He has the final say.

Moreover, with 1997 approaching, the overall environment of Hong Kong Island is becoming more and more complex. They are also turning a blind eye to this kind of thing.

"Excuse me, don't bother me. I'm bored." Huang Yao said impatiently.

Su Xun said, "brother, don't you lend me someone? If I die on Taiwan Island, your sister will be a widow. Do you have the heart?"

"Gan! Take bud son to say a thing again, let me borrow a person to be OK, you help me first Huang Yao suddenly thought of a solution to his troubles.

Su Xun asked curiously, "what's the matter? Is it because the gun is lost?"

"Are you watching me?" Huang Yao asked.

Su Xun

Boy, I really lost my gun.

"Last time a group of students came to visit the Bureau, and then my gun disappeared. They may have taken it away. If you find a way to help me get it back, I'll borrow it."

Huang Yao finished and hung up directly.

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